The last day of April and the final letter of the alphabet. I'll admit I ran out of ideas for my photography theme. I took this photo from the passenger seat on the freeway north of Sydney at dusk. It fits today's theme at least.
How did you go with the A-Z Challenge? Are you glad or sad it's over? For those who took part, would you do it again?
I'll be back on Wednesday for the Insecure Writers' Support Group.
Note: For the month of April during the A-Z Challenge I paused from my usual blogging theme of writing and social media tips. Instead I shared my photography. Much of it was inspired by the fabulous and helpful site, The Bookshelf Muse. Please check it out and enjoy.
I'm kind of both sad and glad it is over. Sad because it was fun to participate. Glad because it was more work than I anticipated.
Your photos are great! Hope you don't stop.
Hi Lynda, I am glad that it is over, too much work and I know I neglected some followers like yourself. Congrats on finishing!
Yay you made it!!! Phew!!!! Well done you! Take care
I'm a bit ambivalent about it all. I'm definitely glad I can finally go back to working on my WiP. And I'm thankful for the Challenge for introducing me to some cool new blogs, and for my influx of new followers.There's always next year!
I'm glad it's over. I can actually zoom on to other things!
Cool photo.
I'm going to miss my theme, although that's something I can continue if I like. But I think I'm beat! Glad you remembered the IWSG. Glad we get a day to rest in between!
I'm glad I took part - I'll definitely be back for a second go at it next year. I've loved finding and reading new blogs.
Hi Lynda! Great way to wrap up the A to Z Challenge.
I'm glad it's over, but also looking forward to doing it again next year. It's been fun meeting so many great bloggers.
I think I'm definitely ready for a month of normal writing, but it was great to meet so many people. I will definitely do it next year.
This was an awesome contest. I've really enjoyed reading all you A-Z posts!
Me too! Amazing that everyone had different words.
I love being on a passanger's seat...
this photograph can ba personification of a ''flashback of life''
Excellent finish to the challenge!
Man, I didn't do the A-Z and I'm still exhausted! You guys were all amazing. I'm shocked at the creativity and stamina with all of your posts! You were awesome, Lynda :D
I admire all of you A to Z bloggers. I just would not have been able to do it.
I'm trying to decide if I'm going to scraggle in with the letters I missed last week after the bell ...
I so enjoyed your theme, Lynnie. You posted some truly unique images.
My month kinda felt like that shot. I pretty much zoomed through the month, trying to keep up with posting.
I'm happy with what I've accomplished but I'm glad it's over. I have a lot of book promoting to do...maybe. I enjoyed the many blogs though. Congrats!
I loved your A-Z challenge! Awesome theme.
Really cool photo! I especially love the way the center line is squiggly, and the darkness on the left is smudgy. :)
Glad I don't have to worry about posting and commenting so often, sad that it's the end of something that challenged me to work harder at blogging. Definitely going to participate again come 2013. :)
Great photograph--congratulations on finishing the Challenge!
Hey, I used Vroom for V, so you can definitely get away with Zoom for Z !
Congrats on making it to the end. We're all a little worn out I think and need a break. Catch up with you again later.
The month just zoomed by, didn't it? Still, I'm glad it's over, since now life can return to normal. But I'll be back for more next year. I'm a glutton for punishment.
I'm not sad it's over, but I've really enjoyed it! Much more fun than I expected :)
smart move. You got to enjoy the challenge without the intensity of it.
It takes a year to recover, I think ;)
If not for the IWSG I would've taken a break. I'll take one afterwards.
You are so creative :)
Thanks so much, Suze.
Be warned, the last few letters aren't easy ;)
Good luck with your maybe book promoting :)
some of the photos in this sequence weren't so good because hubby would drive over a bump and the camera would shift so the lights would squiggle too much, lol.
I find I"m a bit of both. Happy to post whatever I'd like but sad to see everyone else's challenges end.
Great Z and great photography, Lynda. I'm a bit of both. Even tho I only posted every other day, it was still a lot of work. Couldn't keep up w/ everybody. I don't get much of a break with my tour starting next week. I'll probably do it again. We'll see.
I enjoyed the Blogging A to Z Challenge. It was great connecting with writers like you, Lynda, and I would be possibly interested in doing this again if I can. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photographic images this month.
I did not participate in the A-Z Challenge - but I did enjoy the posts of those who did, including you, Lynda. Thanks for the mention of the Bookshelf Muse; somehow I had never followed them.
It was fun, Lynda--and hectic. I am ready to slow down a bit. Overall, I feel fortunate to have connected with so many fantastic writers--and I count you among them! Kudos for making it to the end.
I made it through and I'm glad I did it, but if I had to answer today whether r not I'd do it again, I'd have to say no. But give me 9 months and I'll probably change my mind. Thanks for all the gorgeous pics!
wow..lovely theme..
chanced by your space while blog hopping..
awesome space you have Lynda..
excellent posts with interesting presentation
happy following you..:)
do stop by mine sometime
Tasty Appetite
Congrats on finishing the Challenge. It was great finding new blogs, but man, I'm tired.
I will do it again, only because I do love a challenge, but instead of deciding literally less than 24 hours it started, I will plan ahead.
I am sad it's over, but glad I can post something that has nothing to do with any letter from A to Z.
Congratulations on finishing the A to Z challenge!
It was my first time doing A to Z. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, although it was tiring at times. I want to do it again next year.
We did it. :)
Yes, I love this photo, nice light.
I missed out since I was away on holiday... but I loved seeing everyone's.
I learned so much, and made many new friends. As exhausting as it was, yes, I would do it again! Thanks for your part in it all, Lynda!
You beat the challenge! Congrats.
I'm SO tired!
its your photography that inspired my creativity:-)
I like the photo.
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