Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Oceans and Oceans

There is something special about the ever changing shifts of light, colour and movement of the oceans. Oceans are timeless and powerful. They can hide secrets and whisper stories. I could watch the ocean for hours. Below are just a few of the photos I’ve taken in an attempt to capture some of its moods. I have so many that it was difficult to pick.

Cape Bridgewater, Victoria, Australia

The southern coast of Australia, Port Campbell National Park
The eastern coast of Australia, Waverley, NSW

What do you like best about the ocean?

For more inspiration on the sights, smells, tastes etc of oceans, go here to the Bookshelf Muse.

Note: For the month of April during the A-Z Challenge I am pausing from my usual blogging theme of writing and social media tips. Instead I hope to share with you my photography. Much of it is inspired by the fabulous and helpful site, The Bookshelf Muse. Please check it out and enjoy.



Kyra Lennon said...

I love living near the ocean! I find it so relaxing.

Denise Covey said...

I get twitchy if I'm too far from water, and oceans are my favourite kind of water. At Peregian Beach I have full ocean views and i love the look, the sounds and everything about it.


Nick said...

I love the way the sun glistens on the surface of the water. It's so picturesque.

DRC said...

My parents live on the coast, and a trip to their place wouldn't be complete without seeing the ocean. I love it. I love walking along the beach seeing what it washes up, and I love the mystery that it harbours.

Leovi said...

Wonderful photos, I love those waves, are very beautiful landscapes.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

What I like best is what you have captured - powerful waves against a rocky coastline! (I'm not much for just a beach.) Awesome photos, Lynda.

Old Kitty said...

The sound they make!! And they seem to go on forever and ever!! Yay for oceans! Take care

Charmaine Clancy said...

Haven't been to Waverley in years - gorgeous!

Wagging Tales

Unknown said...

Beautiful. My favourite thing about the ocean is the limitlessness to it - it's essentially another world.

Fellow A-Z Buddy
Doing a monumental blog catch-up
Mithril Wisdom

writing and living by Richard P Hughes said...

The rocky shores of Maine and Rhode Island I've known the best. But any rocky shore will do.

Emily Rose said...

Isn't the ocean just beautiful? Great post.


Grover said...

Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing them :)

I promised myself at a young age that I would one day live by the sea ... still working towards it at the moment.

Loree Huebner said...

I love the ocean! If I'm on vacation at the ocean, I play in it all day! Something about the salt water just makes my body feel great.

Marta Szemik said...

I love the sound of the ocean. I think the best word you used to describe them is timeless. Beautiful photos.

DEZMOND said...

I've never seen an ocean, and I've seen a sea twenty five years ago :)
Your pics are truly lovely, Lyndy!

Liza said...

Oh gosh...I've been to Fort Campbell...so stunning. It was more years ago that I'd like to count though, so thanks for the reminder. I'm a fool for the ocean. You pictures are stunning.

Libby said...

I love the life in the oceans. I love the shores too, but all the different animals that live there are my favorite part.

Tonja said...

Beautiful pictures. I love the ocean too.

Luanne G. Smith said...

I have a healthy respect for the power of oceans. They terrify me and fill me with awe at the same time. Beautiful photos.

Sara Hill said...

I've seen the Atlantic and Pacific, but the Gulf of Mexico is my first love.

Daisy Carter said...

I live on the Gulf, in the Florida Panhandle, and I adore the ocean. It keeps me motivated, inspired, and dreaming. The ocean is truly a magical place.

Is Victoria, above, Victoria Island, Canada or somewhere down under?

Jay Noel said...

I love the vastness of the ocean, like it'a one giant living thing.

Also, I often sleep to the sound of the ocean. So peaceful.

Bish Denham said...

Having grown up in the Caribbean I love the ocean for it's changing moods and colors. I love the ocean because I know, waaaay back when, that's where I came from.

Nick Wilford said...

I want to go back to Australia now. Beautiful! And very dramatic in that second one.

Carol Riggs said...

I live an hour and a half from the ocean. Your Aussie beaches look a lot like Oregon beaches! :) I love the ocean; it's very invigorating.

Shallee said...

BEAUTIFUL words and pictures of the ocean! I love how the ocean has moods, and can evoke different feelings in me.

Donna K. Weaver said...

I love the oceans. They're so powerful and intimidating. I've live in the Philippines during a typhoon. I've sailed the Pacific three times and then back and forth to Hawaii. I love being at sea.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Everything. What I like best about the ocean is everything. But especially the sound it makes at night.

Unknown said...

I don't like to sit on the beach and sun, but, I love looking at the ocean.

Unknown said...

I love the sound and feel of the ocean. It seems each waves come in and pulls my stress away bit by bit until I'm left standing on the shore at peace.


Jemi Fraser said...

I've never been to the ocean but I love the views! So pretty :)

Angela Ackerman said...

There is something amazing about the sound of the surf. It is so relaxing and hypnotic. It can be deadly dangerous too--I remember in Cabo we watched a big wave in and take out an entire wedding beach set up. Crazy stuff!

Once again, thanks so much for all the links! You're past the halfway A to Z point now! Go, Lynda!

DL Hammons said...

I'm like you...I could watch the ocean for hours...totally mesmerized! :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Victoria is a state in the southeast corner of Australia

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

And I've always lived near the ocean. Not being near the vast water is such a strange concept to me.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I've never lived more than 15mins from the coast.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'm not a sun girl either...and not a huge fun of the sand too. I guess that's why I love the rocky coastlines the best.

Carrie Butler said...

Gorgeous photos, Lynda! I've only seen the ocean a few times, so I'll have to live vicariously through you. :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Any time, Angela :)
It can be dangerous. Many tourists find that out when they visit Australian beaches. Water safety was drummed into me as a kid, but some visitors have no idea of the basics. Scary.

Tracy said...

well, Lynda I don't think I need to tell you what I think of the ocean cause you already know. However, I am enamored with your photos...ahhh, I want to be THERE!!!!
love it!

Cynthia said...

Beautiful images you got there. I love the sound of ocean waves- they give me a feeling of peace and contentment.

Golden Eagle said...

My favorite thing about the ocean? The life it contains. So much of our lives is spent on land (well, for good reason, since humans can't breathe underwater . . . LOL) but there is a ton of unexplored terrain beneath the surface.

We posted about a similar subject today. :)

The Golden Eagle
The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

momto8 said...

I love the sound, the waves and the sand. I guess i like the ocean!! made our reservations today!!

Charlotte Brentwood said...

There's something incredibly romantic about the ocean. Barefoot strolling through the surf, bouncing through the waves, sunbathing in ridiculously small scraps of clothing... my husband and I got together at the beach, when he reached out to hold my hand in the surf :-)

Anonymous said...

We live close to the ocean and never take it for granted. Love the sound of crashing waves. We sometimes book a room during a storm just to hear the crashing eaves.

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Hi Lynda, my mum is a great ocean-lover. The feelings of tranquility and peace and the lovely sound of water crashing against the rocks are stand outs.

This is me, Duncan D. Horne, visiting you from the A-Z challenge, wishing you all the best throughout April and beyond.

Duncan In Kuantan

DEZMOND said...

but when the global floods start in a decade or so... you will want to move to my cassa :)

Cynthia Chapman Willis said...

Gorgeous photos! I love oceans and beaches. The rhythm of the waves and the tides, the smell and feel of the sea. . . I'd love to live closer to an ocean.

Jarm Del Boccio said...

I, too, love to watch the waves crash on the shore, hear them in motion, along with the voices of the sea birds close by. The rhythm of the waves are mesmerizing!

Suze said...

I am getting ready to experience all you describe. Land-locked girl that I am.

Fairview said...

Gorgeous photos. I love the shore best when there are no other people around and it is just you and miles and miles of coastline.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

deal!! :)

Anonymous said...

I love beaches and the ocean!! It's one of my favorite places to be, especially when there are very few other people there.

Great photos :)

Susan Kane said...

The ocean brings new meaning to "Be still and know that I am God..."