Sunday, April 1, 2012

Airplanes and Anticipation

For the month of April during the A-Z Challenge I have decided to break from my usual blogging theme of writing and social media tips. I will instead take you on a photographic journey. This journey may inspire you for interesting settings in your stories, it may help you capture a mood, or it might just offer nothing more than some cool pics. Much of it is inspired by the fabulous and helpful site, The Bookshelf Muse. Please check it out and enjoy.

An air traffic control tower at Sydney's
Kingsford Smith Airport
There is something exciting about flight. It's more than just a means of transport. Flight can both thrill and terrify.

For starters, the ability is an amazing achievement. Some have said that if we weren't given wings then we shouldn't fly. Why should that stop us? When we set our minds to a task, it's astounding what we can do.

The anticipation of flight:
Sweaty hands, the thrill of going to a new destination, a fast beating heart, fidgeting, flipping through the magazines, chewing on a lip, glancing out the wind, a flutter in the stomach. For many more great examples of anticipation go HERE.

For great tips and descriptions of what it’s like to fly including sights, sounds, smells go to the Bookshelf Muse HERE.

I took this photo for the way the fumes from the jet engines rippled the air.
A private jet landing

Do you like to fly? What's your favourite form of transport? 

Note: All the photos you see were taken by me.



Rachna Chhabria said...

Your A to Z theme sounds wonderful. I am sure the pictures will inspire us .

Denise Covey said...

Favourite form of transport? Hmm. Even though I travel a lot it definitely isn't planes as I always travel cattle class so I can save money for when my feet hit the ground! I guess my favourite form of transport is the TGV, fast trains across France. Hmm, heading from Paris to Toulouse. Pretty fine. I only wish our government did something useful like that so we could be zipping between Brisbane and Sydney and seeing some landscape instead of peering out the window at 37,000 feet!

Great post and idea for the A-Z.


Unknown said...

I love flying, especially the anticipation of takeoff. Even on long 5 hour flights I enjoy the prospect of country hopping wile thousands of feet above.

Jamie Gibbs
Mithril Wisdom

Bish Denham said...

I've flown A LOT in my life and I still get a bit of an adrenaline rush. I just blows me away that tons of metal can stay up in the air and take from point A to point B.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...
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Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I like that theme, Lynda!
My father flew planes in the military. Ironically, I really don't like to fly.

Unknown said...

Flying scares me! I feel all those things you listed. It's an amazing thing but still, it freaks me out!

Unknown said...

Hi Lynda! Great theme! Flying... eh, I'm OK for the most part. Taking off and landing makes me a little nervous. Now, my BFF, she is terrified. Go figure, she's off to Europe in a month or so. I just pray she makes it without killing a flight attendant.

Old Kitty said...

I don't fly easily and think it's the most abnormal thing ever - only cos I'm feeble and get travel sick! OH but I wouldn't say no to an air balloon flight thingy with champers on board! LOL!

Take care

Old Kitty said...

I don't take to flying kindly as I get travel sick so easily but I wouldn't say no to a hot air balloon trip so long as there's champers on board! Yay! Take care

Sabrina A. Fish said...

Great theme! I love flying b/c it is so much faster than driving. I like to look at the patchwork of quilt squares that wheat fields and farms make up as I leave or return to Oklahoma. It says "home" to me like nothing else ever could.

Checking in on the challenge. SabrinaAFish

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great theme. I have flown a few times. The first time was when I was in 5th grade. Went to Washington D.C. Now as an adult, I don't like flying anymore. I guess my favorite mode of transportation would be traveling by car.


S.P. Bowers said...

I love flying. I love being up in the air and wish I could fly without needing mechanical help. I love the excitement of the journey and of new destinations. Though next week I get to to take two toddlers on an airplane by myself. We'll see if I still like flying afterwards.

vic caswell said...

pretty, pretty planes! :)

Marian Allen said...

I hate flying. It triggers my anxiety and crushes my sinuses. NOT a good combination. lol

My favorite form of transport is my imagination. And cooking. :)

Marian Allen
Fantasies, mysteries, comedies, recipes

Tonja said...

I do not like to fly, but the last time I did there was really a lot of turbulance. I had tears in my eyes until two preschoolers who had never flown before and didn't know something was wrong started shouting "Weeee!" and "Woooo!" with every bump. Then I couldn't stop laughing.

DEZMOND said...

would you believe that I've never flown so far?

Loree Huebner said...

I do love to's always an adventure to be up in the sky. I never tire of it.

Sarah Tokeley said...

Anything inspired by The Bookshelf Muse has my vote :-)
I don't mind flying, but I hate takeoff and landing. I think it's a wonderful invention though.

Suze said...

I have flown all of my life and I typically enjoy it. This month, though, I will be flying over the ocean for the first time and am an eensy bit jittery at the prospect.

Really looking forward to reading about these new topics from you, Lynnie.

Becca Puglisi said...

What a great way to A-Z! And a fabulous way to start. We didn't have much money growing up, so my first plane ride was on my honeymoon. I've loved flying ever since ;).

Thanks for sharing, and for the awesome Bookshelf Muse shout out. Who knew it would inspire an aviation post??

Becca @ The Bookshelf Muse

Joanne said...

I'm not keen on long flights or big and little planes but bizarrely I love helicopter rides! My favourite transport is a train - here in NZ they're so slow. When I was in China I caught one of those MagLev things - over 200kph! Crazy. I'd prefer something middle of the road.

Love your photos. :)

Fairview said...

great theme and great photos!

Mary Aalgaard said...

I do like to fly. I like travel. I like it that all I need to do is check in on time and know where to board the plane. The "driving" is up to someone else. Yes, it is a bit crowded, but it is also exciting up above the clouds, and a really fast way to get from one place to another.

Anonymous said...

I dont like sitting for long, tho I like the idea of flying... I get board, perhaps I need a longer battery life on my laptop so I can write while in the air.

Shaun said...

Lynda, the break from writing and a switch to photob logging for April will be music to my ears. I will follow intently as you have a photographers eye.
All the best on the challenge
you AtoZ buddy
Valleys ShutterBug

Theresa Milstein said...

Airplanes scare me. I can't believe those big heavy things can actually fly! But I do appreciate they take me to far off places on earth in a shorter time than any other form of transportation.

J.L. Campbell said...

Ready to blast off with you, Lynda. I don't think I've every included anything detailed about a flight in any of my books. Definitely something to think about.

shelly said...

I LOVE to fly! I remember my first experience at four. My mother, sister, and me took Delta to Florida. WHile in the air, the flight attendant brought us a huge cinnamon bun and orange juice on a big rectangular plate.

Not to mention, I was fascinated with the beautiful flight attendants. I even considered becoming one when I turned 18 but I became a hairdresser.

Oh and I'm doing the A to Z Challenge at my other blog

Unknown said...

I love the theme! Great use of images. :)

Golden Eagle said...

I haven't flown that I can remember (when I was adopted at 16 months, I flew over from China to the USA), but from what I've heard about it, flying would be an interesting experience. :)

The Golden Eagle
The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

Christine Rains said...

Great theme! I don't mind flying, but I prefer driving. I love sitting back and looking at the scenery.

Tara Tyler said...

not crazy about the journey, more of a destination gal, but great theme!

Anonymous said...

I hated flying as a kid, but now I enjoy it. I'm glad I outgrew that. I tend to get the window seat to watch what's below me.

Anonymous said...

I really am not a fan of flying, even though I'm about to fly in 2 days... gets me all nervous and for the entire trip I can't fully relax. Hmm favourite form of transport - bike..:)

Stacy S. Jensen said...

I like the ease of flying (after I settle in the gate post security checks, etc.). Hubby doesn't like to fly — at all.

Charmaine Clancy said...

I hate flying - I get a tight throat just reading about airports! I have all sorts of schemes to convince my family the 16 hr drive will be so much more fun than the 1.5 hr flight. Sometimes I have to fly and I tend to eat loads of minties so I can keep myself busy unwrapping them and the tearing the wrappers in long strips. An airport would be a scary setting (except in Die Hard 2 - where it's just pathetic).

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

champers is a must for hot air balloon travel :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

when you say 'so far', what does that mean? I once jumped off the garage... and flew for maybe a foot before I crash landed on the lawn ;)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

My first plane flight was in my dad's flimsy light aircraft. Landing on a beach rather than a runway is scary!

Thanks so much for offering the great inspiration!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

minties are great for that! And tearing the wrappers is a must hehehe

Cynthia said...

I've flown so many times and yet I still get a teeny bit excited that one second right before the plane officially takes off.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Oh yes! The imagination is the best AND safest form of transport.

DEZMOND said...

so far, like by now, till now :) not the distance :)
Hope the lawn was OK after your attack :)

Jarm Del Boccio said...

I have flown all over the world, but I still am anxious in flight. Maybe it's connected to my fear of heights. Getting to my destination quickly outweighs my fears! I do enjoy ships, and traveling by car and rail as well.

M Pax said...

I enjoy flying less since all the security mumbo jumbo and the shrinking of seats. I probably like driving best.