Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Agony of a Name #IWSG

The IWSG question of the month: What's harder for you to come up with, book titles or character names?

Definitely, without a doubt, titles are harder. I'm not so fussed with character names. I once wrote an outline for a story and I didn't want to waste time coming up with the main character's name just yet so I put in a placeholder: Guy. That ended up becoming the character's official name. With character names I can simply look up baby names and find one I like, but titles carry more weight. Along with the cover, titles are part of the first impression you make with potential readers. You want to capture the genre, the essence of the story, maybe even the drama. In a way, the title explains what the book is about. So, yeah, coming up with the perfect title is something to lose sleep over. For me, anyway.

Please note: The July IWSG posting will be on July 3, a Tuesday, due to the US Fourth of July holiday.

Announcing the IWSG Anthology Contest!

The genre is Young Adult Romance.
The theme will be revealed on September 5, along with the judges and other details. This will be our fourth anthology. Our previous anthologies were Parallels: Felix Was Here, Hero Lost: The Mysteries of Death and Life, and Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime.

The next #IWSGPit is Thursday July 19th 8:00am - 8:00pm Eastern Standard Time. Over a thousand agents and publishers have been invited to tune in that day. Polish your story and your Twitter pitch and be ready!