Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Australia doesn't have a whole lot of gorgeous cathedrals or sandstone churches. We do have some, but the majority are modern structures. It's a shame because I love the history and architecture of the medieval churches of England. Of course, a fancy building isn't reliant for a solid faith.
This is the inner courtyard of Salisbury Cathedral, England.

A devotional talk at the Blackstump Christian Music Festival.

my wedding

For inspiration on the sights, smells, tastes etc of churches, go here to the Bookshelf Muse.

Note: For the month of April during the A-Z Challenge I am pausing from my usual blogging theme of writing and social media tips. Instead I hope to share with you my photography. Much of it is inspired by the fabulous and helpful site, The Bookshelf Muse. Please check it out and enjoy.



Bob Scotney said...

Twitter brought me here. My theme is Castles which have interesting architecture of their own, but many do not match that of the UK churches which have been around as long, if not longer.

Bob's Home for Writing http://bobscotney.blogspot.co.uk/

Charmaine Clancy said...

I love that you're using photos for this challenge, there's so many blogs to read, it's refreshing.
Wagging Tales

Kyra Lennon said...

I love looking at churches, they are always such amazing structures. England certainly does have a lot of them! :D

Melanie said...

Beautiful pictures - I always feel at peace in a church; maybe I should try writing there one day!

Trisha said...

Niiice! I've seen some really impressive churches lately, during my travels. You're right that Australia's a wee bit lacking in that area...but I guess we have other stuff to make up for it! hehe

nice post :)

Elizabeth Seckman said...

You're right...you don't need a fancy church. But I have to admit, a beautiful one gives me goose bumps!

Theresa Milstein said...

Oh, I love the picture of your wedding. Thanks for sharing!

Huntress said...

Bookshelf Muse is one of the best references on the blogosphere

Old Kitty said...

Awww your wedding pic is lovely!! Yay! Take care

Marta Szemik said...

I'm lucky to have seen beautiful churches in Europe. Your wedding picture is momentous. And, I'm looking forward to the social media tips!

Miss Cole said...

I should share photos from my Mum's church. Parts of it date to the 10th Century.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sweet you posted a picture of your wedding!
We don't have a lot of old churches here either, but you would love the ones in England, Lynda. Something about a thousand year old church that is magical.

DEZMOND said...

as you might expect, Lyndy, I hate churches, for me they are the symbol of evil and hypocrisy. If all churches would be sold the evil Pope could feed the whole world and become the saint that he isn't. Hell, he could feed the world only by selling his Red Prada shoes :)

DEZMOND said...

PS I do love your wedding pic, your hubs and you have always been such a cute couple :)

Laura said...

looking forward to your pics! Your wedding dress looks fab. Just popping over to say hi from your comment at L'Aussie's blog
Laura x

Unknown said...

Awesome post, Lynda. Unfortunately, I've never seen any of the European great cathedrals. We do, however, have a beautiful church in downtown Shreveport (Louisiana): Holy Trinity. http://www.holytrinity-shreveport.com/index.php/photo-galleries.html

vic caswell said...

awwwwww! your wedding!

there aren't all that many older church buildings around here, either.

Liza said...

Love the wedding picture! My sister lives NW of Melbourne and there is a lovely stucco church in her town...well, former church. It's an art gallery now.

Unknown said...

That is a beautiful structure. I'm really glad you're blogging in behalf of the Bookshelf Muse. Can't wait until their book comes out.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful structure. I'm also really glad you're recognising the Bookshelf Muse. They are such a wonderful site. Can't wait until their book comes out.

Luanne G. Smith said...

You know I've been visiting some great old cathedrals on my trip. Outstandingly impressive.

Suze said...

How lovely to see you wedding picture, L! I clicked on it to enlarge but it was the same size. :)

Matthew MacNish said...

Gotta love the beauty of churches!

Sarah Allen said...

Ah, so gorgeous!

Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)

Loree Huebner said...

Love your wedding pic!

When I went to Europe, I stopped in every tiny village church to every huge, old cathedral that I could work into my time. The artwork in some, and the architecture of many was astounding...

SpacerGuy said...

Some of Ethiopia's churches are hewn out of rock.

Angela Ackerman said...

You rock, Lynda! Thanks for linking to our Setting Thesaurus Entries :)


Stacy S. Jensen said...

True about more modern structures these days.

Carol Kilgore said...

Very nice! And I love your beach photos, too :)

Shaun said...

Head over to my AtoZ blog page to see another photo of an English Cathedral in Worcester,England.
C is for Cathedral

M.J. Fifield said...

I'm not much of a religious person but I love to look at those big gorgeous cathedrals. The architecture is so often amazing.

M.J. Fifield
My Pet Blog

Shaun said...

Excellent photos, great minds must think alike for today's letter. I really like the atmosphere of you wedding day shot.
Good work
Valleys ShutterBug

Jemi Fraser said...

Great pics! There are so many beautiful churches in this world :)

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your post for the letter C. Beautiful wedding photo.


Mark said...

I've been to the cathedral in Salisbury, very cool:) Great wedding pics too:)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

hehe, thanks.
And yep, I had suspected. I agree that the church is flawed because us humans are flawed, but that's why we don't need a building--or anything else built by our hands--to have faith.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

oh wow, that would be awesome!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Oh wow, that's a gorgeous church!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

so jealous ;)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Yeah, I resize all my pics so they are all small and easy to load.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

If there was a competition, you'd win. Your photo of the cathedral is gorgeous.

Tonja said...

But you have beautiful beaches, so that should make up for it. :)

Denise Covey said...

Brisbane has the gorgeous St Alberts, St Johns and St Stephens, all mirror the grandeur of those I've visited in Europe, especially England. A lot of Brisbane's remaining historic buildings are Victorian and quite amazing. I'm no fan of modern architecture.

Great post.


Pa Ul said...

What a nice Cathedral and post for C.
Do check out my C at GAC a-z.

Cherie Reich said...

Great C post, and your wedding picture is just lovely.

4 Life said...

What a truly beautiful (inside and out) church! simply gorgeous!

Romance Book Haven said...

I love your wedding photo, Lynda! Thanks for sharing!

And yes, the insides of churches look beautiful- but apart from that it inspires a certain something...like awe and need to pray.

anthony stemke said...

Your wedding photo is beautiful although hard to see. I've been in some famous cathedrals but you are right, it is not the building per se.
Our church is a steel building that only recently got a cross out front so now really doesn't look like a small 0ffice building.

Kathy said...

I love your take on the "C" theme. Indeed churches are beautiful, inside and out. I love your wedding photo and look forward to seeing more of your work. Thanks for stopping by my post.
Kathy at Oak Lawn Images

Unknown said...

Good choice for the letter C. I love that you included your wedding photo! Thanks so much for sharing!

Inger said...

I agree with you and when I go back to Sweden, I always visit the old churches in Stockholm. Just to sit and meditate for a while. I also like to visit the graveyards that surround the old churches there.

Cynthia Chapman Willis said...

Such beautiful photos! And the one of your wedding--gorgeous. I love old churches.

Tia Bach said...

Great theme, and I'm enjoying your A to Z theme.

Beverly Diehl said...

Lovely, lovely. And some modern churches are also very cool, IMO. I love the Washington Cathedral in DC, where there's on e stained glass window commemorating space flight. And I hope to see La Sagrada Familia in Madrid someday.

Unknown said...

Some people rely on fancy buildings to keep their faith, which is odd.

Jamie Gibbs
Fellow A-Z Buddy
Mithril Wisdom

Carol Riggs said...

So fun to see your wedding pic! Lovely churches photo'd here. :)

M Pax said...

Churches can be so lovely. Aww. You look so pretty in your wedding dress. Thanks for sharing.

Sarah Tokeley said...

I liked the last picture the best - but I'm a sucker for a love story :-)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. When I went to England long ago I saw some beautiful churches. In New York I visited St. Patrick's. Thanks for sharing your wedding photo.