Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I took this photo of industry across Botany Bay near Sydney’s airport:

This is how a bee gets industrious:

How have you been industrious this month?

Note: For the month of April during the A-Z Challenge I am pausing from my usual blogging theme of writing and social media tips. Instead I hope to share with you my photography. Much of it is inspired by the fabulous and helpful site, The Bookshelf Muse. Please check it out and enjoy.



Kyra Lennon said...

I think I have been pretty industrious so far this month! I have certainly got a lot of editing work done!

Lisa Southard said...

Industrious is a lovely word- busy and purposeful, I think I am in that zone most of the time!

Romance Book Haven said...

Oh! who me? Industrious? I don't think so! Just read about a zillion books and wrote reviews!

Denise Covey said...

I'm always industrious. A busy little bee in fact, lol.


Old Kitty said...

It's the Easter holidays so I'm taking break from being industrious for a day or two! :-)

The bees' industry puts me to shame!

Take care

Theresa Milstein said...

I feel like a busy bee! March and April have been busy months.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Have I been industrious? Hope blogging counts!
I see those dock cranes are rather universal throughout the world.

Bish Denham said...

Well, if doing the challenge counts, then yes, I've been very industrious!

writing and living by Richard P Hughes said...

I enjoy photography too. Hope to do more with it in the future, especially once I get a decent digital camera. I like your photos.

Unknown said...

I think I've been industrious. A-Z is very challenging.

Tonja said...

Ingenious how you wrote a great post with so few words!So far in April, I've added 8000 new words to my WIP. I think I need a break today, but I need to keep writing.

DEZMOND said...

well, I've finally finished translating ERAGON, that is industrious enough for me :)

momto8 said...

looks like a busy bee!!

Unknown said...

I started a new YA, when I swore I wouldn't. But this story's really got my attention, which is a good thing. More than I can say for what I was working on before.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Excellent photos. I've been rehearsing and now performing my play "Coffee Shop Confessions." It's a blast!

Play off the Page

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Your photography shows a wonderful artistic eye. Industrious? Hmmm, that's all relative. Can we define parking my arse in my office chair and working on the computer most of the day "industrious?" If so, I'm EXTREMELY industrious. Thanks for visiting my blog and for signing on as a new follower. I do appreciate it, and am happy to return the favor. (Not often I get the chance to push someone so close to a magical 1000 followers!)

Suze said...

Hey Lynzeroonie, I see you're two followers away from an even grand. ;)

Carol Riggs said...

Love the 2 versions of industry/industrious. :) I've finished my WIP!--that's industrious. Now to turn my attention to all the things I've been neglecting meanwhile...

S. L. Hennessy said...

I think all of us in the A-Z challenge have been pretty industrious...

Shallee said...

I haven't been as industrious as I wanted. Most of my hard-working energy is going toward creating a baby and getting over being sick, lol. Still, I've managed to get a fair amount done. :)

Sarah Tokeley said...

I actually thought that first picture was a fairground at first :-)

Hmm .... industrious? Well, I've met a lot of new people and typed a lot of comments !

Mark said...

I've definitely tried to be industrious, writing at least 1,000 words a day. Whew, it can be tiring at times though:)

Luanne G. Smith said...

I have NOT been industrious lately. Haven't written in weeks...other than blog posts. Now that I'm home again, I've got to get back on schedule.

Tracy said...

hah, I'm trying to be industrious this month! great I word!

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Industrious - this A-Z Challenge and novel work. Whew, I'm tired! :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Did you enjoy the story?

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Yep sometimes pausing or even stopping a manuscript is a good thing. New projects have a way of recharging the creativity.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

And yes...sooooo close! ;)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

tastes like... chocolate!!!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

woo hoo! Congratulations!!

Margo Berendsen said...

The Bookshelf Muse also does photography??? I love their thesaurus entries for emotions and settings and other writerly helps.

Jemi Fraser said...

Great photos! I think all of us doing the A-Z qualify as industrious this month! :)

anthony stemke said...

Yes, have. Preparing to plant (is that tilling?) Planted snow peas, pickling cucunbers, bell peppers and a lovely basil plant, And Coriander.
Fixing to plant tomatoes but all the ol' locals say wait till May or at least after Easter, 'specially with a blackberry winter, which means - if blackberry plants are flowering, then it is not "safe" to plant until May for fear of frost. Those blackberry plants are thorny pests, ut so too are my raspberry plants.
So I guess am industrious.

Komal Kant said...

I totally live there! Well, not in Botany but across the water in the St George area, but I totally know where that is! * feels proud*

I haven't been industrious this month but I hope to change that very soon.

Have a great month!

Melissa said...

Yes. But as a result, I'm behind on visiting blogs. :) Blame the WIP. ;)

Carol Kilgore said...

The bee looks like he means business. Great photos.

Morgan said...

Whoa! What another fantastic creative outlet you have, Lynda! :D

Cynthia Chapman Willis said...

Fabulous photos for industrious. I prefer the bee, but that's just my bias. And yes, I have been industrious this past month. Phew!

Charmaine Clancy said...

Sitting at Seaworld today catching up on blogs while kids go on rides - multitasking is how I'm industrious this week.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Great examples. Yes, I've been industrious like crazy!

Isn't the Bookshelf Muse always good? Love the lessons on covers.

Rachna Chhabria said...
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Rachna Chhabria said...

Love the bee picture, Lyn. Its amazing :) I am trying to be industrious like the bee.

T. Roger Thomas said...

I think so. I've been doing a decent amount of writing this month.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

The Bookshelf Muse doesn't do photograhy, but they have inspired me with my own photos so I wanted to give them a proper shout out.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

wow, sounds like you know your gardening!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Ha, we are close then. I live in the Shire.

Jarm Del Boccio said...

Just the A to Z challenge, and my 12x12 in 2012 keeps me busy!

Unknown said...

I'm doing my best, but only being able to use my work's computer for half an hour a day for the next 3 months to blog makes it difficult. I do what I can though

Fellow A-Z Buddy
Doing a monumental blog catch-up
Mithril Wisdom