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Sunset looking south towards Wollongong, Australia |
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Sunrise at Murwillumbah, NSW, Australia |
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Sunrise at the Twelve Apostles, Victoria, Australia |
Which do you prefer, sunrises or sunsets? Do you have a special one that stands out in your memory?
Note: For the month of April during the A-Z Challenge I am pausing from my usual blogging theme of writing and social media tips. Instead I hope to share with you my photography. Much of it is inspired by the fabulous and helpful site, The Bookshelf Muse. Please check it out and enjoy.
Wherever I travel, I'm a sunset junkie. Like you, I believe all innocent people should sleep through sunrises, lol. The best sunsets ever at at Nice in the South of France IMHO. Is it ever an occasion. The whole city turns out on the Promonade des Anglaise to participate in the wonder. I never wore my designer fur or boots or my Hermes scarf or carried my designer handbag, but it looked pretty fine I'm telling you.
I love both! Although, it depends on the company, I think a sunset is special if I can share it with someone but a sunrise - I kinda like to have to myself in the mornings, not sure why but there you go! Special memories, so many! Sunsets in Santorini and at the Red Sea in Egypt; sunrises - on the beach in Auckland, NZ, and Mt Fuji, Japan - after spending a rainy night climbing it! xo
trekking your blog!!! amazing! a love taking pictures. but this place was so gorgeous!
Wow, those are just amazing! The second one has such vivid colors. I have to get up early for work so unfortunately I see more sunrises than I'd like to.
are the photos yours?
I've seen a lot of sunrises, since I often travelled to the university by train in predawn hours, and kids go to school at 7AM here, so I've seen a lot of sunrises in the childhood too :)
I don't like sunsets, being a day bird :) but they can be ever so romantic, makes me wanna be hugged and cuddled :)
This may sound weird, but sunsets make me depressed. I kind of hate them. Sunrises though... beautiful.
I love both! For the past seven years we've lived in a deep valley in the woods, so we don't see either. :-( However, we used to enjoy spectacular sunsets when we lived in the desert in Nevada. Sunsets are one of my photographer husband's favorite subjects. Your pictures are SO good! Thanks for sharing them this month. ^_^
Oh how I love a beautiful sunrise or sunset. You photos are so beautiful.
I'm a sunset person.
My favorite place to watch a sunset from is Little Round Top in Gettysburg, PA.
Wow, wow, WOW!! Those are truly amazing!! Love the second one best, I think, but they're all gorgeous. In the summer months, the sun rises super early here, like 4am, so I rarely see them. In the winter months, the sun barely rises above the horizon & it's always cloudy & rainy, so there's not much to see. Same goes for the winter sunsets. But the summer sunsets, which are very late,Ike 10:30pm, are spectacular here in Seattle, with the sun setting beyond the Olympic Mountains & dancing off Puget Sound. Definitely my favorite!
Wow, I love the last one especially.
Great pictures! Sunsets and sunrises are beautiful, though I often end up missing both. In the past, when I had trouble sleeping, the one good thing was that I could watch the sun rise. But I can't do that anymore unless I go outside, because my apartment faces several other apartments; none of my neighbors get up before noon, apparently.
It looks like the beach is on fire in that second photo. Brilliant pictures of beautiful places. :)
All very nice- I especially like the second one.
wow, you have some amazing memories!
Yep, the photos are all mine.
7am school!! Yikes! That's early!
4am sunrise. My goodness that's early!
You're really bringing out some amazing pictures for this Challenge. :)
I don't really have a preference when it comes to sunrises and sunsets; just depends on the circumstances.
I'm rarely up for sunrises as I adopt the philosophy of "If the sun is not up, then people should not be, either."
But this one: Sunrise at Murwillumbah, NSW, Australia
In Which We Start Anew
Such beautiful pictures. I'm so glad you posted them, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to remember what a sunrise looks like. *yawn*
Becca @ The Bookshelf Muse
Absolutely breathtaking. I'd love to see it in person.
We have some of the most amazing skies here in Aus! I'm going to be checking out a beach later today for some long-delayed exercise. haha
Lovely pictures! I'm not a huge morning person, so while I enjoy the beauty of a sunrise, I am a little more giddy over sunsets.
Love the photos. I'm an early riser, so I do get to see sunrises.
I prefer both, sunrise and sunsets. When I go for my morning jog its the sunrise I witness, if I go for my evening walks in case I miss the morning jog, its the sunset that I fall in love with.
beautiful photos. I love sunrises because it is the dawn of a day full of possibilities.
Those are gorgeous! The 2nd one is especially stunning :)
Those pics are beautiful almost beyond belief.
Wow! Those are gorgeous pics. I love the beauty of nature. :)
Lovely pictures. I prefer sunsets. I think the colors are more vibrant at that time.
Wonderful sunsets breathtaking in some places, very good ...
Oh so pretty! Sunrise/set photos are some of my favorites! Also, the last one at the Apostles, well, you're going to have to check out my book trailer--I included a snip that must have been taken from that exact same spot! It's a spectacular view!
Gorgeous photos! You know, I never saw a sunrise until I was about 21. Sad, huh? Never got up that early before! Sunrises always feel more soft and tentative to me, sleepy somehow. (Could be me feeling sleepy though LOL)
These are fantastic! Thanks for sharing such beautiful sunsets. I like sunrises best because I love to wake up early. I love the extra time of it. And I love to watch the day unfold. :)
Gorgeous photos! You know, I never saw a sunrise until I was about 21. Sad, huh? Never got up that early before! Sunrises always feel more soft and tentative to me, sleepy somehow. (Could be me feeling sleepy though LOL)
I love both! My latest favorite was on a Patagonian Estancia (ranch) near the glaciers this past January. The sun set around 11pm that time of year, and it was truly awesome!
I want to visit Twelve Apostles - it looks so beautiful! I think I prefer sunsets, they're more dramatic (at least around here).
I like both sunrises and sunsets, but I do have some special memories of sunsets.
Wow! Amazing shots! I love sunrises as it's the calm time of the day for me!
Wow. Those are worth getting up for. A favorite: Several family members were on the West Coast at the same time. We enjoyed a lovely dinner, then sat on the deck facing the ocean. As the sun was setting, we got quieter and quieter, and watched it go down in silence. It was a beautiful moment.
Play off the Page
Great shots. Love them! Sunset is always beautiful!
I too have photos of sunsets but none of sunrises... probably for the same reason! I love those photographs.
You're so lucky to live there. Those are stunning. I think I'll plump for sunrises, just because, like you said you don't see them as much. Speaking of Australia, I have a series of photos of the sun going down behind Uluru and the rock changes colour. It was quite a sight.
It's amazing how the light changes so much in a few minutes during sunset at Uluru.
Lynda, your imagery is stunning, not only in its scope and beauty but in the choice environments. Such lovely landscapes so uniquely immortalized are the very sort of emotionally charged sparks that make me glad I got out of bed today. Thank you for having a wonderful eye.
Your comment gave me a smile. Thank you.
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