Friday, April 27, 2012


I thought for a moment the letter X had me stumped for the A-Z Challenge. Then I found this:

Xanthic: Of or pertaining to a yellow colour, or to one of those colours--except green--in which yellow is a constituent. For example, scarlet, orange, etc.

I have no idea where I took this photo. Perhaps in a public garden somewhere (nothing so glorious would grow in my garden). I love the colour.

What’s your favourite colour? (mine is purple) 

Note: For the month of April during the A-Z Challenge I am pausing from my usual blogging theme of writing and social media tips. Instead I hope to share with you my photography. Much of it is inspired by the fabulous and helpful site, The Bookshelf Muse. Please check it out and enjoy.



ETowns said...

Beautiful! I love vibrantly colored flowers.

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Great hibiscus photograph. In my teens, orange was my favorite color (and flavor.) Over the years my tastes changed and now green is my choice. Go figure! In hibiscus, though, red is the best color. Theme: A World of Crime

J.C. Martin said...

What a lovely photo! Pink is my favourite colour, but I'm particular as to the shade of pink: it has to be powder pink, like cotton candy, and not shocking fuchsia.

But as the Hubster would say: pink is pink is pink. Men!

J.C. Martin
A to Z Blogger

Theresa Milstein said...

My favorite color is purple, along with periwinkle.

Arooj said...

my favorite color is yellow....almost every tone of yellow....but rather darker....

'(by the way mam'am i myself wore braces for 4 years ..;-),,,

Denise Covey said...

Love your photo. Gorgeous flower. My favourite .'non' colour is white. Love white flowers too!


Grover said...

I'm rather fickle when it comes to favourite colour. At the moment it's green. Beautiful picture by the way!

Old Kitty said...

Pink or red!! And this is a beautiful shot!! Yay! Take care

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Very nice photo!
Favorite color? Black.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

That is a great word. Love the looks of it.

My favorite color is black. ;D

Glynis Peters said...

Pretty Hibiscus. Pink/red are my colours.

Tonja said...

Great picture and X word. My daughter loved yellow when she was a baby. She collected things that were yellow and held onto them. She called them her "lellos."

Unknown said...

Love the flower. My favourite colour is yellow! It's so happy.

Luanne G. Smith said...


I must be xanthically inclined, because deep garnet red is my favorite color.

DEZMOND said...

I'm always dressed either in green (moss or pear green), dark violet or midnight blue :) I try never to wear or use black colour on me or around me.
I also love transparent things, especially in plates, glasses, kitchenware....

Victoria Lindstrom said...

Lynda - Thanks for the great word - it's new to me! Have a great weekend!

Nate Wilson said...

Ooh, a vocab lesson and a great photo. Excellent!

I tell people my favorite color is burnt umber, but it's actually the not-quite-as-cool-sounding raw umber. Also, it turns out that umber is a type of fish, so my friends and I made up the color seared umber. True story.

Loree Huebner said...

Green. I love all shades of green.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Yellow and green are my favorites!

Rachna Chhabria said...

Beautiful picture, Lynda. I love the hibiscus. My favourite colors are purple, white, brown and pink.

Carol Riggs said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Good shot, Lyn. :D

Paula Martin said...

Lovely photo. My favourite is blue - blue skies, blue seas, and blue eyes.

Catherine Stine said...

Gorgeous photo! Funny that I should visit your blog today, because I'm posting on the color yellow for Y tomorrow. My favorite color... can I pick three? yellow, purple and green!

Teresa Cypher said...

Your photo is splendid! There are hardy hibiscus that are easy--and astounding. "Copper King" gets pink flowers a foot across. It freezes back to the ground here in zone 5 (USA hardiness zone--that means it can survive to -20F or -29C).

Interesting post on the X. It is a fun read--exploring what others have discovered to blog about, using the X as a prompt. :-)

anthony stemke said...

Nice word choice. That flower is superb.
Your posts are always interesting.

M Pax said...

Wow. Superb photo. It is glorious. Nothing like that would grow around here. We only have a 70 day growing season. :-O

I'm attracted to blues and greens most.

Nancy Thompson said...

Mine is green, but that pic is beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flower!

Romance Reader said...

Such a beautiful and vibrant color! Love the picture. I thought what you will come up with X- yet I was not disappointed!


Jemi Fraser said...

Gorgeous! :)

My favourite colour changes with my mood - purple, blue, red, green... so many!

Unknown said...

That picture is beautiful!! Interesting word as well. My favorite color is green, second favorite purple.

Tracy said...

Lynda, it is a beautiful photo! stunning! it would look tremendous framed :)

Charmaine Clancy said...

Xanthic is such a cheery colour :)

Golden Eagle said...

That's a beautiful photograph!

My favorite color is green.

The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

Mark Murata said...

In one of my Athena stories, I named a nymph Xanthe. And yes, she was BLONDE.

Cynthia said...

What a clever use of the letter X-- I have to admit- this was a challenging letter for Blogging A to Z. I like a lot of colors- it depends on my mood. I do like purple, especially soft lilac shades.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

White is every colour... spin a colour wheel and see ;)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

in the case of transparent things, I love them even more if they sparkle ;)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

lol, seared umber is cool.
I'm guessing you are an artist or know an artist because usually burnt and raw umber are best known in the painting world.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

yikes! It never gets that cold here in Sydney, thank goodness ;)

Leovi said...

I like the texture with these beautiful petals of soft colors, very nice.

Unknown said...

That's a lovely shoe-flower---saffron-colored, I think :)

DEZMOND said...

oh, yes, we do love sparkle and glitter everywhere ;)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

see, I knew there was a reason I liked you :)
(apart from all the other reasons, of course)

Fairview said...

Xanthic. Learned something here. Pretty flower!