Friday, April 6, 2012


I love forests. Adore them. I took this photo in the Minnimurra Rainforest which is a short drive from Sydney.

For more inspiration on the sights, smells, tastes etc of forests, go here to the Bookshelf Muse

Do you have a favourite forest?

Note: I’ve prescheduled some of these posts for the A-Z Challenge because I'm away from the computer over Easter. I won’t be able to do my usual blog visits, but when I get back I’ll visit everyone who has left a comment.



Denise Covey said...

Ah, Lynda, I hope you enjoyed your Easter break. I enjoyed a Good Friday BBQ with my family in a park nearby. Cool.

Who doesn't love forests? I like to set eerie stories in forests as trees lend themselves to feelings of threat if you let them...I love the rainforests in Queensland, especially at Mission Beach.


Charmaine Clancy said...

I love forests too, especially rain forests.
Wagging Tales

S.P. Bowers said...

That picture is gorgeous! I love trees, I love water, It's perfect.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Wonderful picture! I actually prefer forests to beaches. Much cooler.

Old Kitty said...

What a stunning pic!! Yay for forests! May we continue to look after them for many generations to come! Take care

Unknown said...

Gorgeous photo! I'm lucky that the Welsh Valleys is full of forests and areas like this, so I'm spoilt for choice :)

Fellow A-Z bloggy buddy
Mithril Wisdom

Matthew MacNish said...

Probably the Olympic National Forest, in Washington State. It's the only Rainforest in North America.

LM Preston said...

I'm more of a beach girl. Although the forest I visited in Hawaii were just awesome. But the problem I have is with the bugs that like to hang out in the forest.

momto8 said...

wow! what a very cool picture!! I would love to visit a rainforest!!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I want to lead my pups into YOUR forest.

Getting too hot in mine, soon.

Grammy said...

Hi, Lynda, I had to go back and look at all the pictures. What beauty our God has created for our enjoyment and what a beautiful job you have done capturing that beauty! Thank you so very much. Now I'm off to visit other blogs in the challenge as well as having posted mine for today. Hope you have a blessed Easter holiday. Regards to you, Ruby Young

Ben said...

It's a weird think to ask a northern person. All we have here is pines. Every forest looks the same.

Victoria Lindstrom said...

Lynda, I love your post! We have a cabin in the Olympic National Forest (rain forest) of Washington State. The sights, sounds, and smells under its canopy are amazing! Happy Easter!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Fantastic photo. Nature is one of my favorite elements to include in my stories. I don't think I have a favorite forest, but water is by far my favorite element.

Bish Denham said...

The redwood forests are my favorite.

Tonja said...

You're a great photographer. Love the photo. Have a great Easter.

Precy Larkins said...

Lovely photo! Happy Easter!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Gorgeous picture. One of my favorites is Calaveras Big Tree in California, filled with those amazingly tall Sequoia Redwoods.

Fairview said...


vic caswell said...

so magical!
*sighs wistfully*

Anonymous said...

Beautiful forest picture.

Suze said...

What a great question -- and I'd have to answer, no, but I wish I had more experience with forests so that I could say yes!

Sarah Tokeley said...

This is so beautiful. I wish I lived near somewhere like this.

Mark said...

Love forests! We live near the Santa Cruz Mts. and they're covered in forest. A great place to camp:)

Unknown said...

I love the forests near my house. You can go hiking and see the view of the city.

Bonnie said...

I do not have a favorite forest. I wish I did, but never really lived around any. Great picture!

anthony stemke said...

That photograph is very beautiful. My favourite forest is very near. It is the Chattahoochie National Forest. We went there with grandkids and it was a terrific day.
We love this forest, here in northeast Georgia.

Joanne said...

It looks cool and soothing. And peaceful.

Nancy Thompson said...

I live in the Evergreen State, in the Emerald City. I am surrounded by forests & waterfalls & majesty. It also rains here all the time, making the residents mean & cranky. Yet I can't tear myself away. It's simply too beautiful!

Your photo is magnificent! True beauty. Wonderfully captured!

Jarm Del Boccio said...

Beautiful photo, Lynda! My favorite forest is the Sequoia in Yosemite....