Thursday, April 26, 2012


Waterfalls are difficult to photograph because there’s so much more to a waterfall than a camera can capture. There’s the joy of discovery. There’s the build in anticipation as the rumbling water grows louder as I approach through the veiling forest. The air is always cooler around waterfalls, and wetter. Waterfalls, especially the big ones, are a full sensory experience.

I took this photo somewhere in Australia. I recall it was at the end of a walking track and no one else was around.

What do you like about waterfalls? Have you made any waterfall ‘discoveries’? Do you have any favourites?

For more inspiration on the sight, sounds, smells, tastes and touch of waterfalls, go here to The Bookshelf Muse.

Note: For the month of April during the A-Z Challenge I am pausing from my usual blogging theme of writing and social media tips. Instead I hope to share with you my photography. Much of it is inspired by the fabulous and helpful site, The Bookshelf Muse. Please check it out and enjoy.



Cynthia said...

What a pretty picture. What I love about waterfalls are the rushing sounds and the beauty of water and rock coming together.

Denise Covey said...

Yes, I know what you mean. It's hard to capture the movement. I used to go walking in the hills near home and there was a waterfall I used to stand under on a boiling hot day. So refreshing.


Theresa Milstein said...

Beautiful picture. What a rock formation! I just saw one off the highway recently. Seemed so sad that it was next to one.

Arooj said...

Very Fresh post
Well I never visited any big waterfall.just small brook of hilly areas that sometimes give a look of waterfall if they are somehow big.
Yet my imagination says that waterfalls are the personification of an approaching happy event thst gives its signs even before its emergence.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Never made any small discoveries. I've been to Niagra Falls though. Very loud.
Nice photo, Lynda.

Laura Pauling said...

I agree! Waterfalls are something a picture can't capture. The colder air, the mist on the face, the roar of the water...etc.

Jemi Fraser said...

I love waterfalls! They're so pretty - especially when they're unexpected :)

blankenship.louise said...

I spent several years in Troy, NY, which is a dingy, depressing little rust-belt city that nobody's ever heard of. But in the middle of Troy, with no hint that it's even there -- I never would have guessed if someone hadn't taken me down there -- is the Poestenkill Gorge.

You can find photos of the waterfall on Google, but it won't show you what a surprise the place is. There's absolutely no clue, if you're standing on the streets around it, that there's a couple hundred foot drop just on the other side of the houses.

Terri Tiffany said...

It's beautiful! I have not seen many waterfalls but I did see Niagra a few times and one in Hawaii and they always amaze me by their power.

Tonja said...

When I was at Niagara Falls on the Canada side, I was in awe of the volume of water spilling over the side maybe a foot from where I was standing and the movement of the water - I think the movement is what's facinating about waterfalls - impossible to capture in a still photo. Great picture.

Unknown said...

Waterfalls are so awe-inspiring and I've seen some like Niagara Falls. I want to see some in Africa though.

DEZMOND said...

I've never seen waterfalls myself, but they seem like a true wonder of nature. It's also a very nice word, lovely for using in songs and poems.

Fairview said...

great photo

Libby said...

I just went hiking in Great Falls Park in VA and the waterfalls there are gorgeous. More like rapids but no less beautiful. I've also seen the waterfall that was featured in the show Twin Peaks. There's something magestic about them.

Old Kitty said...

Oh but you make photographing them look so easy - look at your beautiful pic!!! Yay!! Take care

Leovi said...

Yes, a beautiful scenery with a nice waterfall.

Victoria Marie Lees said...

I love waterfalls too, Lyn. In fact I go hiking through forests and mountains for them. As for my favorite? There are too many, but I find beauty and tranquility each time I see one, big or small. Thanks for sharing the photo. ~Victoria Marie Lees

Sarah Allen said...

One thing Provo does have is some pretty waterfalls up in the canyon. Great shot! Waterfalls are so much fun :)

Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)

S. L. Hennessy said...

Don't laugh, but it makes me think of that old TLC song. "Don't go chasing waterfalls..."

Grover said...

I've been lucky enough to have visited Niagra Falls. That was absolutely awesome. I could probably have watched it for hours.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous picture, Lynda. Never in my life have I seen a real waterfall, but if I could, I'd love to visit the ones on the Thai island Koh Phi Phi, where The Beach was filmed.

Precy Larkins said...

There are lots of waterfalls in Hawaii (I lived there for 2 years). I love the sound of water rushing down.

J.L. Campbell said...

Agreed, you really don't capture the essence of a waterfall with a picture.

Luanne G. Smith said...

We're getting close to waterfall season here in Colorado. During the May runoff the waterfalls are amazing. So much energy and power. I love it. Favorite time to be in the mountains.

Donna K. Weaver said...

I love waterfalls. It so cool that they can be so different everytime you visit them.

Morgan said...

Oooo... gorgeous.

My fav waterfall is in Iceland... can't remember the name, but it was gigantic and extraordinary! :D

Nick Wilford said...

I like being able to go behind them. Very exciting - and loud!

Pat Tillett said...

I also love waterfalls! We went on a hike yesterday that had a nice waterfall at the end. A hard uphill, most of the way, but well worth it. Because we were in a desert canyon, this waterfall was only seasonal...

Golden Eagle said...

I like watching the water cascade down, and the sudden drama it creates in what might otherwise be a quiet place. Waterfalls can be quite interesting to watch. :)

The Golden Eagle
The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

Nancy Thompson said...

Grest photo! I live a few miles from one of the biggest waterfalls in the US, Snoqualmie Falls. I've seen it a hundred times, but it beckons me on every sunny day. It's beautiful. And HUGE!

Liza said...

I love looking at waterfalls, but I learned in a single moment of panic, that I don't ever want to swim under one. I tried that once and realized they create a huge undertow. I'm a strong swimmer, and I got right out, but that one moment was scary enough for a lifetime lesson.

Rebecka Vigus said...

I love waterfalls. I'm a water person period and if I can eventually live near it I will be a happy woman.

Trisha said...

I love water in general, so waterfalls are definitely magical!

Trisha said...

p.s. someday I WILL see the mother of all waterfalls, Niagara ;)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Beautiful photo! I love waterfalls. We saw several in a tropical rain forest in Puerto Rico this spring.

Marta Szemik said...

I climbed a waterfall in Jamaica on my honeymoon:) I believe it's called the Dunn's River Falls. It was awesome! We live close to Niagara so at least an annual trip is common. But you can't climb that one!

In Which We Start Anew said...

We came across several beautiful ones at Glacier National Park in Montana last summer... Just gorgeous!

In Which We Start Anew

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Hi Lynda, I just wish I could spend more time around waterfalls. There is one 30 minutes from our house but we have little time to go there
Duncan In Kuantan

Romance Book Haven said...

I love the sound of cascading water, and even feng sui says it's good for us!

Anonymous said...

I've seen artificial ones, but I can't recall seeing a real one. I'd love to see them one day. I think they're beautiful.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I like your imagination :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

wow, sounds like a gem of a place.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'd love to visit Niagara Falls one day.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

They are a true wonder. I hope one day you get to see one. A big one!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

being seasonal it makes it even more special.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

yikes, that would have been super scary!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

same here!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynda! Enjoyed your post. Beautiful picture. I've been to Tahquamenon Falls and Niagara Falls. Both very beautiful. Both very loud. : )

Nate Wilson said...

I love how photogenic waterfalls are, how swimming in the fresh water at their base can be so refreshing, and how that one time I fell off a high cliff upstream from one, I didn't die.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

yeah, I remember reading about that... you were sooooo lucky.

Unknown said...

It just so happens I went waterfall hunting yesterday. But the information hadn't been updated since the last flood, so we couldn't find it. Now that I've got updated directions, I will try again soon. ^_^

Suze said...

It's funny, but one of the things I like about waterfalls is the spray.