This is the final post for the April A-Z Challenge. I posted six days a week, following the letters of the alphabet. I shared all the movies, books and games I watched, read and played--all the influences that turned me into the geeky person and writer I am today.
Zork (1980), Zork II (1981), Zork III (1982):
“You are in an open field west of a big white house with a boarded front door. There is a mailbox here.” The ultimate text adventure game ever, set in the ruins of an ancient underground empire. I spent hours upon hours playing this on my brother’s microbee computer. Zork was also featured in the novel, Ready Player One. I’d love to write a text adventure one of these days.
You can now play Zork I, II, and III for free. Click here to check it out.
Return to Zork (1993): There were other zorks before this, including a comic book, but I didn’t play them. Then this one came out. This stepped away from the classic text adventure format and used ugly graphics instead, including videos of real actors. I couldn’t get into it. I mourned the death of text adventures. No graphics could match my imagination. Or so I thought…
Zork Nemesis (1996): At last they got it right. This graphical adventure game was pure awesome. It had atmosphere, great music, fantastic puzzles. They got the immersive experience totally right.
Zombieland (2009): This is one of the best zombie movies, behind Shaun of the Dead which is probably THE best. I love the list of rules to survive the zombie apocalypse. Rule number one: Cardio.
How would you survive the zombie apocalypse? Have you ever played any of the Zorks or any other text adventure?
Did you survive the A-Z challenge?
Another reminder for tomorrow, Wednesday, 1st May: the Insecure Writers’ Support Group founded by Alex J Cavanaugh, and this month it’s co-hosted by Rachna Chhabria, Mark Koopmans, and Lynda R Young (yours truly)!! To learn more or join up, click here.
#AtoZChallenge #IWSG
I looooooooooooove Shaun of the Dead! Haven't watched it in forever. Might have to this weekend :D
Yes, I got through the A to Z Challenge, and so did you! Woot-woot!!
You seem to really like comedic zombie movies. Zombieland was great and congrats on making it to the end Lynda.
They've made a pilot for a Zombieland tv show. Not sure it will be up to Walking Dead standards.
Moody Writing
Sorry Lynda. With this post recognize nothing. Zilch. Congratulations on surviving the A to Z challenge. Your posts were awesome, even when I wasn't geeky enough to know what you were talking about.
Zombieland!! Great minds think alike.
Survived the Challenge a fourth time and will miss my theme. Really not sure how I'm going to top it next year.
Like I told Alex, never saw Zombieland. Never even heard of Zork. I live a sheltered life. *shame face*
Congrats on surviving. This was my first year. Not sure if I'll do it again, but it was fun. Being away for 10 days in the middle of the month (without internet!!!!) is tough for following other's posts & comments. Pretty sure I was an epic fail in those areas. Oh well.
I am a movie buff, and I especially liked your posts, Lynda. I can't believe the challenge has come to an end, and now we can somewhat relax and get back to writing. It was so nice to meet new people. Keep in touch.
I've never seen Zombieland, but it sounds like I need to. This month just flew by. I can't believe it's over. I really enjoyed your posts and your visits back to my blog. :)
Congratulations in completing the A to Z Challenge.
Congrats on finishing the challenge. You rock! I didn't realize there was so many versions of Zork.
I'd probably be the chief supplies officer in a zombie apocalypse, I'd hoard stuff in tones :) And I'd use a fireblazer as my weapon of choice....
I don't ever want to live through a zombie apocalypse, thank you very much! LOL!! Yay for finishing your A-Z!!!! Take care
It was the fact that you're a cohost that tipped me over to resigning up for IWSG. :)
I've seen Shaun of the Dead, but not Zombieland. I'm not a huge zombie fan but I did love Shaun, so maybe I should check out this other one.
Not a fan of Zombieland, although I did find it entertaining. I don't think I could do a post on favorite movies, not sure I could find 26 -- but then again, I haven't tried. I might surprise myself.
You did a beautiful job, thanks for all you visits and comments on my blog. So appreciated!
You can Alex both love Zombieland. I'll have to check that movie out! :)
Ditto what nutschell said about Alex. Zombieland is awesome!
Clearly I've been missing out--I *have* to watch Zombieland.
Hard to believe the challenge is over, but I'm not complaining. It's been lots of fun, but having a moment or two to spare will be kind of delightful. Looking forward to being able to revisit all my favourite blogs in May to catch up on the posts I missed. :)
This is the third time I've seen Zombieland in a post today, I really need to watch it.
Congrats on finishing the Challenge! :)
Thank you posting on Games and Movies - I really enjoyed your posts. It was great to celebrate the visual film arts. Congratulations on surviving April, and the A to Z Challenge.
Yay for surviving the challenge! Good job. Loved your posts. :D
I have not seen this Zombieland!
Congrats on surviving yet another A to Z challenge. :)
Great finishing post!
Congrats on crossing to the end!
I can do zombie movies when they are funny. Scary, not one bit. I'm a horror wuss. That said, I have proudly declared I'm joining the zombie hordes if it ever happens. Seems the less stressful of choices. LOL
Congrats on reaching the end of the challenge.
Yes, Lynda, we have finished! Yay!
But I have to say though Zombie Land was great, the BEST zombie movie ever was 28 Days Later. I had gone to see Shaun of the Dead when it came out, but I went with my mother who was bored, so we ended up going in to see a different movie (one which bored me to death). Never had a chance to see it again.
Zork sounds great, but I never got into adventure games like that.
I believe I still have the floppy disk somewhere for zork which I played on my Commodore 64!!!
ZORK!!! Take me back in time, Lynda! I'm a teen all over again!
Hi Lynda, you've maintained the theme the whole way through. I didn't get around to visit much as I certainly have different taste, but that's what makes us all interesting. I visited blogs about once a week during the challenge. Glad it's over!
Looking forward to your writerly posts now!
sigh real big finished the challenge!!
Yes, there does seem to be a pattern there... ;)
Yeah, I'm with you on that. I've enjoyed the reminiscing.
Still, it's fun and certainly a challenge! You chose a great theme too.
Yeah, I will say I'm eager to get back to writing again!
I blinked and it was over! Thanks so much. It's been fun visiting you too.
but you know zork!!!!!!!!!! Wooo!!!
flameblazer... crispy zombies... I like.
While zork is fun, it's definitely time consuming.
ha, good on ya, Suze :)
Yep, I think you'd surprise yourself too.
I'm with you on that one :)
lol, yep. The less stressful path sounds like a winner ;)
28 Days Later is pretty good too. I'm looking forward to World War Z. That should be awesome.
How awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah, the good ole days ;)
Yeah, my visits to my regulars dropped off a little. I can get back to visiting them again. 26 days for the challenge is plenty!
Hole up somewhere high and give me a shotgun. What works in fiction should work in reality right?
Congrats on finishing!
I haven't thought about Zork in many years, but I did see Zombieland (again) a couple of weeks ago.
I am semi-prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse by not doing anything stupid.
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