Oh lordy! How to explain without massive spoilers?
Hmm, okay, Blue Moon is the second full length novel in the Holloway Pack series and shows how Jem’s place in the pack has become more established since Darkness & Light. It also shows how her relationships with other pack members have developed. So when a couple of the male pack members find themselves new girlfriends—or the new girlfriends find them—Jem believes she has every right to a say on the matter. And with good reason. ;)
What makes this story stand out from other werewolf stories?
This ain’t just about werewolves howling at the moon and searching for a mate to have steamy romance scenes with. It’s full of a whole lot of magic that drives the story forward and takes the reader on a completely different journey to Darkness & Light even.
How did the creation and inspiration for the story evolve?
Honestly? I wanted magic in my book, so I perused a tome of traditional spells (apparently all tried and tested), found some seriously cool ones, and worked out how I could weave a story around those.
You are also the headline author for the Make Believe anthology. How have you managed to juggle your time, what with all the writing, deadlines, marketing, networking and life in general?
I don’t juggle—if I do, I end up dropping all the balls. ;)
I’m naturally very disorganised, and my head flitters a LOT. So I have to mark every single thing I need to remember outside of my WIP in a calendar and set reminders so I don’t forget. As for the networking around writing? That’s the easy bit. It’s called procrastination. ;)
Sweet or savoury? Depends on my mood? Okay, I’ll go with sweet—simply because it’s far more important to my mental health to have chocolate in the house than it is a pork pie. ;)
Which of the 12 dwarfs would you be? Bwahahahahaha, crikey, I dunno. Probably Dopey. Ha!
Favourite colour? Blue in general. Grey in clothes.
Mountains or the Ocean? Both. That cheating? I do a lot of coastal walks with the fam, so we tend to be on kind of mountainous edges whilst overlooking the sea. But if I abso had to choose, it’d probably be ocean. That stuff can drown out even the roughest of nightmares.
Tea or coffee? COFFEE!!!!!!!!
And lastly, how can we find you?
Website, Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads
J. A. Belfield lives in Solihull, England, with her husband, two children, three cats, and a dog. She writes paranormal romance with a second love for urban fantasy.
Blue Moon Purchase Links:
Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Books On Board
Congrats: I'd also like to quickly send out a huge congrats to PK Hrezo for signing with an agent! Woot!
Make Believe: Taneesha at Kaidan's Seduction will be posting up a review of Make Believe as part of the tour. You can check it out HERE
Author Interview: Also, as part of the Make Believe tour, I'm over at J A Belfield's blog being interviewed. I'd love to see you over there! You can find out a little more about me and the inspiration behind my short story, Birthright. Click HERE.
Great for a first interview subject Lynda. I loved it. Congrats to PK Hrezo too!
Great interview... loved the responses. Congrats to PK Hrezo:)
Thanks for stopping by, Denise & tfwalsh. And a huge thanks to Lynda for putting up with me today. :D
Congrats PK Hrezo, too! That's awesome news.
What the heck is a pork pie???
Oh that cover is just gorgeous! And man if I don't love me some werewolves!! I'm a mountain/beach lover too. Hawaii has both, which is why it's my fave place.
Lynda, thank you so much for the mention and the warm congrats!! I appreciate that. Thanks for sharing the journey! :D
Procrastination is actually networking? That is good to know!
Good luck, JA!
LOL, some digusting suet (real heavy) pastry wrapped around a layer of jelly (ugh) and a horrid mishmash of porkiness (double ugh). It's very popular over here. Just not with me. Ha!
Thanks, Pk. It looks even better on the print copies. Very pretty. Hawaii sounds (and looks--on TV) idyllic. My kind of place. :D
Suuuure it is. :p And as soon as you can convince yourself of that, you'll start to feel as though you're getting way more accomplished. ;)
Thanks for stopping by, Alex.
Great interview ladies!! Choosing between mountains and ocean is tough! :)
What a great interview. Then again, J.A. always inspires me with her organized disorganization. Love the cover, love the story, and I so giggled at the Dopey comment.
It certainly is. Thanks for stopping by to read, Jemi. :)
Hehehe, organised chaos is how my best friend describes how I keep track of my life, LOL. Thanks so much for stopping by, Jen. :)
J.A. looks like a cutie on that pic :)
Hope your booktour is going on nicely, Lyndy!
Thanks for the interview and book intro! If JA's writing is anything like her spunky answers, the book should be a fun and lively read! :)
Sounds like a really good book! Congrats to PK Hezro, too!
That's a really cool blue moon on the cover. I actually have a tattoo like that on my back. TMI? Ah, well. :P
Congrats on both books being released into the world!
Researching real spells for fiction... I love how fantasy relies on seeds of reality. But, wait a minute, what is with 12 dwarves? Did I miss five of them somewhere?
I loved the interview Lynda. And I like that this werewolf story has a little something different. It sounds intriguing.
Congratulations on the release of Blue Moon,
J. L!
Congrats to PK Hrezo, too!
Heading over to read your interview Lynda ...
I loved the interview! J.A.'s book sounds great, and her comment about being "Dopey" really cracked me up.
Great post! :-)
Thanks Dezzy. It's coming along. I feel like I'm in a constant state of exhaustion--a good exhaustion, though :)
hahaha yeah 5 are the less known ones, lol (oops--I have no idea where I got that number from)
I really was drawn in by that cover. Very seductive. And the Dopey comment was great.
Very cool interview. Love the dwarf question :)
Nice interview! Were there twelve dwarves (and only seven apostles)?
It's wonderful following you six around!
Oh...just saw this comment. I wondered about those extra five. They are groundling dwarves...only come out when the moon is blue.
Blue Moon sounds super cool. Good luck JA.
Blue Moon sounds awesome! Congrats, JA!
lol!! yes exactly, Mike!! My what a blue moon we have ;)
lol!!! I make my own reality... apparently ;)
Thanks again for following the Tour.
Aw, thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed the interview. Thanks for stopping by. :D
Nah, not TMI, lol. Thanks so much for stopping by, L.G. :D
Researching the spells and incorporating them was a lot of fun. And LOL on the dwarves. Says a lot about where my head was at, because I didn't even notice, ROFL. :D Thanks for stopping by.
Thank you so much. I did try to make it a little more intriguing than the regular werewolf tales out there. :o)
Hehehe, thank you so much. And cheers for stopping by. :D
Thank you so much. :D
:D Thanks. :D
Thank you so much. :D
Thanks very much, Cherie. I appreciate it. :D
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