Today is also the start of AlexFest, officially titled, ‘Cheers, Cavanaugh BlogFest.’ It’s hosted by the marvellous Mark Koopmans, the fabulous Morgan Shamy, the great David King Powers, and the irrepressible Stephen Tremp. This fest is all about celebrating a terrific writer, blogger and friend: Alex J Cavanaugh, author of CassaStar, CassaFire, and soon to be released, CassaStorm. Because Alex is such an amazing person, I’m taking a moment’s pause in my busy Blog Tour schedule to take part.
What does Alex look like? Below is my impression of what Alex looks like. Between scheduling and visiting, I whipped this image up in photoshop. Sorry, Alex, I just had to reveal the truth!
Who could play Alex in a documentary? Johnny Depp. But then, Johnny could play anyone and I’d be more than happy to watch him.
Who does Alex remind you of? Someone who lives by his faith, who is generous with his time, and humble. A cowboy wearing a white hat!
A flash fiction using all these prompts: Cavanaugh, Ninja, IWSG, Cosbolt, Guitar.
The Lost Ninjas
The cosbolt named Cavanaugh shoots through space carrying a band of guitar-carrying ninjas on their way to planet IWSG. Their trajectory swerves, the ship stutters off course. Warning lights blink on, but the ninjas don’t notice. They’re too busy fighting over who will get to read CassaStorm first. They’ve missed IWSG and are careening into unknown space, never to be seen from again.
A comment for Mrs Cavanaugh: Thank you for looking after our Alex, for keeping him sane while he writes, for enjoying his music and supporting him in everything he does. As we all know, behind every great man stands an even greater woman. You must be truly amazing. Blessings to you, Mrs Cavanaugh.
To see a list of everyone taking part, click HERE.

And don’t forget to visit Carol under the tiki hut! Click HERE.
Make Believe
My, what big eyes I have!
Thank you SO much, Lynda. Yes, my wife is the real hero and my secret weapon. Without her and God, I couldn't do any of this.
See, those big eyes explains how you are able to see everything that goes on in the blogsphere ;)
P.S. I have one of those secret weapons too, so I know exactly what you mean.
I love the comment directed toward his wife. :) On my way to your guest post....
I'm loving the rock ninja. Nice... I got a glowing image of Alex in a white cowboy hat. Wings, maybe????
I love the little Ninja rocker! I almost went with Johnny Depp as well.
I think I'm one of the very few people, if not the only one, who actually has a picture of real Alex :) He gave it to me a few years ago when we did interview for my site.
Capn Ninja played by Johnny Depp!??! I am SWOONING!!! Yay! Take care
I've seen quite a few artist's impressions of what Alex looks like, but I feel yours is the most accurate so far.
ha ha ha, love this one...A cowboy wearing a white hat! Great picture of him as well :)
I also chose Johnny Depp to play Alex in a documentary... and Mr. Depp is an accomplished guitarist too...
Very fun entry, and I also love that you included his wife :) Popping over to the Tiki Hut!
CONGRATS to Alex! Best wishes for the new release! (LOL--the "Alexfest.") Love the little ninja Alex dude too. :) But someday maybe we'll see the real Alex, like we've seen the real Lyn, now??!!
Your drawing of Alex is WAY better than mine - love the Pac-Man eyes.
Lovely, fun romp of a short, Lynda! Looks like you're really "hopping" today!
Ha! Yes, I've seen one other reference to Depp in this blogfest. Both Ninjas of their trade.
And I'll see you over at Carol's!
Ohh, I am enjoying these Alex posts. Alex looks super hot in your drawing ;)
Nice responses. I really wonder what Alex looks likes. Probably a ninja.
Very happy to have you at Under the Tiki Hut today, too.
Nice tribute to Alex! He is an inspiration, isn't he? Hopping over to the Tiki Hut!
Amen on writers reading:) Also, I love "pic" of Alex;)
Nice tribute I loved your flash fiction :)
Oooo... Lynda, you could write space opera! Niiiice. :D
Haha! LOVE the Ninja Rocker Dude!
I agree about Johnny Depp. Cute pic!
Nicely summed up Lynda. And yes, Johnny Depp is a great pick!
yes!! Glowing wings!!!
Understandable. Johnny is just so meltalicious!
oh, you lucky thing, you!
I was afraid to post it because I feared it might be too close to reality hehehe.
There's only two pictures, the one in my bio (which everyone seemed to grab today) and another one in black and white, which at least two people dug up from REALLY old posts. Outside of that, only the winner will see the real Alex.
See! Johnny is the perfect match!
I'm thinking if we haven't seen him yet, we may not see him at all. He's probably too awesome to look at ;)
I popped over to check it out... I disagree. Your drawing is awesome!!!
Ha! It was fun to write. And Alex is so worth it.
Thanks again, Carol!! You are so wonderful for having me on your blog!!
In this case it's Space Rock... Hhahahahahaha! (ok, I know I'm not supposed to laugh at my own jokes, but that was funny... ok, maybe not, lol)
Yes, Johnny Depp could definitely play anyone and I'm with you on watching do so anytime. He is my fave actor. An amazing actor should play an amazing Alex!
I'm loving all these comments for the Mrs. We are all blessed to have supportive partners in this crazy writing quest. Thanks for another fun look at Alex.
Your guitar-playing ninja is perfect!
Great post, Lynda. Love the ninja! :D
I liked that version of what Alex looks like! Hope he doesn't get the guitar confused with the sword.
I knew Alex was cute, but I didn't know he was so adorable. I've never seen so much mention of Depp; I'm not complaining. Great, fun post, Lynda.
Hi, Lynda,
Terrific Flash Fiction piece! LOVED the pic of Alex.... LOL.
Off to Carol's site...
Too fun. A ninja in white cowboy hat. I like it!
I'd watch if he were played by Johnny Depp.
Everyone wants to know what he looks like. Confession time - Alex and I share the same publisher, so I have met him in person. I am sworn to secrecy though.
I love your picture of the real Alex! Great flash fiction, and you can't go wrong with Johnny Depp!
Great pic and post!!!
Loving this blogfest!
Going to check out your post on Carol's blog!
Love your picture of Alex! And Johnny Depp can play anyone!
Love the photoshop image! Didn't notice much Johnny Depp in it though. ;-) Excellent message to the missus!
Love that picture. Ahahahaha. Alex, for sure. And JD is an excellent choice. Loved your flash (those poor ninjas *shakes head*) and message to Mrs. C. Excellent job. :-)
Well done on just 'whipping' that up in Photoshop! Cripes! :) I have never learned proper PS skillz. Entirely my fault though!
Great post for AlexFest!
Fun flash fiction :) Now I'm headed over to your reasons writers should read. . .
Love the fiction - and the pic!!
Off to see you at Carol's hut :)
I've been seeing a lot of Johnny Depp as Alex today. The women are swooning!
I love your Ninja Alex Rocker Dude! I love Alex! This is EPIC! I want another blogfest like this... Cheers Alex! :)
I think that would be third vote to Jhonny Depp as far as I have read. 2 for Sean Connery and 1 for Tom Hanks. Oh and 1 for Clive Owen. :) Nice pic
Johnny Depp is such a versatile actor. Loved the picture of Alex.
Thanks so much, Michael. I appreciate it.
Oh you lucky thing you!!
Thanks so much, Laura!
I was a graphic designer in a previous life...
Thanks so much, Rose!
Yay, thanks, Jemi!!
Aww, I'm loving reading all these blog posts on Alex! Love the picture. :D
Ha! I love the Rock Ninja picture. I think that's the most accurate pic of Alex we've seen so far :)
I love the picture of Alex, yes, a Ninja with guitar.
I love the illustration!
It's true. Johnny Depp can play anyone.
I love the image. That is so Alex. Great job. And, I can see Johnny Depp playing Alex like in The Tourist.
Cute Photoshop image!
I really enjoyed your flash, "They’re too busy fighting over who will get to read CassaStorm first." LOL. And the image is perfect. (:
Oh Lynda I loved, loved your flash fiction piece and, yes, I can just imagine the IWSG crowd fighting to get to the book. Hm....Johnny Depp eh? OK!
johnny depp can play the heck out of anyone all right!
great flash too!
We may have to do a Mrs. Cavanaugh blogfest. ;)
I love that "photo" you posted of Alex.
A ninja holding a guitar, how perfect!
Johnny Depp is a great choice. A guitar toting, swashbuckling ninja!
Lovely what you wrote for Mrs. Cavanaugh. That's so true. All writers need a supportive spouse!
Mary Montague Sikes
Love this post and I had a great time hopping all over the blogosphere to find out more about the elusive Alex. Will the REAL Alex Cavanaugh please stand up?
HaHa, I've seen more than one vote for Johnny Depp playing Alex. Great choice. Lots of ninjas fighting over who gets to read CassaStorm first, too. Lovely tribute, Lyn!
Alex Fest - Cheers!
I don't know what to make of this Alex blogfest. It's just so silly!
That was just awesome. Just. Awesome! Mr. Depp, need I say more? Thanks for participating! :)
I can totally see Johnny Depp playing Alex. But not with the Willy Wonka haircut.
I LOVE the image of Alex! :D
I made up an image of Alex something like that when he guested on my blog what seems years ago now. I've since seen a picture of him, or what's supposed to be him, on a few blogs.
I love the photoshopped Ninja Alex! It's perfect!
This rocks! Yeah, I agree one hundred percent about Johnny. What a man and what an actor. I loved that flash fiction, ninjas fighting over Alex's book. Awesome!
A cowboy in a Ninja hat, PERFECT!
what a great pic! love the ninja headgear!
Wow. You nailed that image of Alex. I'm sure he might be exactly like that but taller.
liked your flash fiction; it made me chuckle :)
Heading over to Carol's now. :-)
So that's what he looks like! Alex really is a treasure, isn't he?
I love the little ninja picture. Very cute!
I'm on my way to read your guest post. I could watch Johnny Depp in anything and be happy, too!
96 comments? Lynda, you're on fire!
Great tribute to Ninja Alex. Good luck with your book tour and sales!
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