This is just a short post to let everyone know about some cool events hosted by some cool bloggers. Please, take the time to check them out. You won't be disappointed.
Go here to check it out.
A B Keuser is having a race to 100 followers book giveaway.
Go here to check it out.
Shallee McArthur is hosting What's Your Process Blogfest on 18th Jan.
Sign up here and post about any part of your writing process.
Alex J Cavanaugh is hosting a Top 10 Music Blogfest on 24th January.
Sign up and join in on the fun.
Reminding everyone of the greatest event of the weekend, week, month, YEAR! Dezzy-baby-hun -- erm, cough -- Dezmond at HollywoodSpy will be hosting a gala ceremony: HOLLYWOOD SPY'S ANNUAL AWARDS. Be sure to dress up in your fancy gowns and tuxedos on the 16th January and attend his fantastic event!
Love the flowers. Thanks for the links.
Thanks for the links. I'll check 'em out.
I'm having a 400 Followers Fiesta soon, maybe tomorrow. The winners will be announced on February 4th.
Happy Whisk, The flowers live around my letterbox. They only bloom for a short time each year, but wow they are gorgeous when they do.
Theresa, oh wow!! congrats! That's a great number to celebrate! I will likely hold a comp at 400 as well.
Thanks for the link :D I'll definitely check the others out too!
and where's the biggest event of all the big events in this list??? My award ceremony will be the center of all talks and gossips for weeks after this Sunday! ;)
I'm glad that, Jamie, a winner of one of my giveaways, is hosting his own giveaway!
And I'm bending the rules in Alex' blogfest.
Jamie, no problems! I've been promising to link your contest all week and I kept forgetting...bad me ;)
Oh Dezzy!!! I'm so sorry! Gimme a sec and I'll make an adjustment to the post!
I can't wait to read Alex's blogfest! It'll be fun to guess what genre people like best before you see what they actually like.
Thanks for the links!
Sharon, yep, I'm looking forward to it as well :)
Thanks for posting these. I've already signed up for Alex's blogfest and I've checked out Jamie's contest. I'll look into the other ones you've mentioned.
Jeffrey, oo, I'm looking forward to reading your music selections :)
Around the letter box? How wonderful and pretty. We are in winter here, but I do look forward to seeing flowers, come spring.
I love the flowers. :)
Thanks for these links! I've heard of all of them except one--off to check it out!
he he ... you've redeemed yourself Lyndylove :) Now off to your beauty treatments, schedule the make up artists, the haute couture designers because the HOLLYWOOD SPY ANNUAL AWARDS are just around the corner :)
And the speech you gotta prepare the speech ... because you will be surprised and awestruck :)
Amazing!!! I love fabulous links! You've got a ton of them here!!!
Thanks for posting these suggesting I joined the host signing up for Alex's Music Top Ten Blogfest :)
Happy Whisk, and I'm looking forward to winter here. All these humid days make me want to sleep ;)
Golden, yay! That's great
Dezzy, yep, I'll definitely need MANY days to polish up enough to be presentable for such an auspicious occasion. What scares me most is not the speech, but having to walk up to the podium in my crazy high heels. I can see it now: I'll trip on the steps, I'll do a tumble, my sparkly dress will snag on something, the video of it will go viral on utube...
Jen, hehe, there's so many great bloggers!
Elaine, yay! glad to hear it :)
Thanks for the lovely flowers and the links!!! Such great fun things to join!! Take care
Old Kitty, glad you liked. Have a super dooper weekend!
Thanks for mentioning my music blogfest! 75 people so far and still over two weeks to go. And looking forward to Dezz's party this weekend.
Great links - Thanks!
Nice link, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the links and reminders :)
Thanks for sharing the links. I just might have to drop by a few . . .
Yay, I've signed up for the Blogfests! Now just have to remember they're happening. Hehe.
I nominated you for an award you may or may not have already won ;)
Thanks for the great links, Lynda! Happy weekend full of great writing to you.
Thanks for the info!
Alex, your blogfest is gettting big! Very cool.
Charmaine, welcome back :)
Toyin, thanks
Jemi, no problems
Mary Mary, I hope you do :)
Trisha, that's great to hear. I always write blogfests on my calendar otherwise I'd probably forget too. Thanks too for the award :)
M Pax, thanks. I hope you have a great writing weekend too :)
Jai, no problems. I hope the links were helpful.
Thanks for the links.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Thanks for the links Lynda. Hope everything's okay where you are in Austrailia.
Thanks for the links, Lynda. Will check them out.
There is nothing I like better than dressing up in a fancy gown! I can't wait for Desmond's event....
Thanks for all the links, Lynda!
Have a great weekend...
Lynda...you have an award on my blog.
Ooh.. how exciting.. so many great things happening :) Thanks for all the links!
Some really good things on the blogosphere lately, looking forward to Dez's big gala tomorrow
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