Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Definition of Success as a Writer #IWSG

Before I started writing, I had big dreams and believed success meant achieving a household name status. Something equal to JK Rowlings or Tolkien.

Before I'd finished a single manuscript, I adjusted my outlook and decided success meant getting published by one of the Big Six. 

After finishing that first manuscript, I packaged it up and sent it off to countless publishers (I had no clue at the time…clearly). Turned out, I needed an agent. So I sent off countless queries…and more. I began to think that success meant getting an agent and everything else would fall into line. 

Ah, the positivity of youth.

I ended up getting short stories published, a novelette, articles, anthologies and even a book of Christian devotionals. Over time, my definition of success shifted again. 

That first short story I got published was a massive achievement. The first time I opened a bound book containing one of my stories was incredible. The first time someone actually paid me for a story was just as awesome. Success became finishing a piece and sending it out. It became seeing my words in print. It became reading the great reviews from strangers. It became getting fan mail. 

Then I decided to take the publishing reigns myself. A scary leap. My first book, Wielder’s Prize, was a monumental achievement because of the steep learning curve. It was years in the making and to this day, I’m super proud of it. 

Since then, I published Wielder’s Curse and then Wielder’s Fire. I released the boxed ebook set, Wielder’s Storm Trilogy. Then I released Well of Ash, my fantasy novella. I’m proud of every book and see each one as another rung in the success ladder. I have to pinch myself to believe I actually achieved all that. 

And then recently, I took another scary step and got back the rights to my Christian Devotional, Cling to God. I’ve been working hard on it and will be releasing its new and shiny self on November 3rd. Eek. 

If you’d like to help with its cover reveal and/or its launch, please leave a comment. 

What is your definition of success?

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month, members post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE