If you haven't read book one, Wielder's Prize, then you can pick it up here: ebook and paperback
Both of my novels are also available for FREE via Kindle Unlimited.
Her curse isn't the only darkness waiting to break the world.
Months after the victory at Sapphire Cove, Jasmine is haunted by terrifying visions of burning seas and blackened skies. It’s the dark future she thought she’d evaded, but now it’s back to bring her nightmares of the Beast, a mad creature trapped in the void between worlds. It fights to escape its prison, and it wants one thing: to devour the world.
To make matters worse, Finn’s life is threatened by an unknown assailant. At the risk of losing everything, Jasmine must hunt down the would-be assassin, find a way of defeating the Beast, and stop the oncoming storm. And she has to do this while struggling to control her untamed magic, guard her secrets, and avoid becoming a true Abomination and a danger to everyone.
If you have time, I'd deeply appreciate a review on Amazon, Goodreads and Bookbub. Reviews are proving to be difficult to come by and yet so important.
Another Adventure on the High Seas
I literally JUST came back from my own high seas adventure. I took a break for a week on a cruise to Papua New Guinea. I put my feet up and relaxed and did a bunch of reading. Now I'm ready to start on the edits for book 3, the conclusion of the Wielder's Storm series.

Has a single photo or work of art ever inspired a story? What was it and did you finish it?
Absolutely. Because I'm a visual person, I often hunt for images to inspire a story or evoke a feeling or help me describe a place. But once, I caught the quickest of flashes from the movie trailer of The Tempest. It was one second of footage of a character jumping from a drain or something. That glimpse inspired an entire character and an entire fantasy series. I even finished book one. But I haven't yet released it. I need to finish my Wielder's Storm series first.
How about you? What has inspired your stories?
Hi Lynda - I thought Wielder's Prize was excellent, so I'm sure Wielder's Curse will be a great read ... and I look forward to it. Congratulations - and so glad you enjoyed the cruise and break in the regimen of life ... cheers Hilary
Congratulations on the second book! First one was excellent.
Glad you got away for a while.
Visuals and sound inspire me.
Hooray on your book! Your cruise sounds wonderful, and perhaps will lead to future inspiration.
Congrats on the book.
Cruises are so relaxing. We need to do another one.
Congratulations on the book!
Your vacation sounds wonderful. :)
Funnily enough, I read Wielder's Curse on my own getaway to Hawaii - not that far removed ethnographically from Papua New Guinea, and we even attended a lu'au (sp.?) featuring dances from that island! My review is incoming over the next couple of days. I'm so sorry it's been late - being self-employed, I had to ramp up my work rate to make up for the time away. But I hugely enjoyed it!
Congrats on your second book release in this series. Good luck on the edits for book 3.
Congratulations on your new release! That cruise sounds like it was wonderful. Nothing better than relaxing on the water with some good books.
Congratulations!! I love the covers for both of these books so much and both sound like such great reads.
Glad you had a good time on your cruise. :)
Hi Lynda, congratulations on your second book. Both the covers look amazing :)
I loved Wielder's Prize, looking forward to reading Wielder's Curse. It's wonderful that ideas for new books are popping into your head.
That cruise must have been amazing, Lynda! And a big congratulations for getting that next book out. Each one is such a fine accomplishment (and such a big job).
Congrats on the book, Lynda! And I love the picture of energy and roots. That could work fine for this #iwsg.
Congrats on Wielder's Curse! I also find inspiration in tiny details of images. My imagination is always working overtime. It sounds like the cruise was relaxing and rejuvenating. Looking forward to book #3!
Good for you. I am not usually inspired by a photograph. However, watching people inspires me.
Have a great month.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
I know your cruise was wonderful! Glad you're revitalized and starting on the next book :)
Congrats on your success. Way to start 2020!
Anna from elements of emaginette
Lover the concept! So glad you're able to make an entire series out of it too:)
Thanks, Hilary
Thanks, Alex
I'm sure it will :)
I love cruises for that reason
It was. Thanks so much :)
It's all good. I totally understand. And again,thanks so much for offering to read and review it. HUGELY appreciated.
Thanks so much! I wrote book 3 during NaNo last year and haven't looked at it since. I have a lot of work ahead of me ;)
I totally agree! I read so much books! So great to do all that catch up reading.
Thanks so much, Julie. I'm thrilled you love the covers. It took me a while to get them right.
Thanks you so much, Rachna
I have more ideas than time... eek!
Thanks, Cathrina
And a massive job. Book 2 was a labor of love in particular (and frustrating). I've never had to rewrite a book so many times to get it right, but once I got there it was such a wonderful feeling.
Thanks, Jacqui
I'm jealous of my own self too! hhahaha
Thanks, Lee. It was relaxing. Now I need to go on a diet ;)
I love people watching too.
Thanks, Carol.
It was a big start to the new year. Thanks, Anna.
Thanks, Mark
Great that you could relax and go cruising about. Congrats on book 2!
Congrats on the inspiration and can't wait to read the rest of the series. Happy IWSG!
Congratulations Lynda! It sounds as though you had a very productive 2019 to be doing your edits for book three already. You deserved that time away - it looks great!
Thanks, Pat
Thanks, Juneta. Happy IWSG to you too.
Thanks so much! I really appreciate it.
I've just had to cancel my planned cruise to New York, and now it seems everyone else is cruising but me! I'm not sad much :(. I have to say, I love your covers. The books sound very interesting too. I may have to pop on over and check them out...
Oh no!!! Cancelling a cruise is a very sad thing indeed.
I'm glad you like my covers. Thanks so much :)
What a great start to 2020.
Those two cover images make for a visual treat and they look beautiful side-by-side.
Congratulations on the second book, Lynda!
Thanks you so much, Michelle :)
Thanks, Damyanti
Congratulations, Lynda. All the best for the launch of Book Two.
Thanks, Denise
Congratulations on your release.
Picked up both ebooks.
Hi Lynda,
Congrats on book 2! That is amazing ... you write rather quickly. Not to long ago, you published the first book. Good luck with writing book three, I know you will get it finished, then you can work on your other book. I wish I had your tenacity. I have been struggling to finish my WIP, which I had started two years ago. I thought I had it complete until my editor strongly suggested to continue the story until the end of the life of the person I am writing about. Ugh. I can't say I totally agree with her, but she is highly respected and we paid a lot of money for her advice, so I am going with it,
LIke you, I am very visual, too.
Oh Toi, you're amazing. Thanks so much!
Nope, I don't write quickly at all. I publish quickly ;) I'll share the details in my next post.
Best wishes on finishing that memoir. Sometimes a book takes longer to write.
Visuals often spark my writing (part of why drawing is important to my writing process).
Glad you got get away and relax before all of this started happening (good thing your cruise was when it was). Phew!
Yeah, I did the calculations and I was on the cruise at the time they actually named the virus. Yikes! But I'm super glad I got away at least once this year.
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