Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Writing Goals #IWSG

The thing about writing goals is that they can change over time. Mine have. Originally my big dream was to get traditionally published by one of the big houses and become a household name.

Notice I called it a dream rather than a goal?

This is because I had no clue what it would take to make the dream a reality. Once that reality reared its slightly-quirky head, I formed more realistic, achievable goals--goals that were far more in keeping with what I actually wanted.

So what did I actually want?

I wanted to write my own stuff, my own way, at my own pace. I didn't want to be told no. And, because life is too short for nonsense and faffing, I wanted a faster process from finished manuscript to publication (without being silly about it, of course). Oddly enough, this means I'm going to have to wait just a bit longer before I'm ready to reveal to the world my debut young adult fantasy adventure novel.

There are decisions to be made, books two and three to be written, titles to decide and covers to be designed. I may even use a pen name.

So whatever your goals might be, it's ok to change them. I'm so much happier with my new goals now. I feel revived and enthusiastic, and I'm loving writing again.

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month the members of our group post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG, then please go HERE

And don't forget, the next #IWSGPit is Thursday July 19th 8:00am - 8:00pm Eastern Standard Time. Over a thousand agents and publishers have been invited to tune in that day. Polish your story and your Twitter pitch and be ready!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

My goals certainly changed over time.
Maybe a pen name, huh?

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Goals are just dreams with deadlines.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Glad you found the goals that are making you happy. Mine, too, have changed over time.

Pat Hatt said...

Goals that make you happy are the best ones to have indeed.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

This - "...because life is too short for nonsense and faffing..." :)

It took me awhile, but I learned that changing my dreams and goals didn't mean I was giving up. As long as I still have dreams and goals - whatever they look like - I'm good. :)

Jennifer Hawes said...

My goals have stayed consistently the same over the past few years. However, I have come to realize this takes an ocean of patience and endurance. Good luck on your YA fantasy novel!

The Cynical Sailor said...

I think your point that it's okay if goals change over time is a really important one. I think sometimes we stick with something that isn't right for us any longer just because we said it was a goal once upon a time.

Cheers - Ellen

Erika Beebe said...

What a great uplifting post Lynda. I am happy you are enjoying writing and happy with where you are :)

Crystal Collier said...

"Because life is too short for nonsense and faffing." AGREED!!! I love your perspective. I originally had the same goals, but I don't really want to put in the travel and headaches that go with that life. *shrugs* Here's to adapting and figuring out what works for you! (And I'm looking forward to that novel one day.)

Jemi Fraser said...

Totally agree - goals can & should change as we grow and change too!

Pat Garcia said...

All the best with writing your series. I personally believe that each writer has an inner feelings of what they want to accomplish. If it is based on someone else's desires, the writer will never be happy. You have to have some kind of idea about what you want. It seems like you have a very good idea of where you're going.
All the best.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

Anonymous said...

Dreams v. Goals is always the reality check. I'm in that same "write what I want at my own pace" boat. Glad to hear that you're enjoying your writing again. Looking forward to hearing more about your new series.

Nick Wilford said...

Goals definitely sound more realistic than dreams! You've got the right approach by tailoring what you want to do to what you can achieve at any given moment. And I admire that you're taking your time to make sure everything is totally ready rather than rushing to get out there.

Carol Kilgore said...

Yes! Exactly what you said. Me, too. Happy July!

cleemckenzie said...

How true. Keep those goals coming, keep them appropriate for where you are at the time to make them, and enjoy the heck out of working toward them.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

I like your changing goals better than mine, Lynda. Yes, that was my goal once. I'd forgotten!

emaginette said...

I prefer attainable goals. If mine are too big, I break them down into smaller bits. Dreams. I love dreams and some of them have a goalish feel to them. But that's for another time. ;-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

Mark said...

So long as you enjoy writing it's all good. I look forward to reading more of your work int he years to come:)

Unknown said...

Dreams are better than goals. They aren't encumbered by by measurements. Keep dreaming!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Dreams and goals can work together really well. I headed toward indie publishing because I had some similar thoughts.
Keep dreaming and writing!

J.Q. Rose said...

You have a professional attitude about your writing goals. I liked how you expressed your desire to self publish, but with your plans and careful eye to detail at the right time. Wishing you success!!
JQ Rose

Carol Riggs said...

I'm so glad you're happier with your goals now! That's the important thing. Best wishes, and I can't wait to see what you're writing!

Neurotic Workaholic said...

I definitely had different goals when I was younger; like you, I didn't fully know yet what achieving those goals would entail. And I think it's good to modify those goals because either way, you're working towards something good and real, something that's important to you.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You speak such good sense. Glad you're happy with where your writing is.

Michelle Wallace said...

Good luck with the adult fantasy adventure novel, Lyn. It sounds exciting!
For me, as a writer, I'm still finding myself and experimenting with different things... but time isn't on my side so I need to get a move on...

J.L. Campbell said...

The awesome thing about us indies, is the ability to do things at our own pace.

Unknown said...

Well, your original dream is still my current dream/goal. That said, I am also researching the heck out of the indie world, because I know that self-publishing is a very viable alternative should my primary goal not pan out. Out of curiosity, where are you with your YA fantasy? That's my primary genre, so it's always great to find someone else writing that as well. Thanks for the post, and happy writing to you. :)

Rachna Chhabria said...

I agree that our writing goals can and should change with time and that we should not stress over our goals rather we should be happy with it.

Liza said...

So happy that you love your writing again. Best wishes reaching any and all of your goals, however they change!

Nicki Elson said...

I agree that it's important to allow our goals to change. Dreams are great, but being realistic is the best way to set achievable goals - and who knows. maybe reaching those will make that original dream come true.

Juneta key said...

Wishing you much success with your series. Dreams vs Goals interesting distinction. Happy IWSG!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lynda - things change all the time - and it's good we can adjust to those changes ... you seem to. Good luck as you pursue your goals ... while dreaming on - cheers Hilary

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I have written the first novel and it's good to go, but I wanted to write the second and mostly the third before I publish. How about with you? What are you up to?

Denise Covey said...

Hi Lyn! So pleased to play a small part in your journey. Hopefully, we'll both achieve success doing things our way!

DEZMOND said...

What's 'faffing'? Sounds delightful!

JEN Garrett said...

I think in this huge scientific experiment we call life, dreams are the theories, and goals are the hypotheses.

Unknown said...

That's so exciting! How far along are you with the second and third? Am I correct in that you are self-publishing? I am 2/3's of the way through a YA fantasy, which I plan on finishing by the end of July. Then, I'll be turning my attention to a YA scifi novel that is also about 2/3's finished that I set aside for a while. And then there's the MG steampunk story that I'm about 1/2 way through. So, yes. Lots of things happening in my life right now. All good things, though. :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Wow, I love all your genres. You sound like you are super busy. I love it. Yes, I think I will self-publish. I'm in the messy first draft stage of book 2. I have other books on the go too. Big plans.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

faff: British informal
verb: faff; 3rd person present: faffs; past tense: faffed; past participle: faffed; gerund or present participle: faffing

1.spend time in ineffectual activity.
"we can't faff around forever"

noun: faff
1. a great deal of ineffectual activity.
"there was the usual faff of getting back to the plane"

And yes, at times it can be delightful :)

Toi Thomas said...

Ah, the whole goal vs. dream rule.
Whenever your series comes out, I'm excited to see it.
Best of luck in your writing endevors. Glad you're enjoying them.

DEZMOND said...

OMG I hate faffing around! I shall invent my new expression faffity faff! ''What is this faffity faff faffing hell!''

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

hahaha you are so funny. I may have even used faffity faff in the past. ;)

Blue Grumpster said...

You call that fuuny, Lynda? Are you sure? Should I be worried?

Oh hi Dezzmeister from Dezzyland. You're so funny. But good funny.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Yes, Blue, you should be worried.... ;)