The IWSG (Insecure Writer's Support Group) is, as the name implies, a group of writers who are eager to support each other. We learn from each other, grow together and become better writers as a result. To write in isolation is a mistake. Yes, it takes hours of sitting alone in a seat, pulling words together into something vaguely intelligible. Despite that, at regular intervals it's important to get up, share, interact, live. At times that might seem scary, especially when it comes to sharing our work, the creation we slaved over for so long. My simple advice is this: Get over that fear and get involved. Share your work, listen to other opinions, discover new opportunities. It gets easier with practice.
How was my 2017? I thought 2016 was a roller coaster. How wrong I was. They had better not come as a hat trick.
How was your 2017? How has sharing your work changed your writing?
If you'd like to join the IWSG or know more about the group, click HERE. We have lots of helpful resources on the website and in free books, competitions during the year, a Twitter Pitch Party coming up in January and lots more.

Hi Lyn! How are you? I certainly hope 2018 is less of a roller coaster for you!
And I'm not putting myself through a Twitter Pitch again...ever...so I say now. On the wrong side of the world for it, totally!
As far as sharing your work goes, the thing I like to remind people is - if you're planning to publish your work, which is scarier? Hearing advice from other writers who know what you've gone through and who know it's still a work in progress? Or throwing it out there and hearing criticism from readers who have a "review" button and aren't afraid to use it?
Hope you have an easier 2018!
This year after some trepidation, I found some beta readers to read some of my short stories. I found them to be very helpful and encouraging, so much so that I'm now considering self-publishing.
I hope next year will be better for you Lynda! Merry Christmas!
I have found sharing my work as one of the most helpful methods of generating new thought processes about my own characters to make them more real. Wishing you a successful crossover into 2018.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
I'm sorry - you don't need that kind of score.
I get so much from other writers, more than I could ever give.
As the book title says, feel the fear and do it anyway.
A lovely book, thanks for bringing it to my attention. And a very happy 🎄 Christmas x
Great advice about sharing your work even when you're afraid. I have to get over my fears and just write. Hope you have a more stable year next year.
It can be difficult to write about life if you're not living it. When I was about to publish my first book, I was scared stiff about sending it out into the world. It didn't get any easier with book five. But I do realize writers need thick skin and talking about our work does help.
I hope you can step off the roller coaster and take a breather.
I do have other writers who read my work...but for this first time ever this year, I stepped out of my comfort zone and had a friend proofread my work. And this month, one of my oldest, dearest friends will read my novel for no reason but the fun of it. The thought has me shaking in my boots...
Think positive - 2018 will be great! No hat trick! :)
Love the photo at the top of the post. :)
"Better not be a hat trick." LOL. Here's to wishing you a great 2018.
Hopefully no hat trick comes due indeed. Sharing and learning from many other writers is a win.
Here's to a smoother 2018 for you. Merry Christmas!
Getting involved with others is essential for writers. And hard because you can't socialize and write. The key is allocating time for both. May 2018 be kind and generous to you.
One day I hope to join one of those Twitter parties. Sooner rather than later I hope. Happy Holidays and A Miraculous 2018!
Sharing my work with beta readers has been one of the scariest things I have done, but also one of the most rewarding. Have a wonderful festive season. Cheers - Ellen
I've been going to local writing meetings, and I enjoy it. It makes me feel more like a writer. Even if it's a leisurely lunch meeting. :)
We may work in solitude, but we need to come out of our caves and talk to people. All writing groups (like IWSG or my local writers' RWA chapter) energize me. Getting feedback from others always helps.
I'm pretty sure they don't. Fingers crossed and covering my head. ;-)
Anna from elements of emaginette
Hi, I'm new to IWSG however I think I've met you somewhere along the way--A-Z blog hops? Dunno.
Anyway, best wishes for 2018. I hope it's less of a roller coaster for you than 2017 was.
My life over the past couple of years, since May of 2015, was one long roller-coaster (mostly downs, but a few ups), however the track seems to be smoothing out again, enough that I am returning to writing and to blogging.
It does get easier with practice. 2017 was a challenge year for me. It forced me to dig deeper into my faith - did I really trust God to take care of me in illness? Well, I had to. Could I write even when I was struggling? Yes. I learned, I prayed, I wrote, and I'm still here. So, I wouldn't change a thing. :)
Here's to a better 2018. I (we) need a break!
Hi Lynda, yes life is a roller coaster ride but let's agree together 2018 will be a year of health and prosperity!
Getting useful feedback and sharing tips is the best part of being a blogger-writer :)
Yep, I'm hoping 2018 is much better than the last 2 years.
You're right, sharing our work, and our writing experiences is important.
Today I've been told by one person that something I wrote gave them a much needed laugh, by someone else that a story of mine had cheered them up, and by another person that I'd encouraged them - that kind of reaction is why I write.
Yeah, sometimes our timezone is not a win.
Great advice!
That's awesome, Debbie. Best wishes for your self-publishing.
That's great! And thanks :)
That is SUCH a gorgeous photo!! I love it. :) Great job.
It certainly does take courage to push past that initial feeling of vulnerability and share one's work. And it DOES get easier, the more you get used to it. Hugs, and holiday wishes to you!!
Sometimes we don't have a choice. And yes, other writers are so inspiring and helpful.
Yes, indeed
Very happy Christmas to you too
Wishing you a stable year also, and time and inclination to "just write".
Life is the best inspiration a writer can have.
Thanks, Cathrina
It's scary, but it's worth it.
Thanks. I get a great view of the sky from my place.
Thanks, Ken
It is soooo a win!
Thanks. Merry Christmas to you too.
scheduling the time is important.
Wishing you are great 2018 also
Wishing wishes for working toward that goal.
It is so rewarding :)
Thanks, Ellen.
It all helps
they do energize. :)
Thanks, Anna
A-Z might be possible. I've been around for a while. Yay to that track smoothing out.
Faith for me is crucial. Because of that faith, I too would not change a thing. There is more to this world than what I want.
I'll drink to that.
Sure thing!! :)
I'm guessing it's all in the attitude. (Not always easy, though)
wow, wonderful reactions!
Glad you like the photo. The rainbow was incredible.
I agree, sharing does get easier.
For me, I need to be brave and send out my short stories. I obsess too much. Even with blog posts. I need to let them go. To take my chances. It's always a no, if I never send something out. My children say I overthink everything. Yes I do. I just don't know how to stop it. Any suggestions?
Enjoy your holidays, Lynda!
I do the same. I recently re-read an old manuscript which I'd put away because there was too much wrong with it. Turns out it wasn't that bad. Sigh.
Merry Christmas, Victoria
Hi Lynda - getting on with life is so important - but you moved this year didn't you ... so you were somewhat busy ... our lives are constantly ups and downs - I could do with a good year in 2018 - even after jumping the pond and a continent ... cheers Hilary
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