Very exciting! Can't believe how fast that year went by.
If you'd like to find a daily pocket of peace in this chaotic world, and wish to buy my book for yourself or as a gift (Christmas is coming rapidly!), then it's available from Amazon Paperback, Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iTunes.
This month's optional IWSG question: Have you ever slipped any of your personal information into your characters, either by accident or on purpose?
Maybe not my bank account information, but there's certainly aspects of me in every character. Thankfully I am, along with everyone else, a creature of complexity, so I can draw from many aspects. In my opinion, it's unavoidable. We see the world through our own eyes, even when we try to see it through someone else's. We are the sum of our experiences. To write, we tap into what we know based on what we have observed and experienced and from what we've heard others experience. We then mash all that input together and process it in a way only we uniquely know how. This knowledge becomes a part of who we are. We influence and are influenced. Consequently our interpretation of the world has to come out in our writing. Pieces of ourselves and others get mixed into our characters. What I haven't done is create a character wholly based on my perception of "me" or the "me" of a specific someone. All my characters are based on a mix.

Every first Wednesday of the month the members of the IWSG post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG, then please go HERE to find out more and join up.
The Insecure Writer's Support Group: Writing for Profit
From writing to publishing to marketing, the Insecure Writer's Support Group members provide tips on making money as a writer. This free guide represents the spirit of the IWSG - to encourage and support writers everywhere! It is our hope that this book will benefit you as a writer, no matter where you are in the journey.
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Good point that characters are based on our interpretation of the world. Someone else mentioned not writing a main character with vastly different views and morals from our own. And I know I never would.
Happy one year to Cling to God! I have my copy.
I agree it's not possible to avoid putting something of ourselves into our writing. I think that's a good thing - it gives each writer a unique voice.
A whole year! You'll be delighted to know the weekend of the book festival, Dancing Lemur Press sold out of your book FIRST. Since we are also reading it every night, it was my husband who made each sale, as he's really enjoying the little dose of God right before we go to sleep.
Happy Birthday to your book Cling to God! I have it and can say it is a devotional that radiates peace and hope.
All the best.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
So agree with what you said about how parts of us are in our writing. Happy Book Birthday! And awesome that Diane sold out on your book first.
Just got the Anthology on writing for profit. Hope it'll help with my insecurities.
That is very true. Can't help but get some of us in there. A year is a grand thing to celebrate too!
This raises an interesting point, and possibly more fodder for my characters: I can create them based on other's perceptions of me, not just my own. Great post and congrats on your release!
Happy book birthday! I love the idea of celebrating for a whole month. Hmm, might have to implement that plan.... :)
Happy Book Birthday, Lynda. I love the idea of celebrating for the whole month. I'm going to do that now. I agree that there are aspects of us in all our characters :)
Hi Lynda - yes we must celebrate moments in our lives - and your book is special to many - so congratulations ... and here's to many more - cheers Hilary
Happy book birthday! :) And yes, I think we all slip in a bit of ourselves into our characters whether we realize it or not.
I like it when writers include parts of their personal lives/selves in their stories and characters. For example, the writer Jhumpa Lahiri has written several stories about professors and grad students; I think it's because she earned more than one master's degree and understands how they think.
Happy first birthday to your book!
There's some of me in all my characters, too. The dark side shines brighter in a few.
Yaaaaay, congrats on your book's birthday #1!! (wow, time flies!) And yep, I'm hidden in my characters in one form or another too. Some of it is accidental and some is on purpose. :) Take care!
Calling it a mix is accurate for me as well. Happy book and personal birthday to you. Enjoy your month. :-)
Anna from elements of emaginette
Congrats on you book birthday! You're right that time goes fast - I thought you just released it...
You answered the question excellently. We can't help aspects of our experience coming out in what we write, it's a subconscious thing.
Congratulations on your book birthday, Lynda. The time went so fast. Love your answer. I agree 100%. Happy IWSG.
I'll respond to everyone's comments a bit later, but I had to leave a response now before I have to head off... I'm so thrilled to hear my book was the first to sell out. And I'm super chuffed your husband is loving my book also. Thank you again for making another one of my days :)
My experience is similar - lots of bits of me but no ME in my story :)
Congrats on the birthday of your book! I do agree - we are creatures of complexity. I'm not sure everyone appreciates how rich and nuanced we are as individuals, and how mining those layers of experience can create depth in our characters.
Happy Birthday to your book! My daughter and I will be needing a new devo for January 1 so I’m going to check it out.
What a wonderful tradition to celebrate a birthday for an entire month. Happy book release birthday :-)
Happy Book Birthday! I can't believe it's been a year already.
I, too, believe there are bits of me in all my characters.
The human animal is indeed complex and so too should our characters be. It's so wonderful your book has been out a year already. More power to you, Lynda! Enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday Devotion Book. Wahoo! Great post. I like what Alex said. I guess really characters if the MC normal share core values in some form with me. Had not thought about it like that before.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
Congratulations on the book anniversary. Will there be any cake?
I've written main characters with vastly different morals than my own, but only in short stories. I don't think I could spend that kind of time with that kind of character for a novel, though.
That's exactly right. There aren't any new stories, but plenty of unique voices.
Thank you so much, Pat. That means a lot to me.
I'm so thrilled my book did so well at the festival.
Thanks, Pat. I'm still in shock it has been a year already.
Fodder comes from anywhere and everywhere ;)
Thanks, Raimey.
Celebration should always be a long-term enjoyment.
Great to hear! I love spreading the joy.
Thank you so much, Hilary
Thanks, Christine
Understanding how another thinks is key to authenticity.
You made me chuckle that your dark side shines brighter in a few.
Thanks, Carol. We can't help putting parts of ourselves in our characters.
Thanks, Anna. I plan to make it a wonderful month.
Yeah, it feels like I just released it...
Happy IWSG to you too. Thanks, Joylene.
exactly!! Big hugs :)
I agree. Only a few understand the true richness of the species.
Wonderful! I hope it lifts your world a little.
It's a good tradition.
Yeah, I can't believe it's been a year already too. It went crazy fast.
Thank you so much, Victoria.
There is always cake. Homemade yummy cake. The best kind.
Thanks, Juneta. Often our characters surprise us in one way or another.
Happy birthday to your book! How exciting.
Yes, there are pieces of the writer in everything she writes.
Happy Book Birthday, Lynda!
A year? Already?
Enjoy your month-long celebration.
I don't have a character that's wholly me, either. That would be too much like non-fiction, or a fictional memoir!
Cling to God is a good book. Happy Birthday to a lovely book of devotion.
I too agree that even when we try to see things the way others do, we see the world in our own special way.
Happy Book Birthday! I bought it a couple month's ago.
I know that using real life touches makes my contemporary stories more realistic. Congrats on your books and Happy Birthday!
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