Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The Joy of Blogging #IWSG

The question of the month: How long have you been blogging? (Or on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram?) What do you like about it and how has it changed?

I started blogging about fourteen years ago. Blogging in general was probably at its peak in popularity with a huge community taking part. When I started, I was so enthusiastic that I blogged every day.

My first blog was Christian based with devotional thoughts every day. Then I added a writing blog (this one). I quickly learned I couldn't maintain the output so I dropped the frequency of posts and then I eventually let go my Christian blog and turned it into a book instead: Cling to God: 365-Day Devotional

I've met so many wonderful people over the years through blogging. Some have disappeared completely. Many stopped blogging once they got agents and published, turning to other social media. But a whole lot are still here.

Today blogging is probably considered a dinosaur in the social media world. If not for the IWSG, I would've stopped blogging too, but the community is a treasure to keep and I do love the long form of blogging, which is very different to the blip media out there.

How about you? What's been your blogging journey? What is it about blogging that keeps you tapping away at the keys?


This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month, members post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE.



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Appreciate that you continue to connect with us every month. I don't blog more than one-two times a month anymore, either.
I do remember your Christian blog.
I still enjoy blogging, and I'll check on friends during the month even if I'm not posting anything.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

IWSG is what keeps me going. Although my first blog post was 19 years ago, so I guess I shouldn't quit.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lynda - I've probably been following you over the years ... as I too have been blogging for 15 into my 16th year. I just enjoy the community and the learning and book recommendations ... cheers Hilary

Pat Garcia said...

Hi, Linda,
I so agree. IWSG is something special to all of us. I have your devotional Cling to God. It's an excellent devotional.
All the best and take care.
Shalom shalom

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm so grateful for the IWSG. I would hardly have anyone commenting on my blog posts without you all. I agree with you that most people aren't interested in blogging anymore, but I really think it's a much better way to stay connected with your writer friends rather than other social media sites.

Liza said...

"Today blogging is probably considered a dinosaur in the social media world. If not for the IWSG, I would've stopped blogging too, but the community is a treasure to keep and I do love the long form of blogging, which is very different to the blip media out there." It is like you took these words right out of my brain! Not sure I'll ever be a "blip media" girl! Glad you have stayed here for the long haul.

H. R. Sinclair said...

Oh yes, so many people have stopped blogging over the years that had such fun blogs to read. I miss many of them.

My blog has moved, you can find it here:

Nick Wilford said...

We have got to know each other by reading of each others' struggles and successes in depth. You can't really do the same on social media, where posts are "blink and you miss it." Glad IWSG is here, and hope it can keep going for a long while.

Fundy Blue said...

I feel pretty much like you do about blogging, Lynda. I hope I can keep blogging with the IWSG for a long time as well. Enjoy visiting around today!

cleemckenzie said...
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cleemckenzie said...

I like blogging twice a month. It keeps me in touch with friends who are writers and readers. Glad you're still here.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

This is my community too. I learned early on that writers need to find 'your people.' IWSG are my people.

Patricia JL said...

Most of the bloggers I read only post to IWSG now, myself included. I miss the comradery of the old blogging days.

Blue Grumpster said...

Hello, Lynda. Long time no see. My bad. Been working too much.

Blogging... Well, I don't know for sure, but I think I started out in 2010. It was a different blog. No drawings. Then I started drawing, as you may remember, and did that for at least a decade. Then there was the 'pandemic'and I lost almost all of my readers. Such is life.

Anyway, I hope you're fine. You've always put a smile on my face. That's coming from a blue guy :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Blue!!! So good to see you again. I'm surprised you lost most of your readers during the pandemic. You'd think that would be a time you'd gain more. A shame. You have so much to offer.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Blue, your comment setup on your blog means I can't comment for some reason. I had a number of people say the same when I had the same set up. It's a shame because I prefer that setup. I don't know why it's so hard for Blogger sometimes :(