
Monday, November 14, 2016

Supernova and Benefits of Journaling

Today I'm over at the Insecure Writer's Support Group talking about the 7 Benefits of Journal Writing. Please pop on over and check it out.

In the meanwhile, I had to share my experience of Supernova, an awesome comic book convention. It was held at the Exhibition Centre at South Brisbane, with wonderful wonderful air conditioning. We checked out the cool merchandise.

I bumped into a blogger friend and awesome MG writer, Charmaine Clancy. Read her books. They are great!

Went to the panel discussing a new indie scifi film in development, Space/Time. Gotta love time travel stories! Unfortunately we are going to have to wait until 2018 to see it! Rawr!

And we checked out the cosplay competitions. So much fun! And the amount of work everyone puts into their costumes is amazing.
So there you have it. My first jaunt out to explore and discover more of Brisbane since my move last week. Wow, has it only been a week? I'm still tripping over boxes, though.

What have you been up to lately? Are you a fan of comic book conventions? Do you write journals? Are you reading my debut devotional, Cling to God?

Don't forget to check out my article about journaling at the IWSG website!


  1. Yes I am reading your book!
    Cool you met up with a blogger buddy at the convention.

  2. we have cosplay people appearing at our biggest Book Fair too at the end of October, they're interesting to see.

  3. Hi Lynda - that's great you've already embraced the Brisbane scene ... sounds fun, especially meeting up with Charmaine .. cheers Hilary

  4. Sounds like a fun convention and a great way to start enjoying the new city where you live.

    1. I'm not sure what's next, but it will be something equally as fun.

  5. Sounds fun!

    And just stuck those boxes in a closet. You'll get to them some other time. Maybe. :)

    1. If I had the closet space, I would. The funny thing is that the majority of the boxes is books.

  6. That sounds like a fun day, people really put tons of work into those costumes. Always neat to meet a blogger friend too.

  7. I haven't read your book yet, Lynda. But I will once my tour is over and life is quiet, or sort of quiet again. Happy marketing, btw.

  8. How fun! Gosh, I want to go to a convention just to meet some of my blogging friends! :)

    1. I didn't know Charmaine was going to be there. It was just a happy find.

  9. I would love to go to a convention like that. There are lots of them in the States but it can be so expensive. I enjoyed your post on keeping journal.

    1. This one ran for three days but we only got a day pass which is a whole lot more affordable.

  10. Great that you got to Supanova and that you ran into ChArmaine! Hope you enjoyed the storms! We do them well.

    1. The storms have been impressive. I got an amazing pic of one I might share in my next post (if I remember, lol).

  11. I've never been to a convention, but they look like SO much fun!!

  12. Sounds like great fun! And yay for air conditioning! Will hop over to IWSG asap.

    1. air conditioning is one of humanity's greatest inventions.

  13. I see people having a great time at these conventions. I've never been to one. Alas!

  14. I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed yourself and YAY for air conditioning! I've watched cosplay competitions on TV. I used to make costumes and dress up for medieval fairs. That's child play compared to the intricate and difficult costumes they make for cosplay. I hope you're all moved in soon! :)

    1. Oh my gosh!! We have a past larper in our midst! Must...!

  15. I've never been to a comic convention, although I've been to geological and literacy conventions. This definitely sounds like more fun! I love time travel stories! We're exploring places for a potential move ~ which finds me in Bullhead City, Arizona. Never expected to be visiting here! But it's an interesting community. Have a good one!

    1. Comic Cons are a whole lot more fun than geological and literacy cons, although they sound interesting in their own right.

  16. I've never been to a comic convention, but they sound like so much fun! It's great that you were able to meet up with a fellow blogger and author, and I'm glad you're landing on your feet in Brisbane!
    Thank you so much for not only writing a wonderful guest post, but sticking around to help host and chat with comment-ers. Thank you!

    1. You should go to one! It's also a good place to sell your books.

      And you are most welcome. I really enjoyed the privilege of being on your blog. Thanks so much!

  17. That looks and sounds fun, so glad you enjoyed yourself. Now to check out your tips on IWSG. Happy Writing.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  18. Looks and sounds like loads of fun. It's great when you bump into people too. I'll check out Charmaine's books. Have a lovely week. Great post, Lynda.

  19. What fun! It looks to me like you've got a ton of fun right out you door, just waiting to be explored. I'd still be tripping over boxes too in favor of playing. ;)

  20. I used to read comics a long time again, but I never thought about attending a convention. Probably aren't too many up here in Michigan anyway.

  21. Looks like you had fun Lynda. I'd love to go to a comic book convention one day.

  22. That sounds amazing! I'd LOVE to go to a comic con one day! Have a lovely weekend, Lynda!

  23. Well, that sounds like a fun induction to Brisbane! Cool that you got to meet up with Charmaine. Her books are on my TBR list, as is yours!


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