
Monday, November 21, 2016

Brisbane Storms, Food, and Interview

Today I'm over with Juneta Key for an interview. Please pop on over to learn a little more about me and my devotional, Cling to God.

Today is officially two weeks since I moved from Sydney to Brisbane. There are still boxes to trip over but not as many. The place is starting to look like a home. I'm thoroughly enjoying it here. So I thought I'd share some pics.
This is a storm that rolled in. They grow their storms BIG here in the subtropics. Great to watch from a balcony that offers plenty of sky.

This is Medley, a wonderful cafe only a five minute stroll from home. Normally open for breakfast and lunch, they recently opened for dinner as well. I highly recommend their pear and chocolate smoothie. Yum!

To work off all that good food, I enjoyed Zumba in Captain Burke Park under the Story Bridge, Kangaroo Point. No pictures. Too busy missing my steps, flailing my arms about in the cool breeze coming up from the river.

Lastly, I put my Christmas tree up because I had no idea where I was going to store this massive thing. It hadn't seemed so big in my old place. I'm going to buy lights for it tonight so you'll have to wait for a proper pic. Speaking of Christmas... Now is a great time to start buying gifts for your friends and loved ones. And I have the perfect Christmas gift you could give:

Cling to God: A Daily Devotional
by Lynda R Young

A book of short devotionals for every day of the year to encourage you in your faith, to help you think about your beliefs and learn more about God. Perfect for people with busy lifestyles.

Published by Freedom Fox Press
Cling to God in the chaos of life…
If you've Zumba'd before, did you feel as gangly as I did? What do you love most about storms? Started your Christmas shopping? 

Don't forget to pop over to Juneta's!


  1. Yup, Lyn, soon you'll be just as blase as I am about those storms. They were quite something and have led to a pleasant 'cool' change. It's cooler up at the beach with the sea breeze. Glad you're settling in. Zumba in the Park sounds great. Never done it outdoors!

    Denise :-)

    1. Zumba is free and open to anyone.
      Not sure I'll ever get blase about those storms.

  2. Hi Lynda - I can imagine the storms are 'big' - having seen some of them from afar. Sounds like you're settling in ... cafes, zumba and parks ... enjoy - happy times ahead .. cheers Hilary

  3. do any of Australian celebs live in Brisbane? I do love me Australian actors... and they love me too, why be modest :)))

    1. There are a few from Brisbane, but currently living here, I'm not so sure.

  4. That's an impressive storm.

    I've never Zumba'ed.

    And yes, your book does make the perfect Christmas gift.

  5. So pleased you are settling in nicely, Lynda. Have a lovely week and keep up with the Zumba :)

  6. Wow, what a storm! Gorgeous pictures. I'm heading over to Juneta's now. :)

  7. That is sure quite the storm rolling in. Can't say I've ever done Zumba haha

    1. Don't laugh! Zumba and you could be a match made in heaven.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Lovely pictures, Lynda. Brisbane looks beautiful!Heading over to Juneta's blog now!

  10. I've tried Zumba more than once, and it wasn't pretty. Reminded me of when I did step aerobics way back when. That wasn't pretty either but it was also dangerous - if you trip over your feet you fall off the step. :)

    1. Yep, I think I'd take Zumba over step. I did trip once while doing step aerobics. Thankfully it was just embarrassing.

  11. I haven't tried Zumba yet. I'm still into aerobics and Pilates and strength training. I LOVE the photos you've shared with your followers. Unfortunately, I haven't even thought of Christmas yet. I'm still trying to get through the Thanksgiving baking. Happy Thanksgiving, Lynda!

    1. I've never tried Pilates. Happy thanksgiving to you too, Victoria.

  12. I'm thinking you're going to enjoy being a city girl. ;) I don't think my hip would let me Zumba, but I totally want to try that smoothie--with some cheese on the side.

    1. Oh, I've always been a city girl. Sydney is more 'city' than Brisbane. Brisbane is more like a huge country town, if that makes sense. And lol re the cheese.

  13. Doing Zumba? I congratulate you Lynda on going out and doing it. I just imagined myself flailing about poking out the eyes of innocent people. My birthday is coming so Christmas can just keep it's nosy butt in December. Glad your new place is treating you well and all the best decorating that tree. Going to check out your interview now.

    1. I pretty much did as you described, minus actual eye poking, though it got close a few times. Happy birthday to you!!!

  14. Maybe if the weather allows, you can store the Christmas outside once Christmas is over. Attach it to the side or in a corner somewhere so the wind doesn't blow it away.

  15. Ah. You triggered memories of trekking around Australia and landing in Brisbane just as a cyclone was to hit. Our youth hostel didn't open until 4:00 but the storm would hit earlier...we camped out in a Chinese restaurant. They were ever so nice and fed us until we could dash around the corner to our home-for-the-night. Yes, they grow big storms in Brisbane. Welcome to your new home.

    1. Oh my gosh, what an awesome memory! Perhaps it wasn't so awesome at the time, but still...

  16. I've always wanted to do Zumba. I wouldn't be good but it would be fun. Alas, my arthritis doesn't allow it. My knees and hips are shot and just can't handle the moves.

    1. Yeah, Zumba is definitely not good for anyone with weaker knees and hips. Both are used extensively.

  17. Zumba is super fun, but it always depends on the instructor. I like the beginning level type.
    Those are lovely pictures - I'm glad you have landed in such a beautiful place. :)

    1. I'm pretty sure I was doing the beginning level.
      Thanks, Tyrean.

  18. Glad to hear you're settling in. Will hop over to see your post. Enjoy the rest of the week!

  19. I love that storm photo - storms are mesmerising, and a little terrifying, to me. I love stormy weather. :) Glad you're settling into your new hou...home.

  20. I've Zumba before and like it (have to start doing it on a regular basis though). I've yet to put up the Christmas tree but I already know what I'm getting my family for Christmas.

    1. Ah, it's good to know what you are getting family for Christmas already. I'm still not sure. They already have my book!

  21. Brisbane looks beautiful. I love the pictures! Medley looks like a fun and relaxing cafe. :)


    1. I went again yesterday for breakfast. So wonderfully tasty and relaxing.


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