
Thursday, November 10, 2016

5 Reasons to Write with... Plus Moving

Today I'm escaping all the moving boxes and heading over to Tyrean Martinson's blog to share my 5 Reasons to Write with Images. Please pop on over and check it out.

An update on my move. As some of you know I moved from Sydney to Brisbane. It's been awesome so far. A little warm, but doable. And the view has been incredible. My little apartment started like this:
And has become this:
Eek! That's a lot of boxes to unpack. Plus the ones you can't see in the other rooms.

Plus my internet provider has decided to make things difficult and not connect me properly yet so my net is at a horrible crawl. It may take me a few days to visit everyone. My apologies for that.

Have you ever moved? If so, what was the hardest part of moving?

Don't forget to visit Tyrean!


  1. it is a splendid view!
    The worst part of my moving were the people hired to paint and fix the new house.

  2. Welcome to sunny Brisbane, Lyn! I didn't like to tell you that for the past three years we've had heatwaves all summer! I hope there's a swimming pool at your apartment! If not, hit South Bank beach and cool down.

    Love your view! I'm posting about leaving Brisbane today! But my move is not a radical as yours. :-)

    1. Typical that you are leaving now...
      And yes, the apartment building has a pool! Yay. Oh, and I'm in denial about those heatwaves.

  3. Moving is never fun.
    Great guest post at Tyrean's today!

    1. There are fun elements, but also some that aren't so fun, lol.
      Thanks, Alex!

  4. The view looks spectacular. Do you get to see the sun set and rise everyday? Hope so. Happy unpacking.

    1. I see sunrises, but not sunsets. But I'm ok with that. The western sun is mega hot here in sub-tropical Brisbane.

  5. Yipes! unpacking is fun though, kinda--well better than packing. I think the hardest part of moving is coordinating everything and everyone.

    1. I agree that packing is better than packing. And yes coordinating everything and everyone is painful.

    2. I meant unpacking is better. I think the heat is getting to me ;)

  6. Moving is always a pain, but great view indeed

    1. And it's constantly changing with the light and the activity on the river.

  7. I moved a ton when I was younger but only was as an adult. Personally, the biggest annoyance is just unpacking. haha

    1. Yep, I'm starting to discover the difficulty of finding places for everything

  8. Hi Lynda - choosing to move and finding a place is often the most difficult ... at least you've done that bit and can now take those boxes one at a time ... Kangaroo Point looks a great position to be in ...

    Enjoy Brisbane, and enjoy those travels up the coast to see your blogging buddy Denise ... good luck with settling in .. cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks so much, Hilary. And too true: making the choice to move was difficult because I loved it where I used to live.

  9. The last time I'd moved, against my better judgment I had my brother help me. End result was a stereo that vanished from the back of his truck. Got the speakers, but not the stereo.

    I Are Writer!

  10. Best of luck! Ten boxes a day. Set a limit and keep at it. You've got this!

    1. Ten!!! You know there's boxes in boxes and little nick-nacks I couldn't let go, and bits of things that used to sit in places that no longer exist and... and... It's madness, I tell you!

  11. Hoping that things are settling down as you unpack and all. A move is always a bit crazy. About 12 years ago we moved from New Jersey to Kentucky here in the states - over 700 miles. It was quite the undertaking. Hopping over to Tyrean's place!

  12. Just moved in October myself. Three stages of OMG Packing, Moving the boxes getting them all into where you need them and unpacking ECK but less urgent. We're still unpacking and the house we moved to is smaller than the one we left so a tad more crowded. Getting there but still unpacking and trying to find places for things we need and storage.

    Love your view.

    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

    1. Yep, I'm discovering that finding places for things is difficult because we also went to a smaller place.

  13. That view looks gorgeous! I hate moving - it stems from having to move pretty much every year since I went to university. I can't wait to move in somewhere and just stay put! Best of luck with the move and the unpacking!

    1. Wow, it's hard to put roots down when you move that often.

  14. The hardest part is the time involved and the lack of permanence. We've been 'moving' for a year and a half now. I'm so looking forward to stability.

    1. There's a lot to be said for stability. AND a stable internet connection!!

  15. Hopping over to check out your other post!

    Lots of luck unpacking your belongings. It's a process, just remember it doesn't have to all be completed at once. I grew up with my father in the military, then married back into the lifestyle (something I had never planned), and as such have moved a total of 13 times in 27 years. I'm DONE with moving. I can't wait to buy our own home when my husband's enlistment is up, and then I'm settling in for good!

    1. Wow, I can understand why you'd be done with moving. Thanks for popping over!

  16. I haven't moved for a while, but I remember how much of a pain it is. It was okay back when I was young, but now I would probably dread it. Good luck with setting everything up.

    1. Another reason why we moved now rather than waiting another ten years. Do it while we're still young-ish!

  17. I would love to visit Sydney or Brisbane. Ugh! I detest moving. Fortunately we've stayed put in our house for about 12 years now. I'm seriously going to need to consider moving and downsizing once the last kiddo is off to college. I can still remember the horrors of moving. Seems like something special or important always got lost. The cable or wifi (did we have wifi 12 years ago- I think so) but some necessary but not vital utility always took a few more weeks than promised to get up and running.

    I'm gonna pop over and read your guest blog post now. Enjoy Brisbane. Once you get settled in, it always seems like the move was worth it.

    1. Yep, it seems my internet is going to take another week. I'm currently borrowing someone else's connection. Sigh.

  18. Both awesome cities! I'd happily live in either, having only stayed in backpacking hostels in them during my travels. We've moved twice in the past three years and I'd definitely say unpacking is the worst element. We've still got boxes to unpack from over a year ago!

    1. With you moving so frequently, I can understand why you don't have everything unpacked. Especially if you have room to store those boxes.

  19. A little warm a a great view... Yes, please!

    1. I think I'm actually starting to get used to the heat! Maybe... perhaps. No need to get used to the view, though. There's always something new to look at out there.

  20. I can relate! We usually move every few years, so all those boxes are a familiar sight. Hopefully we can stay here for a while (been 2 years so far! but the hubby is getting restless...) Good luck and hugs, settling in. :)


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