
Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Writer's Tool: Observation

For the April A-Z Challenge I've written about a writer's tool: observation. You can read it over at the Insecure Writer's Support Group. I'd love to see you over there.

Lately I haven't had the time to join many blogfests, but this blogfest caught my eye. Co-compiled by Carrie Butler and PK Hrezo, How I Found the Write Path is an exciting project aimed to help and encourage writers everywhere. The end result will be a collaborative eBook which will be free to download. 

Write a letter/note to yourself when you first started writing toward publication. Keep it under 800 words, including as many (or as few) of these elements as you like:
   - A lesson you learned the hard way
   - Something you didn’t expect about the industry (positive/negative)
   - A writing-related resource you could never do without now
   - One thing you’d change about your journey
   - One thing you’re glad you did
   - Your number one tip for pursuing publication
   - Anything else you feel is worth passing on 
Then post during the week of May 19th. For more information or to sign up, click HERE

And don't forget to visit me over at the IWSG website

Please note, as mentioned in my last post, I won't be around as much for the next couple of weeks (at least) due to my Mystery Project. More on that later. 


  1. Still curious about mystery project!
    All signed up for Carrie and PK's project.

    1. I'll post something about it give a little glimpse into the madness I've undertaken.

  2. I love the idea behind Carrie & PK's project - have to put on my thinking cap!
    Can't wait to find out more about the project too!

    1. It's a great idea and I hope it's a huge success for them.

  3. This is a fun project. I loik it a lot. I think for me to submit something I'd have to think for a while about what I would write to my teenaged self. Or maybe my childhood self who was creating picture books and so on. :P

  4. Hi Lyn,like Alex I too am curious about the mystery project. The blogfest sounds good.

  5. it's such a mystery that mystery project of yours!

  6. Great project. I bet there are many Great Ideas/Revelations revealed with that one!!!

  7. Hi Lynda! I'm among the newest members of the IWSG, so after reading your post on observation, I came to visit your blog. Your info on observation was very helpful! Your prompt here is thought-provoking. I don't have the time right now to commit to writing to it, but I'm saving the questions for a piece later on. Have a good one!

    1. Welcome to the IWSG! It's great to have you on board. And thanks for following my blog too.

  8. That blogfest will produce a wonderful end product. Enjoy the mystery project.

  9. Already stopped by IWSG to say hi. Trying to keep up with this challenge has been challenging this year!

    1. Yep, I can imagine the challenge is huge. I've done the full A-Z for two years running. This year I just could only manage a partial with my added project.

    2. You're doing well. I thought maybe I'd missed a letter, but now I understand.

  10. Just came for the IWSG... excellent post, Lynda!

    HOW I FOUD THE RIGHT PATH is an awesome idea. Already signed up yesterday!

    1. Great to hear you've signed up, Michael.
      And thanks so much.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi Lynda - good luck with your project ... and I hope I don't miss the IWSG post ... No How I found the Write path hop for me .. some degree of normality needs to settle in ..

    See you soon ... with your project .. ie May sometime .. cheers Hilary

    1. I'm just glad the blogfest isn't until late May. That gives everyone time to recover from the A-Z.

  13. Sounds like a great one indeed. Still a mystery about the mystery huh?

    1. yep, gotta love a good mystery! But I promise to reveal a little more about the mystery project soonish.

  14. Good luck, Lynda, with your writing project. I'll hop on over to Insecure Writers to read your post. Talk to you there!

  15. Thank you so, so much for mentioning the project, Lynda! I really appreciate it. :)

    Good luck with your mystery project!

  16. Intriguing prompt. I think it'd be a real short note to my former self..."just go with it." :)

  17. Ah, the Mystery Project. *wink wink* Hey, that ebook idea sounds great and inspiring and encouraging for other writers. How fun!

  18. I bookmarked the blogfest link because it's something I'd like to do.

    Have a good time working on your project.

    1. That's great to hear, Medeia. And thanks, my project has been fun (and frustrating--but in a good way).

  19. That blogfest does sound interesting. Thanks for sharing.

    Best of luck with your Mystery Project!

  20. Had never had the occasion to get into IWSG until now. There's a treasure trove here! Will get involved forthwith more often. Thanks Lynda, thanks for sharing!


  21. Lynda, thanks so much for sharing this! It's so appreciated. And I'm so glad you're joining us. It will be such fun! :) ((hugs))

  22. Blogfests are a lot of work. LOL and I didn't do it alone. I don't know how you keep the pace, Lynda.

    1. How do I keep the pace? I take long walks along the beach and eat chocolate.

  23. All the best with the mystery project!

  24. I have a post scheduled on this too Lynda. Think it's great.

  25. It has been a while, but I used to do this all the time. Mostly verbal snapshots of crazy things that might one day fit into a story some day. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

    1. You never know when one of those snapshots will turn into a bestseller.

  26. What a great idea for a blogfest! Thanks for spreading the word--I'm definitely signing up :)

  27. How I found the write path.... Actually I'm still looking. Where is that thing? The Cat keeps pointing in the wrong direction, Lynda. How rude, right? (What... I have to make my own path?) You know I know... :)

    1. I know, right?!
      I know you know I know too ;)

      It's early morning and hubs is sleeping in so I'm trying not to laugh out loud. Not an easy thing.

  28. Going with the previous comment, it's a good idea to keep a pad of paper handy in a car while driving. Jot down interesting observations. Whether they make it into a story or not, it becomes a good habit.

    1. Ah, you mean emaginette's comment--the others were hiding in moderation. And exactly right. It's good to never be far from a notepad of some form.

  29. I think it's a great idea for a blogfest too! I read through the list and wonder if I would have written the same answers years ago as I would now. AND what is your mystery project????

    1. Yeah my answers would definitely be different.
      My mystery project? Hmm... It's a non-writing project. That's all I've revealed so far. Oh, and it has a huge learning curve. I MAY reveal more on the first Wednesday of May (the IWSG post)

  30. Great idea for a blogfest! I've learned so much over the last few years - it's interesting to look back! :)

    1. It is! And it's encouraging too to look back--to see how far you've come.

  31. Hey you!

    Nothing new over at my place, so sit tight. :) I just wanted to come over and see what's up...been taking a break from blogging all of April. I just needed to stop the world and get off for a bit. Of course, the world didn't stop, but that didn't prevent me from jumping!

    Hmm...a mysterious mystery project...looking forward to reading about it. I'm sure it will be a success. Take care. :)

    1. Yep, I totally understand the need to stop the world on occasion. I hope you had an awesome break over April.
      Re the mystery project, I might share a snippet early May.

  32. Best wishes with your mystery project!!! Have fun!


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