
Monday, April 28, 2014

SNIP, SNIP REVENGE by Medeia Sharif

In the thick of writing, along with that mysterious non-writing project I'm attempting, I wasn't going to blog until May's Insecure Writer's Support Group post. But for Medeia, I've come out of hiding--and the crazy brain-meltiness that is the mystery project--to bring you her new release:

SNIP, SNIP REVENGE by Medeia Sharif

YA Contemporary, Evernight Teen

Release Date April 25, 2014

Beautiful, confident Tabby Karim has plans for the winter: nab a role in her school’s dramatic production, make the new boy Michael hers, and keep bigoted Heather—with her relentless Ay-rab comments—at bay. When a teacher’s lie and her father’s hastiness rob her of her beautiful hair, her dreams are dashed. The fastest barber in Miami Beach has made her look practically bald. 

With all her pretty hair gone, Tabby doesn’t believe she fits the feminine role she’s auditioning for. Michael is still interested in her, but he’s playing it cool. Heather has taken to bullying her online, which is easier to do with Tabby’s ugly haircut. Tabby spearheads Operation Revenge, which proves satisfying until all of her problems deepen. After messing up, she sets to make things right.

Author Bio
I’m a Kurdish-American author who was born in New York City, and I presently call Miami my home. I received my master’s degree in psychology from Florida Atlantic University. After becoming a voracious reader in high school and a relentless writer dabbling in many genres in college, I found my niche writing for young people. Today I'm a MG and YA writer published through various presses. In addition to being a writer, I'm a middle school English teacher. My memberships include Mensa, ALAN, and SCBWI.

Find Medeia

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  1. Congratulations to Medeia and good luck to all who are entering the giveaway!

  2. Thank you for spreading the word, Lynda.

  3. Congratulations Medeia. I love the cover of her book.

  4. I love the title and cover for that book!! I'm so happy for Medeia!! I'm sure her awesome book will be a huge success. :-D

  5. Congrats Media and I really like the storyline and cover.

  6. Congrats to Media! Like I've said on other sites, I love the cover using her hair as a mask.

  7. Practically bald.... Say it ain't so...

    P.S. How's the mysterious non-writing non-duck singing project going? nom nom nom you know....

    1. I made cake...
      But yes, the mysterious non-writing project that doesn't involve ducks of any kind is coming along. I've mastered the mechanics of one particular tiny section. Happy times.

    2. Always good to know you've mastered something new.

    3. Well, when I say mastered, I mean I can get by enough to fake it ;)

    4. I never thought I would say this to you: I don't believe you.

    5. Wait n see my next post, then tell me if you still don't believe me ;)

  8. Yay, Medeia! Yay, Medeia! Yay, Medeia! Yay!

  9. Congrats on the newest novel. And, um, as someone who always wears a buzzed haircut, it aint so bad. :PP

  10. Congrats to Medeia. The book is written around a timely theme, so I hope it does well.

  11. Congratulations, Medeia! :)

    And good luck with the mystery project, Lynda!

  12. Revenge with scissors scares me to the core, very long hair here. It's on my head where it belongs. No touchie. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  13. Look at that gorgeous smile! I love seeing new pics of bloggers I've known for years. Yay, Medeia!

  14. Ah, just came over from another blog featuring Medeia. Such a supportive writing community. Love it.

  15. I'm so excited for Medeia! Her book look awesome and there are more coming from her this year! How did I miss the fact she was a member of MENSA? Brainy lady. :-D

  16. Wow, intriguing plot, and a pretty snappy title;)

  17. Congratulations, Medeia! This looks like an awesome book! :)

  18. Thank you, everyone. :)

  19. Awesome cover. All the best, Medeia. :-)

  20. So excited for Medeia! Her book sounds wonderful! Congratulations!

  21. Congrats to Medeia.
    That cover is rocking BlogLand!

  22. Congrats Medeia!
    I just started to explore you and your works now :)

    Good luck!


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