
Friday, April 12, 2013

A-Z Geek (K): The Underdog

During the April A-Z Challenge, I’m posting six days a week, following the letters of the alphabet. I will share all the movies, books and games I watched, read and played--all the influences that turned me into the geeky person and writer I am today.

Krull (1983): I’ll be surprised if anyone remembers this one. It’s a B-grade 80s fantasy that I absolutely loved and watched many times.

The Karate Kid (1984): Not so geeky, but the original is one of those movies that’s stuck with me. Gotta love those underdog stories.

Knight Rider (1982-1986): Ah, David Hasselhoff was gorgeous in his day and I loved the voice of Kit.

Which of the 80s heart throbs are a win for you?



  1. I've never seen The Karate Kid. I need to address that!

  2. I love underdog stories too. They inspire me to think that anyone can have their day in the sun, regardless of their circumstances.

  3. I LOVED Knight Rider...the car, not the Hoff :)

  4. I watched a few episodes of Knight Rider for the first time a few months ago. It's a good series. The Karate Kid from the 80's is a classic to me.

  5. Yes, I remember Krull very well, and it was one of my favorites, too. I'm not as fond of The Hoff as you, I do like a newer film I think is kind of edgy, comic-book geeky: "Kick-A**," with Nicholas Cage.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. You're a real Egyptophile! :-)

    1. Oh my gosh I forgot all about that movie! That one's brilliant too!!

  6. I loved the Karate Kid! Oh, now I want to watch it. I am off to the video store :)

    Visiting from AtoZ #41

  7. Okay, so now you have me humming the song from Knight Rider. Kit was an awesome car. I wanted one just like it. The Karate Kid was rocked. Sometimes I circle my hands and say, 'wax on, wax off'

  8. Remember Krull? I saw it in the cinema.

  9. Yes, I do remember Krull. Sorry, I couldn't have picked that one. I really had a hard time coming up with a K movie. Jackson's King Kong is the only one I own. Oh well, at least I scored big with Kiss From a Rose...

  10. I've never heard of Krull, but the other two have a very special place in my adolescent memories.

  11. Oh man, I was addicted to those Karate Kid movies. Even to this day, I often use the lines: "Wax on, wax off." and "Sweep the leg." ;)

  12. I always root for the underdog! Those seem to make the best stories.

  13. The original Karate Kid is the best one. A lot of good story plot and character growth there for sure. I must admit, I don't play video games even though my children tell me about them constantly. Thanks for sharing this, Lynda.

  14. I remember watching Krull as a kid. I liked it but I used to always hide behind a pillow during the scene of them walking through the swamp lands, and I hated the part where the cyclops man got squished (It's been nigh on 20 years since I last saw that film and I still remember it as if I watched it

    1. Yeah, that was a sad scene with the cyclops. It's one of the more memorable movie moments.

  15. Who doesn't like a good underdog. I know I do. We have both versions of Karate Kid. I like the original and the kids like the remake.

  16. wasn't there a Krull movie with Kevin Sorbo? Or was that KULL? I do love me intergalactic heroes :)

    1. All I can say is Kevin Sorbo wasn't in Krull. Ken Marshall was the lead actor in Krull. You don't see many bearded lead actors anymore.

    2. yep, Sorbo was Kull, not Krull :)

  17. Ooooh, I remember all of them. I even have a funny story about Krull but I won't tell it because it makes me blush. :)

  18. I quote The Karate Kid all the time. Not so much Knight Rider, but it does get the occasional reference.

  19. Karate Kid wins my vote for best underdog movie. I was always a fan of The Hip Nip, too. I miss his humor and his poking fun at that stereotype.

  20. I like the concept of the underdog. Need to see The Karate Kid.

  21. I loved watching the Knight Rider when I was a teenager!

  22. I don't remember Krull at all. I thought I knew everything about the 80s so I'm curious now LOL.
    And you're so right about underdog stories!

  23. 80s heartthrobs...maybe Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones? I can't help it. I didn't see too many movies in the 80s.

  24. I don't remember Krull, but looking forward to seeing Kit the talking car at Supanova next weekend!

    1. Aw! You have to tell me all about Supanova, you lucky thing!

  25. I loved the Karate Kid series!

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    AZ blogs on Social Media

  26. I don't remember Krull, but I loved The Karate Kid. "Brush up, brush down. Breathe in, breathe out."


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