
Saturday, April 13, 2013

A-Z Geek (L): A List of Awesome

During the April A-Z Challenge, I’m posting six days a week, following the letters of the alphabet. I will share all the movies, books and games I watched, read and played--all the influences that turned me into the geeky person and writer I am today.

The Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien (1954): No surprises I’d name this book here. Sheer brilliance. This is the only book I’ve read more than three times. I joined the Tolkien Society and did art for their bulletins and journals. I learnt how to write the Elvish script and the Dwarvish runes.

The Lost Boys (1987): The music was awesome and the actors were great. Back when vampire stories hadn’t been overdone, this teen movie rocked. Now it’s a cult classic.

Ladyhawke (1986): This movie makes my heart flutter. This is one of my most favourite movies of all time.

Honourable mention: The Last Starfighter (1984)

Lemmings (1991). A very early PC game. Fantastic premise—to save the lemmings from jumping off cliffs. It had me chuckling for hours.

What's your most favourite book and/or movie of all time?



  1. So, how many times have you read Lord of the Rings? What did you think of the movies?

    1. I've read it four times.
      Because I come from an animation background, I see a lot of technical faults in the LotR movies so I'm not a huge fan... but then I doubt any movie could match the books.

  2. Ladyhawke had a fantastic premise and The Lost Boys was one of my fav' flicks of the time!

  3. Ladyhawke? I haven't seen it but now I want to. One of my favourite old movies beginning with L is Lorenzo's Oil, based on a true story.

  4. I have the three volume version of LotR, all well thumbed and falling apart.

  5. Only seen LOTR movie. The Lost Boys deserves it's cult classic status.

  6. You already know LOTR was my movie selection for the day. Been years since I saw Ladyhawke, but I remember it fondly. I certainly remember Michelle!

  7. You had me at Tolkien. . .Obviously. :)

  8. All great books, and movies. I've read them all and seen the movies. And Lemmings not so much.

  9. Even though it pains me to admit this, I had a hard time getting through The Lord of the Rings. I managed it, finally, but I can't see myself going back to re-read it.

    I loved the movies though.

  10. ooh, I loved Ladyhawke as a little kid, they often aired it on TV during school breaks!

  11. LotR was my first intro to fantasy & it is truly brilliant! Love it :)

  12. Ladyhawke was tantalizing, wasn't it?

  13. You and Alex seem on the same page with LOTR. :-) I loved LADYHAWKE.

  14. Never heard of any of these =(

  15. Blast from the past: Ladyhawke definitely has a special and very romantic place in the lexicon of fantasy films. Great choice.

  16. Hi Lynda. The book I write with no hesitation. "Sword at Sunset" by Rosemary Sutcliff. The movie, oh my, I keep a sort of rolling list of my top ten, all-time faves. Probably a tie between "Dragonheart", "Inkheart", and "Everafter".

    I liked your L choices. I always thought it a shame that LadyHawke didn't do better than it did. The Lost Boys... Yep, seemed SO original. lol. Now look at the Vampire genre. :-)

    Great "L" post!

  17. Oh! A girl after my own heart. I love Ladyhawke and Lost Boys! Good picks. :D

  18. I knew Lord of the Rings would make the list. I knew it. I've never head of the movie Ladyhawk, but the way it makes your heart flutter makes me want to see it.

  19. Awesome list of awesome! I'm so glad you included Ladyhawk, as well as LOTR!

  20. You can write like the elves and dwarves. How cool is that!

    Play off the Page

  21. Lord of the Rings is definitely an awesome book! Thanks for the congratulatory remarks, too. I really appreciate that!

  22. Lord of the Rings is also the book I thought of with an "L" title. It's not my all-time favorite though. That still belongs to Gone With the Wind.

  23. Lord of the Rings is just amazing. This is a really great post!

  24. I've read The Hobbit, but I haven't read Lord of the Rings. I liked the movie for LOTR though, and funny enough, I haven't seen the movie for The Hobbit yet.

  25. I haven't read LotR yet, but I love the Hobbit.

    I also just had a really weird feeling seeing Cynthia's comment above 'cause I'm fairly sure I wrote exactly that comment recently on some blog, somewhere. LOL.

  26. I have not read or watched any of your L options. How did that happen???

  27. Lord of the Rings is super. If only I can finish my first reading of it. Sigh. I am yet to finish the book.

  28. The Lost Boys - that was a while ago and, now I remember, it WAS a great film. And I agree - Lord of the Rings is the best book (and I read it before it was considered "cool" - shows how old I am :-) )

  29. Man, I hadn't thought about Lemmings for years!! I was completely addicted to that!

    I love LOTR but I didn't get the best start with Tolkien. We had a Tolkien society at my school, but no one really went because the teacher who ran it was seen as a weirdo. If it had been someone else, I might have got into the whole thing sooner!

  30. Couldn't agree with you more about THE LORD OF THE RINGS. In a class by itself.

  31. The Lost Boys was one of my favorite movies. It is one of the few "old" movies, that I made my kids watch (my 11 year old considers it old) that they actually liked.

  32. L was a good day for your theme. I forgot about how good The Last Starfighter was. Great list.

  33. I've never seen Ladyhawke but I completely with you on the Lost Boys! Just stopping by for the A-Z Challenge. Please check us out and sign up to follow if you like what you see. Juliet atCity Muse Country Muse

  34. Lord of the Rings is classic.

    Thanks for checking out my AtoZ.
    AtoZ #41

  35. The book I will go with as like you I have tread it more than tree times. I also don't live far from Oxford and have been to the pub he frequented. The films naa can't agree or the game.
    You want to try reading R E Fiest as well


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