
Thursday, April 11, 2013

A-Z Geek (J): The Joust is not a Jest

During the April A-Z Challenge, I’m posting six days a week, following the letters of the alphabet. I will share all the movies, books and games I watched, read and played--all the influences that turned me into the geeky person and writer I am today.

Joust (1982):
An arcade platform game with the player on an ostrich jousting knights on buzzards, and landing on eggs. This is my absolute favourite of all the arcade games. I got high scores on this one. I was thrilled when it featured in a big way in the brilliant book, Ready Player One (more on that later). World of Warcraft also gave it a nod in the Cataclysm expansion pack.

Jurassic Park (1993): This movie turned geek into mainstream. Who doesn’t love dinosaurs coming back to life?

John Carter (2012): The story is an old one, and, I’d like to think, shaped a lot of today’s science fiction. Disney did a great job bringing this story to life.

Other cool books and movies, though perhaps not as geeky: Any James Bond (1953), Jabberwocky (1977), James and the Giant Peach (1961).

What are some of your ‘J’ favourites?



  1. I love James and the Giant Peach!

  2. James Bond is a big yes for me! Love the book James and the Giant Peach, but not the movie.

  3. James Bond, Jurassic Park and James and the Giant peach rocked. John Carter, not so much. Never heard of Joust.

  4. I love Jurassic Park, and Jame Bond. Julie and Julia is a lovely movie too, and definitely geeky :)

    1. I'm not familiar with Julie and Julia. If it's geeky, I must see!!

  5. I love Jurassic Park. It's a movie I like to watch again and again.

    I'm not sure if I played Joust.

  6. Jabberwocky is the best! A very deep and moving melodrama that was totally under appreciated and undervalued as a cinematic experience. Truly!

    I enjoyed John Carter as well, but did not think it was anything like the book. The book, as always was much better.

    1. Okay, I've never heard Jabberwocky described that way before.

      The book is almost always better than the movie (except for The Princess Bride)

  7. Whenever I get hold of an old arcade game I used to like it never lives up to my memory. Better to remember them as great.

    Moody Writing

  8. I have to get around to playing Just Cause 2. I've heard a lot of good (and stupid) things about that game.

  9. Jaws!! The Jungle Book!! Erm...!! Jurassic Park is such a fun film!! Take care

  10. John Carter got so slammed. A lot of people thought it was because of the title. I haven't seen it. I should.

    Jaws and Jurassic Park sure did have a big impact.

    1. It got slammed because it's an 'old' story, but you have to remember when it was written.

  11. We both picked Jurassic Park! And good for you for picking John Carter. I thought it was an amazing film. It's the space opera I wish I'd written.
    Many quarters left my pockets playing Joust.

    1. Great minds again! I'm super glad you liked John Carter as much as I did. And Joust just rocks!

  12. I'm pretty sure The Princess of Mars was the very first SciFi book I ever read. Burroughs was great. The Jungle Book is favorite, and Jane Eyre.

  13. Oh, I do like James Bond. But I'm also a Jane Austen fan.

  14. Even though I hate all the corny one-liners I still find myself watching every single James Bond movie. And shuddering through most of it.

  15. JOHN CARTER was a nice film. A bit drawn out at moments, but still nice and one of the better films last year. I'm sad that Taylor and Lynn haven't become major stars after it, they're both so good. My fave character was Woola :)

  16. I love James and the Giant Peach and the James Bond movies.

  17. Jurassic Park is one of my top movies of all time. Absolutely LOVE it. :D

  18. I'm afraid Mario is the extent of my game knowledge. :)
    Jurassic Park is one of the best movies ever made!

  19. I didn't see John Carter but Jurassic Park kept me in awe all the time. It's a great movie with actors I admire. :)

  20. If you love 'Joust,' I have a book to recommend to you. I really, really think you'll like it. It's called 'Ready Player One.'

    1. I actually mention that book in the post because of its nod to Joust. And yes, I love the book (but I'm saving it up for my 'R' post.

  21. I couldn't take seriously a game about jousting on ostrich back - but perhaps that's not the point?

    1. correct :P
      Perhaps it was that quirkiness that first drew me into the game to begin with...

  22. I don't know John Carter. I'm making a list of movies to catch up on!

  23. Joust has been at ever place I've worked, in the break rooms at Google Facebook, and GREE. It's pretty popular amongst techies:)

  24. Again all good movies, though not familiar with the game Joust. Thanks for the memories

  25. I love James and the Giant Peach! That's a classic.

  26. I just saw Jurassic Park on Alex's blog. Great minds think alike!

  27. One of my BBC favorites?? Jane Eyre, of course!

  28. Jurassic Park was one of those books I read that I really wanted to see the movie to make it come alive. Was not disappointed. And of course the James Bond movies are worth an honorable mention! :)

    1. I haven't actually read Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park, but I've read another of his novels, Sphere, and loved it.

  29. My brother is a huge Joust fan! I love it. :D

  30. I saw the Jurassic Park on big screen and the experience was thrilling!


  31. Jurassic Park was great but the sequels not so much. How long ago was the first one? Seems like a lifetime!

    1. The first movie was released in 1993. Yep that's a lifetime ago.

  32. I do love reading your posts. I am on board with Jurassic Park, but sadly I have never seen it.

  33. Jurassic Park is a good one! I haven't seen John Carter yet. Will have to check it out!

  34. James Bond! Geeky or not :) He did use those nifty gadgets.

  35. Jurassic Park was wonderful! And I see Patricia above has thought up Jaws - one of my favorite movies ever. I also really like Jumanji. Robin Williams can be fun!

    1. Yep, Jaws was in my original list. Wish I'd thought of Jumanji! Loved that movie.

  36. Good job there with those J entertainment highlights. Jurassic Park definitely wins for me. Would you consider seeing the 3D version? The book is great too, though the movie did make some of the characters better.

    1. I'm not a huge fan of 3D movies. I think it detracts from the story too much.

  37. Don't know about the games I leave that to my Son who is a Video Game designer and can't get a job.
    James Bond proably the best , Jaws was a joke though I did like James & the Giant Peach. Not seen John Cater so I'll wait till that come on the TV


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