
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

On Book Covers #IWSG

The IWSG question for this month: If you are an Indie author, do you make your own covers or purchase them? If you publish trad, how much input do you have about what goes on your cover? 


When I was traditionally published: I had no say in the covers. As an artist, I find this hard, but the publishers usually know what they are doing and they want the best success for your book, so you just have to put your trust in them. Thankfully, I was happy with my covers.

When I was published by a small press: A couple, I had no input at all, but again they generated wonderful covers so it wasn't an issue. One, I did have input into the cover, but perhaps not as much as I wanted. It turned out fine, though.

When I self publish: I do my own covers. But I do a lot of research into what is popular for the genre I'm publishing. Doing my own covers takes a lot of time and I throw out many failed attempts. There is one book I haven't published yet because I simply can't get the cover right yet.

Please note I do NOT recommend any writer to do their own covers. Even if you have a artistic background, you may not be able to achieve that professional look. There's a lot behind creating the cover: the colors, the fonts, the whole psychology behind the images. Book covers are so very important to get right if you want to sell your book. It is the first impression your potential buyers will have. Don't risk it. Make it professional.

What elements are in some of your favorite book covers? What first draws you to a book?


This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month, members post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE.



  1. I used to make my own book covers, but I wasn't very good at it! I also lack the patience to learn how to do it - art isn't my strong point lol!

  2. Covers are so important. Since I read speculative fiction, the artwork on the cover has got to draw me in.

  3. I always tell writers not to do their own covers because it is a rare author who is also an expert in illustration. You are fortunate you can do both.

  4. I would never think of trying to do my own cover! You are brave, but as an artist you do have a bit of a head start. The covers for you Wielder series are awesome!

  5. As an artist, you have a bit of a head start when it comes to doing your own covers. I'd never attempt it. The covers for your Wielder series are awesome!

  6. Research is huge. And you are so right, so much goes into it. I was confident in my children's book but may need to hand the reins off for my urban fantasy novel.

  7. I would recommend an artist taking a course on book cover design if they want to take a crack at it for the reasons you stated.

  8. You have turned out good covers so I'd say this method works for you. Lucky girl!

  9. I adore your covers - you do an amazing job!

    I did one cover and realized that while I loved learning the process, I had neither the time nor the talent to do them right!

  10. I don't have the talent to make my own covers, so I don't even try. I'm very happy with my cover designer because she gets what I say when I tell her about the book.

  11. I've always liked your covers, Lynda. "Well of Ash" is my favorite cover of yours ~ It's really striking. When my turn comes, I intend to get professional help with my book cover. I've mostly published articles, and both of my short stories were included in publications I had no say in. One of my short stories was about squid, and the publisher had a sketch of a squid at the beginning ~ lol. Have a great day!

  12. I do love your covers. It is good that you have had such a good experience with all the options.

  13. You produce lovely covers, Lynda! My fourth and fifth books are part of a series, but I created them myself. Recently, with the upcoming release of the final book in the series, I have used a professional and have updated the first two. I certainly learned from the experience, but will in future leave such things in the hands of the professionals. I was fortunate to be given a fair amount of input with the new covers. They look so much better!

  14. Love your covers, esp. for the Wielder series. Very attention grabbing. So is Well of Ash.

  15. Thank you all for your kind comments. I'm glad you like my covers. They do take up a lot of time to create, though, so yes, that's another reason to take on a professional artist.

  16. Kyra, I can't seem to be able to comment on your blog. It's not letting me sign into google to comment. I have no idea why :(

  17. Hello Lynda! Well, I clearly don't need to tell you that a book is often judged by its cover. Hard as it may be to come up with a great idea for a cover, I can only imagine how rewarding it must be to have created a successful cover.

    I hope you're doing fine,

  18. I've never even attempted to make my own cover. Yours are wonderful. Definitely professional grade.


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