
Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Writing Productivity or Lack Thereof #IWSG

The IWSG Question of the month is all about writing productivity. Are the holidays a time to catch up or fall behind on writer goals?

Lately I've been having a hard enough time focusing on writing on a regular day let alone one that's full of non-writing distractions. So yes, Christmas and the time leading up to Christmas is super busy, so writing has taken a bit of a back seat. My NaNo plans only just scraped through. 

But, you know what? It's ok. Life happens. Life is full of distractions. It's abundant with family and friends. It's also full of unexpected side alleys. Some lead to great things, some not so much. Life is life. And the more we live that life, the more our creativity sings. 

Focus on the good stuff. Celebrate the joy.

Wishing everyone a safe and wonderful Christmas. 

What are your Christmas plans? Have you been writing up a storm or percolating ideas?

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month, members post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE.

Note: The image above is one I created via AI generation. There are some tell-tale signs a computer did this. Can you spot the main one? Hint, look at Santa's hands.


  1. I plan on doing a ton of edits - mine and DLP books - this month, so it should be productive. Working on Damien Larkin's next book, my own, and our March release.

  2. Hi Lynda - yes life changes its routine at this time of year ... all good though. All the best for whatever writing you can achieve - I do love your books - cheers Hilary

  3. I so agree with you that life happens, and sometimes it's hard to find the time or focus to write. I hope you have a Happy Holiday!

  4. This month is all about family, friends, and Christ's birthday. It's okay to slide.
    Computer art is still getting a little too good.

  5. Life is life, indeed. To that end, I'm just going to accept what I can get done and not worry about the rest. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a 2023 filled with joy.

  6. Extra fingers!!!
    Life and real people always come first in my world, too. Enjoy Christmas and all the holiday fun!

  7. Merry Christmas, Lynda. I hope you have the best Christmas ever.

  8. I'm more in a percolation phase. I recently finished a draft that is out on CPs, and somehow I feel on a roll, so I'd like to start something soon, although the holidays take over. Have a peaceful time!

  9. This year, as it comes to a close, is proving to be a very good time to set goals for myself and focus. For the first time in 5 or 6 years I feel like I'm beginning to coax my muse out of the cave where she's been hiding.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  10. Yes! The more we have joy, the more our creativity sings.
    Merry Christmas!

  11. Normally, I put writing aside for the holidays because life is so busy that I don't have the energy to focus on much. It's annoying but it eventually ends so I try not to stress about it.

  12. Yes, life certainly can throw some curve balls! I plan to work on edits, maybe start on a new project, and do some reading. Wishing you and your family a happy Christmas!

  13. Diane, good luck with your edits!!

    Hilary, thanks so much :)

    Natalie, Happy Christmas to you too

    Alex, Yeah AI art is definitely improving rapidly

    Liza, Merry Christmas to you too. Have a wonderful New Year.

    Jemi, Life and real people should always be our first priority. Hugs.

  14. Joylene, Merry Christmas to you too :)

    Nick, percolating is a good phase. Last night I had a great dream that gave me all sorts of ideas for another story.

    Tyrean, Merry Christmas! May it be full of wonder.

    Patricia, avoid stress is a good idea. Especially around this season ;)

    Debbie, Sounds like a wonderful time. Merry Christmas!

  15. That's right: life happens. Plus you're so smart you'll find a way to catch up. Yes, you are.

  16. What a wonderful time of life for you. Those interruptions add more spice to life!! As far as writing goes for me. I'm not worrying about it in December. I'm looking forward to enjoying the season. You have a Merry Christmas too!

  17. Blue, thanks for saying so :)

    JQ, Some of those interruptions I could do without, but yes, they definitely add spice. Good idea not to worry over December.

  18. Oh the distractions. :) You're right, they happen and they always happen. I'm slowly learning to keep writing through 'em.

  19. Merry Christmas, Lynda! May it be a good one.

  20. I fear the computer did a better job with Santa's hands than I would have. I'm not a good artist by any stretch of the imagination.


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