
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Launch Day and Book Titles vs Blurbs #IWSG

Today is the exciting and official launch of the new edition of Cling to God: 365-Day Devotional.

This special devotional book is a year-long journey with daily inspirational messages and uplifting scripture to help you spend time with God. With 365 days of short Bible-based teachings, it is faith building and thought provoking. It will encourage and refresh with reassuring reminders of God’s love. 

365 days of inspiration and Bible wisdom to lighten your heart.
365 devotions to bring you peace in uncertain times.
365 ways to Cling to God. 

A great companion for individual worship or for group Bible study. The perfect gift book or personal keepsake that will be cherished for years to come. 

Start each morning with Cling to God to brighten your day and draw closer to God. 

Available as Kindle ebook, Paperback, and Hardcover.

I'm super excited about the hardcover.

For a short time only, you can get the ebook for the special launch price of $2.99

If you don't own a kindle, you can pick up the free kindle app and read my book on your phone, tablet, or computer. 


Titles vs Blurbs. Which is the more difficult to write?

This is the IWSG question of the month, and it's not an easy one to answer. Both the title of the book and the blurb are important. The title is the first thing a potential reader will see after the cover. It defines the book. If done well, it places the book in a clear genre/category and entices the reader to pick it up. Once picked up, the blurb is the next stage of the decision-making process to read the book. No pressure. 

Sometimes the title is the first inspiration I get before the book is even written. Other times, I struggle badly. I had a massive brain-block with an old fantasy story. When the story was picked up by a publisher, it had a terrible name. Blood in the Snow. It sounded like a crime story! Thankfully my publisher suggested we brainstorm a few titles until at last we agreed on Birthright. The original story is no longer in print and when I got the rights back, I rewrote the whole thing and released it as Well of Ash. That title came to me like a strike of inspirational lightning. 

Blurbs are a whole different story. I always struggle with blurbs. I'll admit non-fiction blurbs are a thousand times easier than fiction blurbs, but I still question everything over and over. Is it interesting enough? Have I captured the book without giving too much away? Have I captured it enough to snag the reader's interest? Have I reflected the genre well? Have I included the conflict, the excitement, the essence of what I love about the story? 

My best advice on the topic is take your time. Let the new title or blurb sit for a while before sending it out into the world. Get second opinions. Do your research. But mostly, don't rush. 


Please visit the blogs of the lovely and generous people helping me with my book launch today for Cling to God: 365-Day Devotional. Tyrean Martinson, Jemi Fraser, and Lynn Simpson. Thanks so much! You're all so wonderful!

How about you? What are your tips for writing titles and blurbs? Are you excited about my new release? What's your reading preference: ebooks, paperbacks or hardcovers?


  1. Congratulations on the re-release! I picked up the first version years ago.
    Well of Ash is a great title. They are tough but so important.

    1. Thanks, Alex. Because it was years ago that Cling to God was originally published, I have updated it.

  2. Congrats on your book release! I struggle with titles too. Glad your publisher helped you brainstorm yours.

  3. Congrats on the updated release. My husband and I enjoyed reading it to each other.

  4. Congrats on the launch and release! I love the title "Well of Ash" and enjoyed the story immensely :-)

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day That’s a Wrap! An Author’s Year in Review

  5. Congrats on the release. Brainstorming titles and blurbs with others is important because it's so hard to be objective about our own work.

    1. Ha, it's impossible to be fully objective about our own work. :)

  6. Congrats again on the release!
    Blurbs and titles are both hard. I've stumbled onto phrases for my current series, but standalone are more challenging for me!

    1. Oh yes! I hadn't thought of it that way. Definitely standalones would be more of a challenge.

  7. Hi,
    Congratulations on the new release. I purchased your book Cling To God sometime ago and enjoyed it.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. The beauty of the book is that it can be enjoyed for years to come.
      Thanks, Pat.

  8. I'm the same as you with titles and blurbs. Congrats on your new release!

  9. Congrats on your new release! It's come at a good time for me. My copy showed up this morning, and I gifted one to one of my BFFs.

    Titles have never been an issue for me to come up with, but blurbs.... Blood out of a turnip comes to mind. 😆

    1. Those poor turnips... ;)
      Thank you so much for your support. I hope your bff enjoys the book. :)

  10. I'm excited too!!
    Thanks so much for your support.

  11. Congratulations!! It's beautiful. I love how publishers can rework titles!

  12. Congratulations on your new book, Lynda. I plan to get it for the start of the year. It sounds like something I need to read day by day. I prefer to read paperbacks or hardbacks. I don't find reading books online pleasant. I loved "Well of Ash." Have a happy and fulfilling November!

    1. Paperbacks and hardcovers will always hold that special charm.

  13. Hi Lynda - congratulations on the new publication - it is definitely appealing. I love your Wielder's series - a clever series branding - cheers and all the best - Hilary

  14. I've been reading Cling to God each night, giving me something to think about other than the day's trials, etc. as I drift off to sleep. I enjoyed Well of Ash. Blurbs do take a lot of thinking and reworking.

  15. Congrats on launch day, Lynda! I hope you're enjoying a feeling of accomplishment this week.

    I also struggle more with blurbs and (gag) synopses than with titles. Important, crucial even, but so hard to write well!

  16. Congratulations! I wish I had been able to do a bit more for your lovely book on the day of release. I will keep on tweeting and IG-ing about it.
    I'm with you, titles need time. Blurbs are super hard, but titles are a work in progress with the book.

  17. Congratulations on your release. Looking forward to it again.
    Blurbs and titles are tricky. I like your advice.


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