
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Cover Reveal and New Releases #IWSG

Today we have cover reveals, new releases, a guest snippet from the great Tyrean Martinson, and the IWSG question of the month. So let's begin!


Cling to God: 365-Day Devotional

Take advantage and pre-order your ebook for only $2.99. The price will go up after launch. Or, if you’d like to join my review team, I’ll send you a free copy. Just leave your email in the comments. 

365 days of inspiration and Bible wisdom to lighten your heart.
365 devotions to bring you peace in uncertain times.
365 ways to Cling to God. 

This special book is a year-long journey with inspirational messages and uplifting scripture. It includes short Bible-based teachings that will encourage and refresh. It is faith building and thought provoking with reassuring reminders of God’s love.

 A great companion for individual worship or for group Bible study. The perfect gift book or personal keepsake that will be cherished for years to come. 

Start each morning with Cling to God to brighten your day and draw closer to God. 



GUEST POST by Tyrean Martinson 

Klah in Dragonsinger and Coffee by Other Names 

If you read science fiction and fantasy or enjoy science fiction and fantasy movies, you might have noticed a tendency for writers to give a unique twist to one of Earth’s favorite beverages: coffee. 

As a reader, the first instance I encountered of coffee by another name came in the form of klah in the Harper Hall Series by Anne McCaffrey. I loved the sound of Klah. It was always warm and soothing to the characters, as well as a slight stimulant for waking up. 

In Dragonsinger from the Harper Hall Series, the main character Menolly is rescued and taken to Harper Hall, where she is removed from everything she knows except for her fire lizards, her music, and the comfort of the familiar klah. 

It makes sense for science fiction and fantasy writers to bring coffee, tea, or their favorite comfort beverages into their unique worlds, whether they call it coffee, klah, or another name. 

In The Rayatana Series, the beverage “awak” is like a mixture of coffee and tea with similar stimulating properties. When I came up with the idea, it was in homage to all the other science fiction and fantasy beverages out there in the books and movies I love. 

Nexus: The Rayatana, Book 2

Amaya is supposed to bring peace to the galaxy. Which is tough when she’s being held for crimes against the Neutral Zone. Her imprisonment is on her own ship with her own crew. But close quarters create tension. 

Honestly, her role as Rayatana is a mess. 

She may never get to use her powers for anything good. Not if her teacher continues to keep secrets, and not if her powers keep harming others. Putting her mother in a coma should put her in prison, but she has a mission. She wants to bring peace to her people. She needs to become the Rayatana. 

Amazon, Smashwords, Apple, Kobo, Goodreads, Bookbub

Tyrean Martinson is a word hunter. She forages for words both sweet and tart in the South Sound of Washington State. An eclectic writer, she writes speculative fiction, contemporary and historical fiction, short scripts, devotions, writing books, song lyrics, and poetry.

Tyrean's Writing Spot Blog, Tyrean's Tales, Instagram, Twitter, Tyrean's Tutoring Website.


IWSG question of the month

In your writing, where do you draw the line, with either topics or language? 

While I have no qualms reading stories with salty language, it seems I'm not comfortable including it in my own writing. You'll find no F-bombs in my stories, or colorful phrases. As for topics, I try to stay clear of anything too sensitive or controversial. I want my fiction to be escapist and fun. Of course, having said that, I do deal with physical abuse in Wielder's Prize, my debut fantasy novel. It's a topic that makes many people uncomfortable so I softened an instance of it in a more recent edition. I didn't want the focus to be on the abuse. I wanted it to be on overcoming it and forgiveness.


Don't forget to leave your email in the comments if you'd like to join my review team and get a free copy of Cling to God:365-Day devotional.

What topics or language to do you shy from? Are you excited to read Tyrean's new book? What do you think of the new cover for Cling to God: 365-Day Devotional

A big thank you to Tyrean Martinson and Jemi Fraser for supporting me with my cover reveal. Please pop on over and say hi from me.



  1. Coffee is a comfort to many. I still don't like it. Or tea. Guess that's why none of that appears in my series.

    1. I don't like coffee either, but hot chocolate is a different story altogether!

  2. Love your cover, Lynda! It's gorgeous. And congrats on your book, Tyrean. Yes, we do try to include our comfort drinks and food when creating our fantasy worlds.

  3. Mmmm coffee. Yes, my spacers love it, but have to put up with space coffee (possibly reconstituted muck) most of the time. :)
    Lovely cover - very suitable for a contemplative mind. In fact, read the text for the day and gaze at the cover while contemplating it!
    Have a nice IWSG Day!

    1. Your suggestion on how to read my book is lovely. It put a smile on my face. Thank you, Jemima.

  4. I love the term "salty language!"

  5. Hi,
    I love your new cover on Cling To God. I have the older version and it was very encouraging to read.
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem

  6. Good luck with the new version of your book!

  7. Love the cover of Cling to God. Good luck to Tyrean for her book.

  8. The cover is gorgeous. I'm happy to review it. Best wishes.

  9. Love the cover!!!!
    I don't mind a bit of salty language either :)
    The parameters depend on genre and audience I think

    1. Genre and audience are definitely a factor.
      I'm thrilled you love the cover. Thank you!

  10. Your new cover is gorgeous, Lynda!
    And thank you for the guest post spot!

    1. You are more than welcome! Hope it helps with your new release.

      I'm super glad you like my new cover. Thank you.

  11. I love that cover!

    I do write plenty of 'salty language,' but then, I write crime thrillers. I think the audience also determines the kind of language we use, to an extent.

    1. I expect that kind of language in crime thrillers. It fits.

      I'm so pleased you love my cover. Thank you.

  12. Your cover art is lovely and calming. Well done. As for things I avoid in my writing, I only have one book with bad language and wish I'd toned it down more. I think I was channeling an inner bad guy. :D

    1. I would write some of my published works very differently today. We learn and grow and change.

      Thanks for your kind words re my cover.

  13. Alex - that makes sense. :)
    Natalie - Thank you!
    Jemima - yes, coffee and tea can be really good.
    Rachna - Thank you!

  14. The new cover is lovely, Linda! So inviting.

    Tyrean - What a wonderful memory! I'd forgotten about klah, and I spent a lot of time in Pern. I love your homage - what a great addition to fantasy beverages!

    1. Thanks, Lee

      I agree re klah. While I was never a coffee drinker (and it was clearly meant to be a coffee substitute), it always sounded so comforting in those books.

    2. Thanks, Lee. I always loved the sound of it when I read about it, even though I didn't drink coffee when I read the series.

  15. I love the term "salty language!" Congrats to you and Tyrean.

  16. I love your cover, Lynda! And congrats to Tyrean on her new release. I'm seeing raves about Nexus around the webs.

  17. Abuse is definitely a touchy subject. It's a very fine line you walk as a writer as to what to leave out or include. Dropping by from the blog hop!

    1. Yeah, I hadn't realized how touchy a subject it was until I published. While I'm still proud of what I wrote, I would write the books very differently today. But then, life for me has changed a lot recently.

  18. Sounds like you have a good balance. Controversy can be good for an arc or plot, but does not have to be over the top. Nicely put.

    1. Thanks, Steph. It's the harder road, but sometimes I think it's worth taking. We can't shy from every subject.

  19. Congrats on the new book. Great cover.

  20. Hi Lynda - congratulations on the cover ... as too Tyrean's new book. I know many people's lives revolve around their next cup of coffee or tea ... and tea to the English is tea-time. All the best - Hilary

  21. What a lovely cover. Congratulations on the release Tyrean.

  22. Beautiful cover design for your new devo book!

  23. I'm proud of you, Lynda. congrats on the new book!

    1. Love the colors too! Have a great week, Lynda. You are on a roll.

    2. Glad you thinks so! I'm hitting a lot of new ground here... so far it's been an interesting ride.

    3. Who knows what's still to come, Lynda.

  24. Congrats on your new cover. It's been a while since I read it. I think 2022 will be a good time to revisit it.
    Excited about Nexus: The Rayatana, Book 2
    Great post.


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