
Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Cover Reveals and What it Means to be a Working Writer #IWSG

I have two cover reveals for you today. Both novellas! The first is the young adult fantasy novella I've been working on for longer than expected. I blame a dead computer and other distractions. Well of Ash is a standalone with dragons, magic, and a touch of romance. It will be released early November. 

I am currently looking for more critique partners and/or early readers. If you're interested, let me know in the comments or in an email.


The second cover reveal is a YA scifi novella by Tyrean Martinson. Liftoff is book 1 in the Rayatana Series. The release date is November 10th.

A fast-paced read for fans of Code 8, Captain Marvel, and Cobra Kai

An old movie theater welcomes Amaya in and wraps her up in the smell of popcorn and licorice. But one sunny afternoon during a matinee, the movie screen goes dark. The theater rumbles. 

A spaceship in disguise, an Earth girl searching for a sense of home, and a Thousand Years’ War between alien races of The Great Galaxy, all collide on a summer afternoon. 

When the spaceship rumbles to life, it traps Amaya in the middle of an ancient alien conflict. Angry and frightened, Amaya entangles herself in a life-changing cultural misunderstanding with Sol, a young alien who keeps omitting key information, even while they’re on the run from his enemies. 

What will it take to survive a battle between alien races involved in an ancient war? 

Liftoff is an action-packed science fiction novella for teen/YA book lovers who enjoy space battles, fistfights, and a hint of romance. 

Pre-order Sale: 99cents for Kindle. This price is only guaranteed through the first day of book release.

To find Tyrean Martinson: Blog, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.

The IWSG question this month: What is a working writer? 

I started writing in my early teens and it took nine years to finish my first book, which I promptly shelved. I literally wrote a sentence here and there, a single paragraph one month, then I'd have a burst before slowing down again. It may have taken close to a decade to finish, but I still saw myself as a working writer because my ultimate goal was to get published. It didn't matter that the first book didn't reach that goal. I'm a firm believer that no writing is wasted writing. You're only a hobbyist if you strictly write for yourself with no intention of sharing it with anyone else. At least, that's my definition. What's yours?


  1. Congrats to you and Tyrean!
    I agree that you’d only be a hobbyist if you were only writing for yourself.

    1. That definition will be different for everyone, but it's the definition I personally like best.

  2. Great covers both! And I enjoy both genres.
    Nine years is a long time but finishing it is the big deal.

    1. And the funny thing is, I'm in the process of rewriting that original story.

  3. Love the covers! I like your definition of a working writer :-)

    Ronel on IWSG day Revamp Your Backlist

  4. I love the first cover. In my mind, working writers are working AT their writing.

  5. Congrats to you both! I love the cover designs.

  6. Your cover is beautiful and Tyrean's looks fun.

  7. Love both Tyrean's and your covers. I think a working writer is someone who works regularly at their writing and is trying to get published someone. I share my writing with my critique group but I still may be a hobbbyist.

    1. If your intention is to ultimately get your writing published, then I see you as a working writer :)

  8. Hi
    I love both covers. Yours hit me first because it stood out. Wishing you all the best for your critique group. #
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat Garcia

    1. Thanks. I hadn't intended a comparison between the covers because they are from completely different genres, but I appreciate your feedback.

  9. My laptop gave up the ghost. I've been making do with a chromebook and getting lessons in how much less it can do. Blek.

    Lovely covers, both. Good luck!

  10. Awesome Covers!!!!

    I write for pleasure, not a paycheck. But when my writing starts to exasperate me, I give it a break.

    Stay Healthy

  11. Gorgeous!!!
    I'm always ready to be an early reader/crit buddy!!

    1. Thanks, Jemi. I really appreciate it. I'll send you an email shortly.

  12. Congrats! Both great covers. Yours has a slightly anime vibe about it to me, which I like.

    I went with a working writer just being a writer who writes. I think even if it's just for yourself, you might be equally as dedicated as the biggest bestsellers out there.

    1. My box set cover has also been likened to manga by someone. I watch a lot of anime and soak up a lot of the art, so I guess I'm heavily influenced by it.

      I like your definition.

  13. That is a smashing cover, Lynda. If you want an early reader, I'm interested in lending my eyes and what brain I have left.

  14. Your cover is gorgeous, Lynda! I would love to be an ARC reader.
    Thanks so much for posting about my book, too! :)

    1. Thanks, Tyrean. My cover caused me a lot of headaches, but I eventually got there.

  15. Great covers! The stories sound cool, too.

  16. The covers are great, Lynda. I, too, believe that no writing is wasted. Each word moves you forward, even if you end up cutting it in the final draft.

  17. I agree with your definition: if your write with the goal for others to read your writing, you're a working writer. I've been lucky in that regard, although not as much with my fiction. I'm a journalist too, and I have many readers who like my articles and tell me so.
    I love the cover for Well of Ash. If you still need an early reader, I can do it and write a review on Goodreads. I don't write reviews on Amazon, though.

    1. That's great! Thanks so much for the support. I'll send you an email.

  18. I love the cover of both these books. Congrats to both of you.

  19. I think we determine whether we're working writers--not other's expectations or definitions. Getting paid helps, but not that necessary to prove you're working at your writing. Love the covers. Best wishes to you & Tyrean.

  20. I'm definitely with you that no writing is wasted writing. I think we learn most by writing our bad words out as Ray Bradbury said. You've definitely reached working writer status, but what is the criteria? I've written hard for years and consider myself a working writer despite not hitting Publish in a big way yet.

  21. Hi Lynda - congratulations on your new novella ... you write well - so I'm sure it'll take off for you - however slowly ... you're publishing regularly now - which will help.

    Congratulations to Tyrean too ... a fantasy to grip the teens ... all the best to you both - Hilary

  22. The first one, yours, has a really pretty cover, bet you're excited :)

  23. Congrats to both on the releases. I haven't publish anything in forever. I'm taking some time off in a couple weeks, may e I'll write on one of my languishing projects. What's 10 years to a book, it could become a classic.


I'd love to hear your opinion. Thanks for leaving a comment.