
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Ultimate Beta Reader #IWSG

Two weeks ago I released the box set of my Wielder's Storm trilogy. It was fun to do the cover for it and get the series out there as a complete ebook set. Now I've set my mind on a new book. This one will be a standalone (maybe). I plan to release it before the end of the year. I also have another series in the works which will be released next year.

Next month will be the first anniversary of my first novel and going indie. It's gone by so fast and its been a crazy roller coaster, but I've been loving it. I'm insanely busy with my plans and with other commitments I've made this year. I think I'm happiest when I'm busy.

How about you? What have you been doing?

Now on to the IWSG question of the month:

If you could choose one author, living or dead, to be your beta partner, who would it be and why? 

Patrick Rothfuss, author of Name of the Wind

While this epic fantasy is long and rambling, it is magnificent and beautiful and it sucks you right in. The characters are complex and interesting. The world is rich and detailed. The magic system is intriguing. Patrick knows his craft!

How about you? Who would you pick?

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month, members post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE.


  1. Another book by the end of the year? Wow! You are a very productive writer.

    1. This one will be shorter, a novella, and it's a rewrite from a novelette I got the rights back for.

  2. I agree with Alex, you've been very productive! I'm looking forward to what you release next. :-)

  3. I love Patrick Rothfuss. Didn't it take him 15 years to write TNOTW? Someone that dedicated would be an interesting beta partner!

    I recently joined IWSG and am another Aussie. Nice to meet you! Look forward to hearing more about your work.

    1. Yeah, it's been a long time between books too.

      Yay to meet another Aussie!! Welcome to the IWSG!

  4. You must have upped your speed, Lyn. Good for you. Standalone?I don't think so.

    1. lol, yeah, with the extra world building I did, it's begging for a series... lol. But I really need to finish the other series first (the one that tells the story of what happened before Wielder's Prize), then I can revisit the standalone.

  5. You are rolling them out fast, which is good. I'm also happiest when I'm busy.

  6. I am so impressed with how productive you are and how fast you are releasing your books. Glad you're enjoying it so much.

    1. Thanks, Natalie. It might seem fast, but I've been writing for years and holding back. Now it's time to get them all out.

  7. I'm with Natalie! Congratulations on your trilogy. Sounds like you are happy. Hooray.

  8. Yay for new novels!!!
    I don't know Patrick's work - my list of authors to check out is getting longer!

  9. Hi,
    You have been very busy and I am happy to hear that it has made you happy. I hope you keep being productive. All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  10. Congratulations Lynda - I'm sure the box set will go down a treat ... I so loved Wielder's Prize. Excellent to know you're so well organised too ... good luck with the various projects. I don't know Patrick Rothfuss - looks an interesting man with some great ideas for his books - take care - Hilary

  11. You are busy! I love all of your plans, Lynda. Good choice for a favorite author.

  12. Wow, speedy and ambitious writer Down Under! You must love writing very much.

    I'm aware that world-building a significant skill required of fantasy writers and I admire that, too.

  13. Congrats on your anniversary and the box set. Not sure who I would choose, but my brain is trying to figure it out as I visit blogs.

    1. It's a hard choice. There are so many great authors out there.

  14. Lynda, you have been very productive. Congratulations on all the wonderful accomplishments and on the more to come!

  15. Congratulations on the box set! I loved the world of this series.

  16. Congrats on the box set of your trilogy! What a satisfying conclusion for that project.

    I'll be checking out Patrick Rothfuss. I love a magical fantasy epic, especially these days!

  17. Great news about your box set, Lynda! I've never heard of this author, but I have now. Thanks for that.

  18. You have accomplished a lot this year, Lynda. And what fun to have a boxed set. Thanks for introducing me to Patrick Rothfuss. I know that I would enjoy his books. Good luck with your writing plans for the rest of the year.

  19. Sure go go go on producing books. Grand indeed.

    1. I'd been writing for so long, it was time I did something about it ;)

  20. Sorry for my late visit. Glad things have gone so well since your first indie release. I too enjoy Rothfuss.

  21. I think most writers have bad beta readers because they don't want the vicious, cruel ones and those are the best one for you :) The worse is when they use their spouses and parents as beta readers. Beta reader must be direct, meticulous and above all harsh, othervise you will learn nothing. Nothing I say! I'm very vicious myself as a translator and editor :) I'm currently translating Kristofer Paolini's latest book.

    1. I agree to a point. I think writers also need to know where the story IS working, not just where it isn't. And not just for our ego, but so we have a clearer picture of what's going on in the story. I love criticism because I want the story to be the best it can be...and everyone approaches it differently, so a different POV is valuable.


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