
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Which Cover Do You Like Best? #IWSG

I thought I'd have more time after the release of the conclusion to my YA epic fantasy trilogy, Wielder's Storm. Silly me. Unfortunately I have a gazillion ideas and even more projects on the run (or so it feels). I'm currently writing more fantasies. I'm also working on their covers. And, because I can't leave well enough alone, I adjusted the cover of my third book to make it darker. I love the original cover, but I thought maybe a darker cover would be more appropriate for the YA market.

I've reached a place where I can't tell if the new cover is better or about the same, or maybe it's worse. I don't know. So I thought I'd share it and ask you. Which cover do you like best? Which one draws you? 

Because of a lack of time and brain power, I'll have to skip the optional monthly question for the IWSG. I hope you are all well and safe in this crazy world.

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month, members post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE.


  1. Hi Lynda - the lighter one ... it is clearer. Yes there's a lot to occupy our day to day thinking ... stay safe - Hilary

  2. I do like the dark one, but I think for fire, you'd want the brighter one.

  3. I like them both, however I am drawn the the darker one. Looking at the covers of the first two books, they appear to be getting darker as the series progresses. The darker cover for the third book therefore seems appropriate.

    1. The darker one is the clear winner via Twitter and Facebook so far. Thanks for your input, Debbie.

  4. With the three together, I think the lighter of the two compliments the other two better.

    1. As is, they look great as a set, but they aren't sold as a set on Amazon. If at person comes across book 3 on its own, I want the reader to be pulled in enough to investigate further.

  5. I like the darker one better but I can see Alex's point about the lighter one. Good luck picking one.

  6. As I said on FB, I prefer the dark one, though both are good. It's like the difference between dusk and dawn and I think if the book has a darker tone, the first of those is more apt.

  7. I gravitate toward the darker cover. It looks more complex somehow, as if what is inside will be deeper.

  8. ACK! I love them both!
    I like the contrast in the new one but I like the hope in the original. Sorry, I'm no help!

  9. I like both with the darker winning out, but I think the lighter fits better with the other two covers.

  10. The darker is neat, but the lighter cover (the original) pulls my eye more. :)

  11. On its own, I find the darker version more striking. But I also see what others have said about lighter being more in keeping with "fire" and working better looking at the three as a set. Then again ... :)

    They are both good. Either one works. Seems to me it's down to which do you prefer?

    1. I like them both, but it seems the darker one is winning out.

  12. I'm going to answer before I check the comments. The darker one. The title and author are easier to read (though the lighter is fine too). It does give a darker sense to the story which probably doesn't matter.

    Now I'm going to see what the rest of your readers suggested!

    1. I think giving a darker sense to the story does matter. I'm starting to lean toward the darker one too now.

  13. In truth, I like both of them. The lighter cover suggests fire, while the darker cover I can see the bubbles on the side better. I'm closing in on the ending of Wielder's Fire...I didn't think they could get any better, but I really love this one!

    1. I'm thrilled you love the third book. Super happy, even. Thanks, Cathrina.

  14. I like both of them, but I think the first one has more eye "pop" power. Sorry, I know that's kind of a weird way of answering, but I notice it first, then slowly make my way to the second image, then come back to the first. So, I think it's the best one for marketing.

    1. I totally agree with you, Tyrean. I asked across Twitter and Facebook too and the darker one is the clear winner. It means a lot more work for me, but it will be worth it in the end.

  15. I like them both, but the darker one has more of a 'fire' feel for me. Good luck with the new book!

  16. I also like the dark one.

    Nice to have a lot of ideas to work on - can't get bored, lol. Good luck with all that.

  17. I like both covers, each has something interesting.

  18. Hi,
    I like the first one best because it is with darker colors.
    All the best.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  19. I like them both. Is the story filled with promise and light, or is it scary, pitched and fraught? I always think the content of the book should inform the cover. Congrats on the new book!

  20. That first cover with darker color catches my eye and makes me curious about the story. Even the higher intensity between the color of the title and author name and the background would work well at the smaller thumbnail size. Re images, the ship and the waves of the ocean stand out more than the mariner's compass. How does that suggest the story that follows? Really a beautiful cover. Also, I feel the darker cover fits in nicely with the covers for those stories earlier in the series. So, congratulations on finishing the story -- and on coming up with a new cover!

    1. Yeah, I'll give the darker cover a go and see what happens. Thanks, Beth

    2. :) Looking forward to the release!

  21. Very exciting! I think these are good "problems" to have. I am looking forward to reading some of your work, it sounds like it fits nicely into what I enjoy reading. It also sounds like everyone has helped you with the cover already, but I do like the darker one better too.

    1. The darker one is the clear winner. Thanks so much, Steph

  22. I'm natually drawn to the darker one, but when looking at all three, the lighter one matches the others in the series better. Wonderful design either way.

    1. I think I'll go with the darker one for a while. Thanks, Toi

  23. A good move asking for opinions. I gave mine on FB but when you highlighted the sails in the dark one, they popped more.


I'd love to hear your opinion. Thanks for leaving a comment.