
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

On Writing Series and a Secret Revealed #IWSG

Today I'm over at Denise Covey's blog talking about my experience writing a series. Please pop on over and check it out.

I will also have a mention on Literary Rambles with the release of Wielder's Fire, the conclusion to my Wielder's Storm trilogy.

And last week I was with the wonderful Diane Burton. If you missed that, then you can check it out here.

The IWSG question of the month: Writers have secrets! What are one or two of yours, something readers would never know from your work?

While Wielder's Prize is my debut epic fantasy novel, and the Wielder's Storm trilogy is my debut series, they are not the first novels I wrote. I previously wrote (but did not publish) an extensive fantasy series set in the same world about a girl named Galia. She features in the Wielder's Storm series as Gley. All her secrets are revealed in this series. And I hope to publish it this year. However, because I wrote it many years ago, it needs a major rework and tidy up. I can't just throw it out there. I want it to be as good as the Wielder's Storm trilogy, and I'm super excited about it. So, shhh, it's a secret...

What's your secret? What have you been reading or writing lately? 

Don't forget to pop on over to Denise's for more on writing a series.

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month, members post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE.


  1. I like your secret. I'm reading and enjoying Wielders Curse and I've recently met Gley!

  2. I'm happy to host you today and it's awesome that you're on Literary Rambles. Natalie is so generous. Missed the Diane Burton appearance. Was just there.
    Exciting that you're dusting off another of your works. I can see myself doing that too, but yeah to the major rewrites.

    1. My writing has changed since those first books, as has the world, the genre... everything. But the bones are still there and I'm excited to dive in.
      Thanks again, Denise.

  3. So more of those stories are coming? Excellent!

  4. You've grown since then as a writer and I'm sure there is a lot of cleanup on that older story now.

    1. Less than I thought on the writing side, more than I thought on the story side ;)

  5. Awesome that you are going to pick up that old manuscript and whip it into shape. I have one like that too that I want to do the same with some day.

  6. Good luck with the major revision! It'll be a lot of work, but it will be worth it.

  7. Good secret revealed. Best wishes in the polishing.

  8. Congrats on your new release and completion of the trilogy. I'm sure you have grown as a writer, so re-working your older unpubbed series is going to take a lot of time. Be patient.
    JQ Rose

    1. That's the trick...I will definitely work on my patience ;)

  9. Wow, thats pretty cool. You got this out nicely and are already working on a spin-off series. I think it's cool that you are reworking an older character.

  10. That's so exciting!!! Looking forward to it!

  11. It is awe-inspiring to see all three of the books together, isn't it? I love that look! Congrats on this new book and the completion of the trilogy.

  12. I too have a finished trilogy that was my first books, and they need a serious revamp if I'm to do anything with them. Best of luck to you, and congrats on your debut series! :)

  13. I've written ten books. None of them publish worthy, but I can't let them go either. They are proof of my learning process. As bad as they are, I'm still proud of them. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Exactly!! I couldn't possibly publish my next series as it stands, but I can see how to fix it.

  14. Great secret! I'm looking forward to reading more.

  15. Congrats on your latest release! And so exciting that you're resurrecting a languishing manuscript to carry on the story. My first finished book is awful. I'm moving on. Perhaps I'll pull it out in a few years with a fresh view. Or burn it. One of those. ;-)

    1. Burning sometimes works too. I've done that... and will burn portions of the old manuscript I plan to fix.

  16. Congrats! It's exciting to hear Gley's story will continue. Very intriguing character.

  17. I enjoyed reading your suggestions for series at Mason's blog today. Great job on two fronts. The post and the new book.

  18. Hello my favorite writer. After having read your triology I have NO DOUBT at all it will be. Looking forward to reading it when it is done. Happy IWSG!

  19. That is a fine secret to reveal

  20. I enjoyed your post on Denise's website, Lynda! Good luck on your next project! Your trilogy is on my list of books to be read. Your covers, btw, are spectacular!

  21. , I’m excited to learn that Gley will get her story. Exciting. Thanks for the shoutout to my blog. So glad you came over.

  22. Hi Lynda - I loved Wielder's Prize ... such a great debut ... and really should appeal to all Middle Grade readers ... glad you're getting some traction. What fun to go back and revise/adapt your early novel series ... good luck with that too - stay safe - Hilary

    1. Just to clear some confusion, I would not recommend it for Middle Grade. It sits comfortably in the YA or older market.

      Thanks, Hilary

  23. Congrats on finishing your series! That's exciting. Love the covers. Good luck with the rewrite project! I know it will be fun to delve back into it all again.

  24. I saw the mention on Literary Rambles and was so excited to see your books there. I am off to check out Denise's post. So excited for you- congratulations!


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