
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Review Copies Available, Cover Reveal, and My Writing Journey #IWSG

Happy New Year everyone!! May 2020 be a year full of joy, grace, success, and awesomeness. May there be no dramas except in the books you read.

Cover Reveal:
I will be releasing book 2 of my Wielder's Storm series on January 27th. Below is my grand cover reveal for Wielder's Curse.
A dark vision. A dangerous curse. A girl caught in between.

I'm currently giving out a limited number of Review Copies. If you are interested, let me know in the comments or send me an email.

If you haven't read book 1 yet, Wielder's Prize is available as an ebook or paperback on Amazon.

OR, you can read it FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

Check out my affiliate link above for Amazon's 99c limited deal for the first 3 months. Or try the 30 day free trial deal. Either way, you'll be able to read my book for free. Win, win.

If you don't own a Kindle, just download the FREE Kindle app for your phone, tablet and computer. Easy peazy.

The IWSG question: What started you on your writing journey?

When I was young, I got ridiculed for my slow, stuttered reading ability. So I avoided it. Then I came across my mum’s collection of Enid Blyton Famous Five books. Adventure stories about kids, for kids. I devoured them in the privacy of my own room. I had no easy access to books, so that’s where I stopped. It wasn’t until a teacher read The Hobbit to the class at the end of primary school (Middle Grade?) that I discovered the joys of fantasy. True escapism. At the age of twelve or thirteen, I read The Lord of the Rings. I couldn’t put it down. The boring books I had to study in school could’ve turned me off reading for life, but then I discovered my high school library. So many fantasy and science fiction books to read! I was hooked and from there, it was inevitable I would want to write my own adventure fantasies.

How did your love of books, reading, and writing develop? 
With the New Year comes a time of renewal and refreshment. My book, Cling to God, is a daily devotional that you can use to refresh your faith every day of this new year. 

Available in paperback and ebook:

Amazon, Kindle, Nook, B&N, Kobo, ITunes, Goodreads

And please consider leaving a review.


  1. I think The Hobbit sparked a lot of us at a young age. I read it before I was a teen.
    Looking forward to the next book in the series!

  2. Lynda, congratulations on getting Book Two ready to go! You must have hunkered down to make this happen. Heidi is the book I most remember from my childhood. Still think of it fondly. It introduced me to Switzerland.

    If you end up being short of readers, I'll pick it up but as you know, I'm in my own little/big busy bubble atm...

  3. I really like the cover designs you've gone with - it really identifies the series. Congrats on the next book.

    1. Thanks, Diane. I did all three covers for the trilogy around the same time. I'm looking forward to when I can share the third one :)

  4. I read The Hobbit in high school. I loved it. Congrats on your new cover.

  5. Congratulations on the next book in the series Lynda! My love of reading developed when I discovered the Gothic Romance novel 'Dragonwyck' when I was ten. After growing up watching Alfred Hitchcock and horror movies, it was a natural fit. ;)

    1. I can see how they connect. I grew up having to watch endless cop shows that my parents loved so much. I wasn't a fan of them ;)

  6. I must be one of those rare creatures that didn't read the hobbit as a kid. I did a few years ago though and strangely couldn't get on with it. Please don't hate me. I did, however, absolutely love the Lord of the Rings, so that makes up for it, right? As a kid, I got into Point Horror before anything. You can see the path my choices lead Congratulations on the soon to be released book. The cover looks great.

    1. The Hobbit and LotR are very different books. While I love the Hobbit, I much prefer LotR.

  7. I loved Enid Blyton growing up. Just reading her name vaulted me back to our town library that I could walk to from my house, and did regularly. Happy New Year, Lynda. I hope you are far from fires.

    1. Enid Blyton was a truly prolific writer. And all such great stories at the time.

  8. Congrats! I like that the cover is so alike to the first book but subtly different too - the darker colour makes me think this is the "night" to that book's "day". That's what I take from it. And I'd love a review copy, given I enjoyed book 1 so much. I'm off to Hawaii at the weekend for my wife's business trip - we're away for 10 days - so I hope that'll give me some time to read.

    1. You nailed what I was going for when I created the two covers. It might give you a hint what the third cover might be like...

      Thanks, Nick!! I deeply appreciate your generosity. I'll send you an email shortly. Have an awesome time in Hawaii.

  9. Congrats on the next book! And YES for drama only in the pages we read...and write. :)

  10. Lovely cover design! And congrats on the new release! I loved hearing your story. Librarys are the best place on earth. I discovered the local library when I was a kid because our school didn't have one.

    1. Anywhere we have access to books is awesome ;)
      Thanks, Jennifer

  11. Lynda, best wishes for your devotional. I try to read mine at least a few times a week. Have a great New Year!

  12. Congratulations on your new book, Lynda. I'm thrilled for you. I wish you a ton of success. Best to you in 2020.

  13. Love the cover! And the Title! Fantasy is also my favorite, in movies and in books! Happy New Year and wishing you much success!

  14. Congratulations on the new release. I really like the cover. It's sad that required reading can ruin the experience for so many potential readers, but I'm glad you found something to keep you going.

  15. Hi,
    I like your cover. It draws me. I haven't read your first book in the series, but I did purchase it and have it on my iPad. I hope to get around to reading it this year.
    All the best for the second book in the series.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  16. Such a beautiful cover! And YAY for libraries and fantasy/sci-fi sucking you in to alternate worlds where you could enjoy reading (and eventually, writing). Hugs and best wishes for Book #2!!!

  17. Congrats on the new book! I'm looking forward to seeing the third cover, too. I've been a fan of reading ever since I can remember. Family members used to read me Little Golden Books until I learned to read them myself. I was always 'the girl with the book.'

    1. Oh my gosh! I remember Little Golden Books! We had them at primary school when I was super young. I liked the pictures but I didn't like having to read anything out loud in class ;)

  18. Congrats! Libraries are such a place of imagination, especially for kids! Happy 2020!

  19. I didn't read The Hobbitt and Lord of the Rings until I was practically old, but I did read all of the mysteries my mom bought. That might be the reason I write crime fiction instead of fantasy...what we read at an early age certainly influences our reading/writing choices as we grow older.

    1. Agreed.. but I also think we make closer connections to certain genres. I was in deep need of an escape when I was young, so anything fantastical spoke to me. Even now I don't like war movies because they are way too real.

  20. Excellent cover, Lynda. It's definitely part of a series, which is important.

  21. Funny. I've only been reading for fun since discovering Lord of the Rings. That was around seventeen. But I've been writing poetry since fourteen/fifteen. I didn't see a relationship between the two.

    For me, one was to escape to a safe place. The other was to vent my confusion and sensitivities.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  22. I think fantasy books are a great escape for a lot of young readers. I've always loved to read fantasy.
    Congrats on the upcoming release!

  23. Fantasy books really do get the mind flowing indeed.

  24. I would've loved to have lived close to a library!

  25. Congrats on book 2 in the Wielder's Storm series! So exciting!

    In grade school, I loved the teachers who read aloud. I was already a big reader, but this is such a great way to reach kids who otherwise are not encouraged to read.

  26. Yes, yes, and yes. It was reading my sister's Moomintroll series as a kid that started my love of reading and my love of fantasy fiction. I totally get it!

  27. I love how the covers compliment each other. Congrats on starting out the new year on a high note! I feel you about having a hard time to read during our younger years. I remember literally sweating at my desk as the teacher went around the room choosing students to read out loud. It was one of my greatest nightmares. I'm not sure what book finally drew me in enough and when the stuttered reading stopped. I just know it did. And TLOTR - fantastic!

    1. YES!! Having to read out loud in school was one of my worst memories of school. Almost up there with being bullied.

  28. My journey started with the love of reading too. I'm a little late making the rounds. Happy IWSG!

  29. I think your cover is striking, Lynda! Congratulations! I, too, enjoyed the Eynid Blyton books when I was a kid. LoTR and The Hobbit have been favorites of mine all of my life. Have a happy 2020!

  30. I had trouble with reading when I was young too. I'm also dyslexic (although I didn't know it until I was an adult), so I'm sure that didn't help. But I had a teacher help me with reading and I fell in love with it. The Hobbit was my first fantasy novel. I was hooked!

    1. Those early teachers can have such a good impact.

    2. The amazing thing was that she was my brothers teacher, not mine. But she was one of the good ones who really cared about the kids in the school, whether they were her students or not.

    3. Wow, we need more of those kinds of teachers

  31. Congrats on the new book. Such a relief when it's finished. I read The Hobbit to my last 6th grade class (before I left to raise my children). They were enthralled. So was I. I went on to read The Lord of the Rings that summer. I hope my students continued their enjoyment of fantasy.

  32. Loved Enid Blyton too! And the Hobbit & LOTR! My folks (who didn't understand/like fantasy at all) gave me a gorgeous boxed copy of the Hobbit for my 10th birthday. It's one of my favourite possessions :)

  33. Hi Lynda - sorry just terribly late ... and I so enjoyed Wielder's Prize ... that I know I'll enjoy the read of Wielder's Curse. Congratulations on getting it ready - not long now. It'll be a great series and will be a success - I feel sure of it ... congratulations all round - cheers Hilary

  34. True escapism! It's why I own a thousand books, probably more. I need to escape. To bad I can't escape the IRS... I'm trying, though haha!

    Hope you're doing fine, Lynda.


    1. I am doing fine :)
      1000 books? Awesome!! I knew there was a reason I liked you ;)

  35. What great covers for both your books. I wish Wielder's Curse great success!

    As for getting into reading, we were just a reading family. When I was small, on Saturday nights we had what my mother called our "Reading Feast." We would take turns reading aloud from the books we'd brought home from the library, and periodically take a break to enjoy some cake, fresh baked cookies, maybe pancakes. After our snack, we'd return to reading. It's one of my happiest memories.

    1. Now that sounds like an awesome way to read! What wonderful memories!


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