
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Living the Writerly Dream and Favourite Books 2019 #IWSG

We made it to the end of the year. My goodness time is whizzing by. Not happy about that!! So much to do! So little time. I’ve been busy editing Book 2 of my Wielder’s Storm series. It’s taking longer than I had anticipated so I’ve had to delay the release until January. If you'd like to stay up to date with my releases, please join my VIP Club.

If you haven’t read it yet, Wielder’s Prize, Book 1 of the series, is available in ebook and paperback. Pick up a copy today or buy an extra copy as a gift this Christmas.

While you're at it, also pick up a copy of Cling to God: a Daily Devotional. This one will make a perfect gift for Christmas too. 

The IWSG question for the month:
How would you describe your future writer self if you were living the dream?

I’d have a bunch of bestsellers under my belt,
I’d be living in a castle with a secret passage leading to my writing nook (of course),
I’d have a movie or two made from my books,
and a popular TV series.
And I’d have the luxury and confidence to just keep writing (which I’m going to do anyway because I love writing so much)

How about you? What’s your dream?

Favourite books I’ve read this year:
Below is a list of affiliate links to my favourite books I read this year. I bought more than I read. Because time. But these are the standouts that I did get to read, and I highly recommend:

Illuminae (book 1 of the Illuminae Files) by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff – a fast-paced young adult sci-fi. This one is a little different because it has whacky formatting that doesn’t detract, but adds to the story. If you like YA stories with a smart female lead, an insane AI, planetary invasions and space battles, then this is for you.

Navigating the Stars (Sentinels of the Galaxy book 1) by Maria V. Snyder – another young adult sci-fi. This one is also a quick, light read with plenty of action and cool stuff. Like the discovery of the ancient Chinese terracotta warriors on other planets. I have a soft spot for extra-terrestrial archaeology. The Aussie cover for the book is awesome too and I love the sassy main character.

Chasing the Shadows (Sentinels of the Galaxy book 2) by Maria V. Snyder – It’s not often I continue reading a series, but I had to read more of this one. I’m super busy, so I’ve been snatching what little time I can to read. And I’m loving book 2. I’m three-quarters of the way through. I know I’m going to have a hard time waiting for book 3 to be released.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (book 1 of a duology) – Loved it! This one is a young adult fantasy. The characters are all distinct and interesting and the story is super engaging. Not as fast a read as the books I mentioned above, but super enjoyable.

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo (book 2 of the duology) – Also loved this. And the ending is satisfying.Yay!

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff (book 1) – This is a dark fantasy for adults even though the protagonist is a sixteen year old girl. There are some adult themes. But I loved it. Wonderfully written. It won the Aurealis award for a reason (a prestigious Aussie award for speculative fiction).

What were your favourite reads this year?

What's your Christmas going to look like?
Mine will be sweltering in the summer heat with family.

Wishing you all a joyful and safe Christmas. See you in the New Year!! 


  1. A castle with a secret passage! Very cool.

  2. I’d love a castle too. As well as a bestseller and movie deal.

    Loved seeing your books that you read. I need to read the Maria Snyder series.

  3. Nice to see your dreams are alive. It's a good thing to wait till January because people buy books from 'famous' people in the lead up to Christmas. In January, you'll only have me for competition, LOL. And about a million other authors.

    My big read of the year was Game of Thrones. It helped my writing as I paid attention to the phraseology.

    Wishing you every success for Wielder's Prize and the next book in the series.

    1. Yeah, I'd heard that too so I wasn't too worried about the delay.

      Thanks, Denise. Wishing you huge successes with your releases too.

  4. I think you've been sneaking a peek at my writerly dreams! Although I might go for a (luxurious) log cabin overlooking the ocean, and I would have a writing eyrie in a tower at the top of a spiral staircase.

    1. Yeah, I'll take that cabin too...and the eyrie. It's good to mix it up ;)

  5. The secret passage we want too, but a castle would be soooo hard to clean lol

  6. Happy to see your book in print! So glad that you included the love of writing on your dream list. Loving writing IS the dream, isn't it?

  7. Yes on the castle and yeh for confidence! :)

    I read Leigh Bardugo's newest novel, an adult one, called NINTH HOUSE and loved it. Looking forward to trying some of her YA titles.

    1. I wasn't sure about Ninth House, but now a few people have said they loved it, (and not just her super fans) so I might give it a go.

  8. Yes, everyone pick up Cling to God. It's a wonderful book to read to your spouse every night.

  9. Have a lovely sunny Christmas - I say while here in cold and wet Scotland! A very nice dream. I think the biggest thing is luxury and having that time for full time writing.

  10. A castle with a secret passage and a writing nook? I'll take that too! Thanks for the book recommendations. Always looking to add new things to my TBR list.

  11. I love your future dreams. I think they're perfect. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Lynda.

  12. The secret passage scream super success. All writers should have at least one. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. I have a basement entrance to my apartment... does that count?

  13. I like that secret passage in a castle that leads to your writing nook. I could use that.

  14. I'm totally changing my answer...
    I want a castle with a secret passage to a nook as well!! :)

    1. You can borrow mine when I'm off gallivanting some exotic location for "research"

  15. I like your dreams. I agree I'd write no matter what! We're in Florida in the winter. I still have a hard time touring the neighborhoods looking at palm trees and dolphin and flamingos for Christmas lawn ornaments. But really strange to be wearing sandals and shorts taking in the Christmas lights displays. Happy warm holidays to you!

  16. What is it with secret passages and writers? We all want to sneak around in cloak and dagger. Or maybe that last part is just me. And I'll take the castle and cleaning fairies, too.

    1. Cloaks are tripping hazards... and you definitely don't want a tripping hazard while carrying a dagger ;)

  17. I would love to live in a castle and a secret passageway would be a great bonus! My ideal castle would be in Scotland. So much potential for stories just thinking about it. ;)

    1. I've visited a few castles in Scotland. They are all worthy of a writing location.

  18. A castle? With a secret passageway? Sign me up. I always say I'd rather have a TV series made out of my books than a movie because they could possible last a long time with new seasons. Ha. Just thinking out loud!

    1. Ha! I'll take either TV or movie. I'm not picky... but I like your reasoning :)

  19. Oh my! Love your writerly dreams! A castle with a passage way to your writers nook. I imagine you would design the space spectacularly too!

    1. comfort all the way...and a mini fridge...and somewhere to store all my chocolate.

  20. I love that a castle with secret a passenage to your writing nook.

  21. Love your dream! I think I would enjoy the duology you read. Merry Christmas and stay cool :)

    1. I think you'd enjoy it too.
      Thanks, Carol. Merry Christmas.

  22. Castles and secret passageways sound delightful... and a castle is such an atmospheric structure; with all its nooks and crannies it can only boost creativity!
    Have a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Peaceful New Year!

  23. I love your future writer self! You seem pretty productive, lately. Good for you! Great way to end this year and journey into the next. Have a Merry Christmas!

  24. I like your future vision for yourself.

  25. Hi Lynda - gosh I feel terrible ... been totally in my own world ... and I've got to email you re a book about ships!

    Re reading: 1) Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men .... highly highly recommended to see why us lot - the 50% are forgotten about ...

    2) Damyanti Biswas' book: You Beneath your Skin ... she's a feature of my October #WATWB ... and really tells us about Delhi, wonderful development of characters, and then supporting the two charities ...

    Great to see your books ... and loved the read ... if there's a fairy cleaner then I'll settle for the castle, need the gardener for the grounds!

    PS hope all is ok re the fires ... sounds so awful - cheers Hilary

    1. Living in the city, I'm safe, but the smoke haze has been awful. My prayers are for those deeply affected by the fires, particularly those in the southeast of Australia. It truly has been terrible.

      Looks like you've been doing lots of great reading.

  26. Congrats on the new book and new alias :)
    One of my old publishers did both Bardugo and Illuminae here in my country. I know they had tons of problems translating the second one mentioned :) Are you looking forward to Bardugo's Grishaverse TV series adaptation?

    1. I can understand why they had a problem translating Illuminae. So funny. And YES!!!! So looking forward to the Grishaverse series. I'm hoping they do an excellent job on it.

      Thanks, Dezzy!


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