
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Perfect Place to Write and More #IWSG

August was a busy month. Crazy busy. Mostly it's been all about the mad scramble to get everything ready for the October release of my debut novel. It's been a steep learning curve. Nothing I can't handle, but it has been time-consuming. Then in among all that, I took five days out to drive down to Sydney for my dad's birthday. While I froze to death in the cold Sydney weather, I did take the photo above during that trip. And a bunch of others.

A big thank you to those of you who offered to read an advanced reader's copy of my young adult adventure fantasy set on the high seas. If you didn't get my email for some reason, or are interested in a review copy, then shoot me an email.

The IWSG Question of the month: If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why?

My answer: The perfect place to write is right here, right now. (Or maybe on a cruise to some idyllic islands--just because). I don't need a fancy view or a special nook. All I need is either paper and pen or a computer. That's it. Oh wait. Time would be good. I'm looking forward to when I have time to write again.

August Reading
Considering how busy I've been, I managed to get through four books this last month. I surprised myself. Admittedly I was reading the biography of Leonardo Da Vinci in short bursts since February, and it's a tiny book too.

One Word Kill by Mark Lawrence -- What can I say? This is my kind of book. Time Travel! It's short and a quick read, and I enjoyed the writing. There are some great phrases that had me laughing out loud, even though it's not a humorous book. This story is a multi-universe take on time travel and has been likened to Stranger Things--probably because it's set in the 80s and the main character likes Dungeons and Dragons.

Leonardo Da Vinci by Sherwin B Nuland-- The language is a little old fashioned and formal but reading about Leonardo's life was hugely interesting. He was a fascinating man.

Grumpy Old Gods Vol 2 -- An anthology of short stories with roots in mythology. What happens when the old gods get old. A great read. Hugely entertaining.

Dragon Keeper by Carole Wilkinson -- written about 15 years ago by an Aussie author. It has won all sorts of awards. I can see why. This is a novel for the younger readers but still enjoyable by any age group, especially if you love Chinese dragons. 

What have you been up to this last month? What reading did you do? What other great achievements did you accomplish? Where would you like to write your next story?


  1. Hi Lyn! Glad you're pushing ahead with your October release. I'll be swanning around Italy and France sorry. Gathering photos for book covers?
    Until recently, my Year 8s used to study Dragon Keeper. Great story using the Hero's Journey. (No matter how demanding writing is, I always find time to devour books.)

  2. Hi Lyn - loved your book ... thought it was a great read - and I in my dotage look forward to the sequel/s. You're lucky you can write 'anywhere' ... I need quiet ...

    So pleased you got down for your father's birthday - he'd be happy to spend some time with you ... love the flower ...

    Good luck as you tidy all the publication bits up - cheers Hilary

    1. When I can't have quiet, I use headphones and playlists.

      The sequels are mostly written. They just need a polish.

  3. I've been working this month. AS usual. But, also had to do cleaning up and painting and stuff to get my house ready for sale. All the hard work paid off: it sold less than two weeks after listing it.

    Now, to move into a new home! No time for writing. Although I am working on a short story that would be an excellent distraction from cleaning and packing.

    1. Congrats on selling your house. Moving in can be just as busy as selling. Best wishes to you for getting settled in.

  4. Crap, and I still need to finish your book! Thanks for the reminder.
    A little cold weather sounds good to me. I'll take freezing.

    1. I hear ya. I far prefer the cold than the heat, but it seems I've acclimatized to the Queensland heat.

  5. Congratulations on your upcoming debut release. I wish you all the best and look forward to reading it.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  6. It is indeed a lot to learn to self-publish and most skim the surface just enough to fake their way through. But really learning it all puts you at a definite advantage.

    1. I totally agree. I may need some scraping through for my first book, though ;)

  7. Another IWSG opting for an idyllic venue, good luck, I'm hoping for Eden😊

  8. Grumpy Old Gods sounds fun. Wishing the best for you in October!

  9. Your new book sounds great especially as it's set on the high seas. Grumpy Old Gods was a really fun read.

    Cheers - Ellen

    1. I thought you might like the setting. Hopefully I got all the lingo right. I did a LOT of research.

  10. "Nothing I can't handle." - I love your confidence! :)

    I'm doing lots of reading - did a blog post about my favorite summer books - and I'm ahead of my Goodreads goal.

    Gorgeous photo!

  11. I love the fact that you are looking forward to writing. That is a true sign that you love what you do! Good luck on the new release!

  12. Awesome that you are moving ahead in getting your debut book released. And I'm like you in not needing anywhere special to write.

  13. Looking forward to your big release.
    I too would rather have time than a special space to write.
    Nice reading list. One Word Kill and Dragon Keeper sound interesting.

    1. Time is so important for writers since it takes a lot of it to complete a book.

  14. Time is a good answer. That's more important than location.

    Good luck with your book release!

  15. "The perfect place to write is right here, right now." - This belongs on a cross stitch sampler above my desk. Simple, lovely phrasing and so true.

    1. Even though I wrote that, I still need to remind myself of it.

  16. I like that--"paper, computer, oh wait--time" Isn't that always the sticky wicket? Even now, I want so badly to get to work on my Book 3 but I have emails to answer!

  17. Beautiful pic. Cold or not. You've got a great eye.

    And congrats on your up and coming release.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  18. I had a good August for my writing. A health incident tried to derailed me, but I persisted and finished a short story.

    1. persistence is so important since there's always something trying to derail us.

  19. Those sound like excellent reads. The book that left me thinking from August was The Miraculous by Jess Redman - it's a MG urban fantasy that deals with grief, doubt, and miracles. I wasn't sure I loved it when I read it, but I keep thinking about the story so I think it's a good read.

    I made a decision on projects. It's a tough decision, but it's the right one for right now. I'm working on four projects in tandem (one massive revision for three months, one new novella for a month or two, a story collection for three months, and a non-fiction book on walking and writing for the next 12-15 months). Basically, although it sounds like I don't have a focus, I do. This group of four works is definitely what I need right now (along with some writing for my church).

    Happy writing and let me know how I can help in October!

    1. Wow! That's a lot of projects. I wish you the very best with them.

  20. Cold weather wouldn't be so bad last week, but now it is good here. Yep, just write away where you are.

  21. An October release! How exciting. And that picture is gorgeous. The flowers still bloom in the winter months for you? That can bring some warmth to your day for sure. Time is what I'd love to0, to write but also to be able to read all those TBR books on my list!

    1. It's the beginning of spring here, so many of the flowers are just starting to come out.

      Yes, more time to write as well as read would be awesome.

  22. That photo is fabulous, beautiful! Congratulations on the upcoming release, so exciting.

  23. Great to see you had a break in Sydney, Linda!

    Am happy to read an ARC :). Congratulations on the upcoming release!

  24. Love the pic. Thank you for sharing our book and your thoughts on it. Congrats, on the release too. Happy IWSG!

  25. So exciting about your upcoming release! I'll be sure to highlight it on my blog.

    And you are so right - the best place to write is the place we are right this minute! I've had a great summer of writing and am looking towards having my first publication next March.

    1. Congrats for your upcoming March release! Exciting times! And thank you for the offer to highlight my release.

  26. Fantastic shot with the water drops on the petals! The date is coming up really fast! Congrats. :)

    1. I'm glad you like my photo :)
      And yes, the release date is screaming toward me ;)

  27. I like your 'writing anywhere'. I'd love to be that person. I'm way too structured! And good reading list. The Da Vinci sounds intriguing.

  28. I agree - writing Here and Now and With Time is the best!!!
    Good luck with the release!

  29. Releasing a novel is such an exciting time, especially if it's your debut. I'll be starting your book in the next couple of days and I'm looking forward to it.

    I think the appeal of writing somewhere idyllic is it hopefully comes without distractions/responsibilities, hence giving us that most precious gift - time. Out of reach for most of us but it's nice to dream!

    1. Hey Nick, you might find you don't actually have my book yet. You haven't let me know what version you'd like.

  30. Hi Lynda,

    What a beautiful picture! If the others are equally as beautiful, you may have to publish a book of your photos!

    For me, the perfect writing place is on my sofa in my living room. Home is important to me and when my home is in disarray, I can't function. Now I am in upheaval again, I sold my place in Chicago, so now I'm packing up boxes. I HOPE this is my last move for a LONG, LONG time. I bought a charming turn of the century home in a quant village in Western Illinois. It borders on the banks of the Mississippi and the Galena River. Galena is like a Norman Rockwell town, especially around Christmas. I hope to have my new/old house somewhat livable for Christmas this year. I really want to go all out! I haven't had a house in many years and finally decorate the whole house inside and out, will bring a big smile on my face....

    1. It sounds so special and idyllic. The perfect place to settle and write :) Best wishes for your move.

  31. I know all about crazy busy and overwhelmed!

    What have you been up to this last month? I've been writing when I could, seeing my sister off after a month and a half of nonstop crazy fun (with NO writing, might I add?). *sigh*

    What reading did you do? I'm still picking at a book called "The Boy Crisis" which is amazing. It peals back society's dark secrets on how a domino affect is hurting our boys today.

    What other great achievements did you accomplish? I started a new series this year and I'm on book 5. I want to get book 6 and 7 done before the year is out!

    Where would you like to write your next story? Realistically? I have no choice but here at home. I really don't mind where but I'd love MORE time! xD

    1. You have been busy!! And yeah, unfortunately there is never enough time.

  32. You froze to death in the cold Sydney weather? Say it ain't so, Lynda!

    1. Popsicle was me. But don't fear...I thawed out when I returned to Brisbane.

  33. Wow! You are busy this month. I wish you much luck on your new release.

    I read mostly short story compilations So I read on a book by William Gay and then I also started Where the Crawdads Sing.


  34. Elle and Damyanti's books look great! :)


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