
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Young Adult Fantasy ARC Giveaway #IWSG

If all goes well, I'll be releasing my debut novel in October. It's a young adult fantasy adventure set on the high seas. Although it's part of a series, it reads as a standalone. I have completed the maps for it, the covers for all three books in the series and I've even worked out the formatting for the ebook (For the ARC version, anyway--there are still some tweaks I want to do). That was a victory and a half. The formatting for print is yet to come. Eek.

Right now I'm looking for lovers of fantasy who are interested in an Advanced Reader's Copy (ARC) of Wielder's Prize, book one in the Wielder's Storm series. In exchange I'd deeply appreciate an honest review. Shoot me an email (lynfaw[at]gmail [dot]com) or say "Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!" in the comments ;) I'll be sending out a limited number, so be quick.

My current tagline for book one: No training. No discipline. No time.

The IWSG question of the month: Has your writing ever taken you by surprise?
Sometimes I do a detailed outline before I write. Other times I just wing it. When I wing it, anything can happen. Surprises galore! It's lots of fun. Of course, outlining does the same, only earlier in the process.

July Reading
July was a slow reading month because I was down with the flu for half of it and super busy the other half. It was also a month of thrones. Giggle.

Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas is a young adult fantasy, the first in a series. I quite enjoyed it, though it wasn't quite what I expected based on the cover and blurb. It still carried me away to another land, and I like that in a fantasy.

The Templar Throne by Paul Christopher is the third in the series about Doc Holliday's adventures of tracking down ancient Templar relics. Each book has been different in its own way and all of them have been enjoyable. I think there's another four or five in the series. They are a light, fast read and full of action and intrigue. The first is The Sword of the Templars.

That's all I have for July. I've been reading lots of short stories lately too. It makes me want to write more short stories.

What have you been reading lately? Has your writing ever taken you by surprise?


  1. Congratulations Lynda! I'm also thinking of releasing my first book (a short story) in October. I've had it professionally edited and I'm currently getting covers. It's just the formatting that's left and that could be a lot of fun. ;) I look forward to seeing the finished product!

  2. I love when my characters change things on me. I don't outline, but I always know where my story will end; what the journey should involve. I like story surprises, lol.

    Good luck with the release in October! I'm not much of a YA reader though. Can't relate to all that angst.

  3. Well done with the latest book you are working on. Such hard work involved and I admire the detail of the map, Lynda, just what youngsters love 🌹

  4. That's awesome! Congratulations. I'm not a young adult reader either and I'm working on a book right now, but I might be able to read it before October...

  5. Congrats! Wish we got more fantasy submissions. Fans love to read them. Need help with the print formatting, let me know. Just don't do it in Word! LOL

    1. I'm assuming Ingram Spark has some tool I could use. I haven't even looked yet! Eek!

  6. Wow, you are on top of things! Good luck with it all! :)

  7. Awesome that you are close to publication. Don't forget that I can shout out about it in Follower News and offer it as a choice in my monthly book giveaway that month for you.

  8. Wonderful news! As I'm on very little social media I think an advanced release would be wasted on me. I wish you oceans of good fortune with the book.

  9. Hi Lynda - gosh well done ... the map will be so useful to the kids - as Carole Anne says - they love that sort of thing ... so do I! Glad you've got a couple of potential readers ... I could help if you need another ... I don't do social media either.

    Interesting to note Diane's note on not using Word to format ...

    Good luck - cheers Hilary

  10. Congrats on the upcoming release. If you need help sharing the news, hit me up and I'll be happy to post about it.

  11. I only pants it in shorts and rarely am disappointed in the result. Congrats on your upcoming release. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  12. Send me your ARC, Lynda. I'm planning on being home in October, so it will be a perfect time to read. Pick me up!

  13. Congrats on the upcoming release!
    Sometimes I try to outline, but mostly I wing it.

  14. That's a beautiful map! Congrats on the upcoming release!

  15. That's fantastic Lynda! My writing has taken me by surprise. Sometimes it's much darker than I ever thought I had in me.

  16. Congratulations Lynda! When I checked your post while I was teaching (LOL) there was only one comment.

    Gotta say, love your new look. The header is pure you, or should I say, pure Elle Cardy. Love the colors and design. You'll have to point me to your designer, double LOL. But where is your MailChimp or other sign up? Is it coming or are you hoping your mail icon will do the trick?

    Love that you're already calling for ARCs. As I've read the story (no doubt you've made changes) I can still give you a review if Amazon allows.

    I'm still fluffing about, considering combining both my names on the header, as we discussed, and doing the same with my social media. I really can't afford the time to do both.

    May the force be with you!

    1. I can't do the newsletter until I get my webpage happening (The webpage will just be a static landing page saying this is me and these are my books and you can get them via this link. That's it (plus the newsletter call). Tim promised to provide me with a site today so then I need to doll it up and then I can put my reader magnet up and call for subscriptions to my newsletter. SO MUCH TO DO!!!!!!!!!!! I'm still not even 100% happy with my blurb!! lol.
      I'd really appreciate your review--both on Goodreads and Amazon if it's possible (I don't ask for much, giggle).

      Oh and my header here is based on the design for book one...shhh ;)

  17. Wow, sure one detailed map indeed. Congrats on the upcoming release. When you wing it, sure can surprise indeed.

  18. I'm a big fantasy reader so Pick me, pick me, pick me. I know about the formatting. I am trying to learn so we can offer something besides PDF's. Happy IWSG!

    1. Awesome!! Thanks so much! I'll get in touch with you shortly :)

  19. I'd love to read an ARC. Pick me! This sounds like a very exciting time for you. The formatting can be tricky but it's satisfying to be able to do such things yourself. Best of luck!

    1. Thanks Nick, I'll get in touch shortly :)
      Really appreciate it.

  20. Good luck on your first novel. So exciting. I've been a panster from the start but have considered first writing an outline. Did you find that when you did the planning before starting the first chapter that the story took unexpected twists enough times that it made the outline almost useless?

    1. When I outline, the twists come during that process. I tend to stick to the outline if I've written one, but then my outlines are like very messy, very fast, first drafts--minus descriptions, some action and anything else that slows me down ;)

  21. Sorry you had the flu. Hope you are feeling better. I'm so glad you are releasing your first book!

  22. Hi Lynda,

    I certainly hope you're feeling better by now~ It seems to me you've been incredibly busy and you certainly are adventurous in your multitasking...WELL DONE and Congrats!

    I would love to read your ARC>>> so do PICK ME! if you still have any copies available.

    My writing doesn't usually surprise me, but every now and then I am surprised at discovering the perfect solution to a writing dilemma.

    1. Hi Michael, I hugely appreciate your offer. I'll get in touch with you shortly.

  23. Good luck with this, Lynda! My release is also in October (or September if I get myself in gear) but I'd be happy to promote you on my blog if you have a blog tour planned. Just let me know! I'm at askatechteacher at gmail dot com.

    1. Thanks kindly for the offer. I'll let you know.
      Best wishes too for your release!

  24. I'm coming in late here, but I'd love young adult fantasy, and I'd love to read your book. If an ARC is still available let me know at
    Your map looks quite detailed and intriguing. Sounds like a lot of work!!

    1. The map was a lot of work. I even did a coloured version :)

      Thanks so much for the offer. I'll get in touch!

  25. Inspirative book. Congrats for it. I followed your blog now. Thx

  26. Your debut novel. I'm proud of you, Lynda.

  27. I have been reading some classics. The Great Gatsby and Grapes of Wrath. My writing surprises me when I go back and read posts from years ago.


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