
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Interview with a Twist and CassaDawn #IWSG

Today I have Alex J. Cavanaugh here with me. We are doing another interview with a twist. The last one was where I interviewed him on his blog as a way of spreading the news about the release of my book, Cling to God. You can find the interview here. Today it's the other way around, with Alex interviewing me as we share the news about his new exciting story, CassaDawn.

Alex: What is it that draws you to science fiction?
Me: When I first started reading scifi and fantasy, it was all about the escapism. I wanted to visit other worlds and not think about this one. Then, as I matured, the reason evolved. I still wanted to visit other worlds, but I also wanted to think about other possibilities, explore different concepts that can only be explored in these genres, and I love reading about people in extraordinary settings and circumstances.

Alex: What are some of your favorite science fiction movies/shows/books?
Me: My favourite scifi movies: the original Star Wars trilogy, Aliens, Serenity, The Martian. My favourite scifi shows: Firefly, Dr Who, the original Twilight Zone, Stranger Things, Westworld. My favourite scifi books: Eon by Greg Bear, The Martian by Andy Weir, Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, Chimera by N. J. Tanger, and, of course, I can't forget to mention the Cassa series by Alex J Cavanaugh.

Alex: How has your Christian faith shaped the way you write speculative fiction?
Me:  While I'm nowhere close to perfect, I'd like to think my Christian faith shapes every part of my life. That includes my writing. I felt compelled to write a Christian devotional to offer encouragement to others, and Cling to God was published in October. My fiction, however, is pure scifi, yet it still offers Christian values. Because of my faith, there are some subjects I will never write about, even if that means it may not be as popular or trendy in today's world.

By Alex J. Cavanaugh
eBook ISBN 9781939844354
Science Fiction-Space Opera/Adventure/Military

The prequel to the Amazon best-selling Cassa series!

A pilot in training...

Fighting the odds, Byron is determined to complete Cosbolt training. Poised at the top of his class, only one situation holds him back–his inability to work with anyone in the cockpit. Byron’s excellent piloting skills won’t be enough without a good navigator…

Release date: December 6, 2016

iTunes, Amazon, B&N, Kobo, Amazon UK, Goodreads

IWSG question of the month: In terms of your writing career, where do you see yourself in five years, and what’s your plan to get there?

I am currently six years into my ten year plan. A lot has changed over that six years. Nothing that I could predict, so the plan needs to be reassessed and modified. At the moment of writing this, I can honestly, and a little worriedly, say that I have no idea where I'll be in five years. Everything feels uncertain right now. How about you?


  1. We are geek siblings!
    There are subjects I won't touch. If it's a sin, it's a sin in all universes to me.
    Thanks for doing the interview and featuring CassaDawn!

    1. From one geek to another, you are most welcome!

    2. And thanks for saying my series is one of your favorites.

  2. I am so excited about the next five years! Next year is the first I'll be a full-time novelist. I hope they bring lots of success, learning, experience, meeting new people and exploring new places.

    Great interview. It's always fun to learn more about my fellow IWSG bloggers.

    1. Full-time novelist, hey? Congrats! Make the most of your time!

  3. I'm sure that you'll find in five years that your writing has grown, your books flourished and that you'll still be a little worried about the future ;-) Best wishes for your writing.

  4. Nice going Lynda and great interview. I like your answer. I am currently in my seventh year of my ten year plan, and I can say I'd had to modify not downward but upward and that is a great feeling.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

  5. Thanks for featuring CassaDawn.

    When I wrote my series, my husband said "Don't write anything you wouldn't want our pastor to read." That put it in perspective. Characters still do wrong things (with consequences one way or another) but nothing I'm ashamed of. Plus as a publisher, there are certain elements I'm not allowing in the books I publish, either.

    1. I love your values and it's an honor being published with you.

  6. Great interview!! Thank you both for sharing.

  7. Fun interview!

    I'm impressed you have a ten year plan in the first place! Don't worry about the future - you'll totally figure it out. :)

  8. Fun interview. I love to escape into fantasy and science fiction worlds too. And I've been going through a two-year period of total change so I know I can't know for sure where I'll be in 5 years.

  9. I like the "interview with a twist" format and enjoyed getting to know more about Lynda. It's reassuring to know that there are other sci-fi geeks out there :-) Cheers - Ellen

  10. Hey, at least you'll be surprised in 5 years, right? lol hopefully a good surprise.

    Some great picks indeed. Thinking about new worlds and other places is always fun.

    1. Yep, I bet I couldn't guess correctly what it will be like in five years time.

  11. You and I share a lot of favorites in movies, shows and books. Congrats to Alex.

  12. Fantastic interview! Some of your sci-fi favorites are mine too. :)

  13. Congratulations to Alex! This was a fun interview. And I'm a big Westworld fan too! I'm already missing the show and can't believe we have to wait so long for more. :D

  14. Escapism absolutely I read and write to escape. My kids love Stranger Things I'll need to get HBO again to see Westerworld.

  15. Congrats to Alex. And as long as God is your "co-pilot," you need not worry! It's wonderful you have a ten-year plan. *Quickly starts scribbling a one-year plan* I'm behind!! Great interview. And I have to say, Twilight Zone and Stranger Things=awesomeness!

    1. Best wishes on your plan. And you are so right. With God as co-pilot, fears don't need to rule me.

  16. I have topics I avoid like the plague as well. I think each of us must have issues we just don't want to explore that deeply.

    My copy of Cling to God has arrived but I haven't had a chance to crack open the cover. Soon, very soon...

    1. So exciting that you've received your copy of Cling to God. I hope you gain a lot of encouragement from it.

  17. This was a fun interview! Congratulations and I like the cover!

  18. I liked your interview with a twist! I don't read much sci-fi...but you two are definitely making me want to give it more of a try! My faith is always on my mind when writing. Deciding not to write specifically for a Christian audience was a decision I had to make as a lot of my writing is very Christian, though perhaps behind the scenes. I hope I don't betray my values in them. The book I've just about released is paranormal and involves angels and demons. I'm also a Catholic school teacher and I'm very aware of not wanting to be ashamed of what I write, or to have a parent or student find anything unnacceptable. My dad was very leery when he'd found out my book involved angels and demons, but the other night I told him, Dad, if in some small way, while reading fantasy, readers think for a moment about the fate of their souls, or wonder for a second about the possibility of the reality of angels and demons battling for their souls, then maybe my stories will have done some good. Christy

    1. Sorry...that was way too long of a response.

    2. A comment is never too long (unless it's spam, of course). I love that your faith is always at the forefront of your mind when you write, whether faith is in the story or not. And there is nothing wrong with writing stories about angels and demons. Have you read any Frank Peretti? Specifically, "This Present Darkness"? If you haven't, it's worth a read.

  19. Alex and Lynda, it was fun to see your "home and home" interviews! Good to learn more about you this time, Lynda. :)

  20. I was an early commenter, Lyn, but the wifi at CityExtra overlooking the Harbour Bridge didn't take, sigh, but the food was good!
    Great interview (congrats Alex) and cover. I hope you reassess your goals and feel optimistic of meeting them!
    Looking forward to meeting up sometime between the 17th and 18th December when we get back!

    Until then


    1. I've eaten a few times at CityExtra. Great little spot, that one.
      Just give me a buzz when you are free and available!

  21. Thanks to Alex for the interview! and congrats on his new prequel! I love some of the same movies you do, Lyn--Firefly, Star Wars, etc. I agree with both of you about the values thing, even in sci-fi or more secular reads. I like Star Wars for that very reason; it's a movie you can enjoy w/o all the sex, gore, and swearing that most adventure sci-fi movies have. And still VERY enjoyable.

    1. I totally agree! None of that other stuff is needed for a good story, well told, to be enjoyable.

  22. I imagine that any beliefs or issues which are important to us will have some impact on our writing.

  23. I love the evolution of your love for writing. And I do think the values in our lives make their way into lessons and themes as we write. You really have me hooked about your book Lynda. I wish you much success with it. And to you as well Alex.

    1. Thank you so much, Erika. And yes, those values have a way of sneaking in without us even realising it half the time.

  24. I can relate to the feeling of uncertainty. I don't know where exactly I'll be in five years, but I know I'll still be writing.
    I like your taste in sci-fi.
    Much success to you.

    1. There's comfort in knowing that we will still be writing in five years time, even if we know little else.

  25. I had fun reading this interview with a twist. I separate my faith from my writing unless they are interconnected. I want to write characters as they are without letting my person feelings cloud over everything. It can't be removed but I know the character will do things I would probably never even dare or think of.

    I'm not sure where I'll be in five years. Glad I left that question alone. Congrats to both of you on your new books.

    1. Hehe, it's not an easy question to answer for everyone. Me included.

  26. Science fiction really is all about the possibilities! We share some favourites - including Firefly & Serenity, SW and Ender's Game. Just re-read it and was as enthralled as the first time :)

  27. I enjoy sci-fi, but haven't written any myself. It was fun to learn more about you Lynda! I agree that a lot changes over the course of time. :)

  28. Are you sticking with that ten year plan, or are you planning on revamping it what with all the changes.

    I like science fiction and fantasy because of the wonder factor.

    1. I will be revamping my plan. A lot has changed in the publishing world and it's worth pursuing every avenue.

  29. Nice interview from Alex! I'm sure there are lots of people who would appreciate sci-fi with decent Christian values, myself included (you can argue that it pervades Star Wars), although I'm not a believer. I know what you mean about life being unpredictable, but I hope you'll continue to roll with the punches and be in a good place in five years' time.

    1. There will be punches, but that's part of life. I do believe I'll be in a good place in five years. I just don't know where that will be.

  30. What an awesome interview! Until recently, I didn't actually have a plan, but I'm making a real effort to make writing a priority. I love being a part of the IWSG community!

    1. Making writing a priority is the first step toward success.

  31. What a great interview and I love the twist.
    Happy Holidays
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  32. This interview with a twist was fun :) I love your answer to the first question, I've had similar experiences in exploring science fiction and fantasy stories. I'm also dealing with some uncertainty about the next five years, but I do know that they need to include more writing.

    1. Writers are always happiest when they write, but we are also notorious for putting writing lower on our priority lists.

  33. You make such a good point about everything that science fiction offers to its readers. It must be so much fun (and challenging) to write.

  34. Hi Lynda and Alex ... great to see the two of you together. I can't get to grips with SciFi .. but now I'm blogging I'm getting there! CassaStar helps ... and Dr Who - but that's the Brit in me ...

    I now am getting to learn lots more about various genres - which are not my scene: romance - oh yes the Georgette Heyer days, Sci Fi and Steampunk ... I still rarely read novels ... but that's the way it is ...

    Cheers to you all - Hilary


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