
Friday, October 21, 2016

On Gratitude and Twitter Warriors

The launch for my debut devotional, Cling to God, was wonderfully successful and a whole lot of fun. If you haven't yet, but would love to buy my book, you can find it here:  Amazon Paperback, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Oz Kindle, Nook, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iTunes, Goodreads.

Again, I couldn't have done it without you and I wish to thank more people who are continuing to spread the word:
Please drop in on  
Both are featuring my book on their blogs. 
Thanks guys!!!

I would also love to thank all the Twitter warriors who have tweeted and retweeted my book. In particular, I'd like to thank those who tweeted multiple times. You guys are so awesome! Thank you to Tyrean Martinson, Medeia Sharif, Crystal Collier, Victoria Marie Lees, Carol Kilgore, Gwen Gardner, Julie Flanders, Beverly McClure, Denise Covey, Bish Denham, Alex J Cavanaugh, Rachna Chhabria, Jemi Fraser, Jenni Enzor, Chrys Fey, L.Diane Wolfe, and the irrepressible Lexa Cain.

If you'd like to help spread the word about this devotional, then feel free to copy/paste some of the tweets below, or make up one of your own:

For an uplifting read, Cling to God: A Daily Devotional @LyndaRYoung #Faith

A great Christmas gift: Cling to God: A Daily Devotional @LyndaRYoung #Faith

Something to challenge you everyday? Cling to God: A Daily Devotional @LyndaRYoung #Faith

Pic: My publisher sent me a pick of my print copies. So exciting to see them like that.


  1. Glad it was successful! I have my copy.
    That's what's the best thing about this community - the support. And giving from the heart is a true gift from God.

    1. The support is wonderful. I hope you get a lot from your copy. Thanks so much, Alex.

  2. Pleased to hear there was so much support, especially from your fellow authors. No one Tweets like Lexa.

    I'm looking forward to getting those books in your hands.

    1. Lexa is a champion! And yes, I'm looking forward to getting those books too :)

  3. Hooray for all the supporters! I'm going to our biggest bookfair next week to pick up all my author copies from my publishers, and I've no idea how imma gonna bring them back home... we're talking dozens of books

  4. Congrats Lynda and so glad you got support.

  5. Awesome when you see them in print and yippeee for all the support too.

  6. Congratulations! Sounds like you have a great group of writing friends who are happy to support you. Keep at it!

  7. Really exciting to see that pack of print copies!
    Lexa is the Twitter Goddess.

  8. Print copies!!! So awesome. Congrats again on your release. WOOT!

  9. Congratulations, Lynda! The book looks great. Will have to check it out. Twitter's been down for some reason the last hour or so, but will try and post a tweet or two when I can.

    1. Twitter does that sometimes. But I saw your tweets. Thank you so much, Karen!!

  10. Sweet:) I'll retweet some of these myself for sure!

  11. Congratulations Lynda! I pinned your post to a Christian Product Group Board and tweeted. I've missed your updates, but just subscribed so shouldn't miss anymore! And will check out of has your devotional! Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Nice to see the tour went well. Congrats Lynda. Have a good weekend.

  13. Hi Lynda - yes congratulations that your promotions went off so well ... always comforting to end on a high - I can definitely see your book doing well ... cheers Hilary

  14. May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to your home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at

  15. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! Wishing you the very best of luck - I can't believe I've somehow missed all this on Twitter (although I have been in my own little world lately), but if you ever need any help promoting it some more, you know where I am :)

  16. There's nothing like seeing your own book in print. Congrats on such a successful launch!

  17. So glad it went went! I enjoyed being part of things. Enjoy the feel of the book in your hands. Congrats!


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