
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Cling to God Launch Day!

I can't believe this day is here at last. It was both super fast and painfully slow to get here, but here we are: Cling to God, my debut daily devotional with a devotion for every day of the year, has now been released into the world. So exciting!

To find Cling to God: Amazon Paperback, Amazon Kindle, Amazon Oz Kindle, Nook, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iTunes, Goodreads.

Below is a glimpse into the current chaos I'm facing in my life:
What do I do when everything gets so overwhelming and chaotic (like having a book launch right in the middle of selling up and moving interstate)? I cling to my God. He brings me a peace the world can't even come close to offering. I find refuge in His love and acceptance.

Also, I couldn't have done this launch without YOUR help. A big thank you to everyone who has offered to help spread the word. I will have a proper roll-call of thanks later, but in the meantime, I wish to thank those who will be posting today on their blogs (Please let me know if I've missed anyone):

Beverly Stowe McClure - I'm there sharing the setbacks
 faced while writing Cling to God. Please visit!

Also please pop in on these generous people:
Alex J Cavanaugh

And tomorrow please visit JQ Rose 

There will more people sharing the happy news in the following days and weeks and I'll spread the word on those days too. Also there will be many tweeting and sharing on Facebook. A huge thanks. If you'd like to help too, then yes please do share this post, and below are a few tweets you can copy paste to make it easy for you, or make up your own tweet:

Launch Day for Cling to God: A Daily Devotional @LyndaRYoung #Faith

Cling to God: A Daily Devotional @LyndaRYoung #Faith #NewReleases

For an inspiring read, Cling to God: A Daily Devotional @LyndaRYoung #Faith

To find some calm in the chaos of life: Cling to God: A Daily Devotional @LyndaRYoung #Faith


  1. Big congratulations, Lynda! Welcome to the family. I know what I'm ordering the moment it's available.
    Sorry you're moving in the middle of all this. Just keep clinging to God.

    1. Thanks so much, Alex. I really appreciate your support. Clinging to God is all I can do in this crazy time.

  2. Woo-hoo! We are ready on this end. Thank you for trusting FFP with your book. The print copies came in today and it is gorgeous.

    1. Oh wow! Please take a photo of the print copies. Would love to see it.

  3. Congrats on your book release! I know that this must be a special release for you given the personal topic.

  4. Ugg to moving, moved 18 times here, so I know the pain in the arse that is. But blah to that, instead, big congrats indeed at your feed.

    1. 18 times! Oh my gosh, I can't even imagine that. Thanks for the congrats :)

  5. I'm thrilled for you, Lynda, on so many levels. I know packing and moving is stressful, but just think: soon a new adventure will begin. And as for your newest novel, YAY!!! Congratulations! You can't hear me, but I'm cheering loudly.

    1. Thanks, Joylene. And yes, I'm looking forward to the new adventure.

  6. Congrats on your release! Moving is very stressful, so don't forget to take breaks and some time out to enjoy yourself. :)

  7. Gotta love the Real Life Crazies! And, yes, my life is completely full of them as well!
    Good luck with everything!! :)

  8. Many congrats, Lynda.
    Wishing you all the best.

  9. Congratulations on this release. I'm sure it will be a blessing to many.

  10. Congratulations! I agree with Toi. This book will help so many people.

  11. Congratulations Lynda. Cling to God sounds amazing, a book everyone should buy and read. Looking forward to having you on my blog!

  12. Hello Lynda. Saw this on facebook but I had no data left on my phone. And I couldn't download it from Amazon. Now I will rectify! Congratulations!! Big time!! :-)

    1. Thank you so much, Denise!! Big time! (I'm always having trouble with technology, so I can relate!)

  13. Many congratulations, Lynda! Wishing you many readers.

  14. Yippee! Release day! *drops the cheese in heaps* Lynda, I'm so, so excited for you.

    1. when you say *drops the cheese in heaps*, do you mean drops it on the floor!?!!! gasp! Thanks so much. I'm loving your enthusiasm.

  15. Woo-hoo!!! Congratulations and all the best with the release. :)

  16. Congratulations, Lynda! Good luck with everything!

    1. Thanks, Madeline. I need the luck to survive and recover ;)

  17. Congrats on your book's release. Wishing you much success.

  18. Congratulations!!! I meant to add it to the bottom of my blog post today . . . and I forgot, sorry. I'll try to fix this. I definitely tweeted. :)

    1. It's all good! I don't want to take anything away from Cherie. Thanks so much for the Tweet

  19. Many congratulations, Lynda! I've shared your post on social media. All the luck with this new release. And with your move. It's so difficult to move a house full of memories, I mean stuff, to a new location. Smooth journey!

    1. I saw and I appreciate it, Victoria. Moving is difficult. I've only done it once before and it wasn't a whole house either. But I am looking forward to the next adventure.

  20. Congratulations! And I hope the move goes well. My house is up for sale so I can imagine the long to do list you must have!

    1. Oh! Many prayers and blessings for the sale of your house and everything that has to happen afterwards.

  21. Congratulations, Lynda! And good luck with the move. I don't envy you there.

    1. Yeah, I don't blame you. Moving is a massive task. Thanks, Lori

  22. Congrats Lynda. I just moved Oct 9th right after Hurricane Matthew. The worst is over but we are still working on clean and putting our life back together and finding room since this house is smaller than the one we left.

    I have an Author Spotlight if you would like a another space to tell the world about your book. My Contact You are always welcome with open invitiation.

    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

    1. You survived the move!!! That's encouraging to know. ;) I'll be moving into somewhere a lot smaller as well, and will hopefully survive too.
      I can't turn down a generous invitation like that. I'll send you an email soon! Thank you so much.

  23. Huge Congrats! So exciting. Wow, what timing. Good luck with the move.


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