
Monday, September 19, 2016

Two Cover Reveals

Happy news: As some might know, I've been trying to sell the house I've lived in for the majority of my life so I can move interstate. Well, on the weekend, the house sold! Now hubby and I need to find a new place to live in Queensland, the sunny (and hot) state. Consequently I'm not around the blogsphere this week, but I will be back next week to do the rounds. However, I would very much like to support my fellow writers and share two covers today. One from Crystal Collier and one from SA Larsen.
Motley Education (Book One: The URD Saga) by S.A. Larsen
Due for release on October 10th

Forget having a lively after school social life, Ebony Charmed is fighting to keep the entire Afterlife alive.

Ebony’s less-than-average spirit tracking abilities are ruining more than sixth grade at Motley Junior High: School for the Psychically and Celestially gifted. Her parents argue so much her dad moved out. And, even though he’s scared of his own shadow and insists on bringing his slimy, legless lizard everywhere they go, Ebony wouldn’t survive without her best friend, Fleishman.

When Ebony’s Deadly Creatures and Relics’ project goes missing, she learns her missing project is one of the keys to saving the spirit world. Now Ebony and Fleishman must battle beasts from Norse Mythology to retrieve her project before spirits are lost, the Well of Urd dries up, and Ebony loses all hope of reuniting her family. But someone lies in wait, and he has other plans...including creating a new world of spirits without them in it.


Motley Education has been aligned with Core Standards for grades 4-7. A guide will be available on the author’s website to download for FREE after the book’s release date.

To find S. A. Larsen: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Website, Blog.

Timeless by Crystal Collier
Due for release on November 1

In 1771, Alexia had everything: the man of her dreams, reconciliation with her father, even a child on the way. But she was never meant to stay. It broke her heart, but Alexia heeded destiny and traveled five hundred years back to stop the Soulless from becoming.

In the thirteenth century, the Holy Roman Church has ordered the Knights Templar to exterminate the Passionate, her bloodline. As Alexia fights this new threat—along with an unfathomable evil and her own heart—the Soulless genesis nears. But none of her hard-won battles may matter if she dies in childbirth before completing her mission.

Can Alexia escape her own clock?


To Find Crystal Collier:   Blog, Twitter, Goodreads, Website

How great are these covers? What have you been up to lately?


  1. Both great covers indeed. Good luck finding a place and moving too.

    1. Happy news: we found a place. We might need that luck moving, though. Interstate is tough!

  2. Awesome you sold the house! That's a weight off your shoulders.
    Both are great covers.

  3. Wonderful news on the house.

    Both covers are excellent.

  4. Hi Lynda - good luck with the house searching and am so pleased you've sold. Great covers and stories from Sheri and Crystal ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks, Hilary. I'm so thrilled we sold too. It was shaky there for a while.

  5. Congrats on selling your house. Hope you find the house you are looking for. Love Sheri's and Crystal's covers.

  6. Congratulations to you both. They are both beautiful covers. Plus, they both catch your attention and make you want to read or find out what the book is about. Well done ladies.

    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  7. I am SO thrilled for you, Lynda! Congratulations. I can only imagine how excited you are. Happy moving! Hope you find the house of your dreams.

    1. Thanks, Joylene. I'm am so thrilled. We did find a new place. It will be such a change of lifestyle.

  8. YIPPEEE! *tosses cheese confetti* I wish you the happiest house hunting. May you find EXACTLY what you want without any headaches.

    1. We found the place!! It was the 9th place we looked at. So surprised. Woot!

    2. Yay! Here's your virtual cheese basket to celebrate.

  9. Both covers evoke the emotions by their use of color and shadow. Congrats to both authors.

  10. Congrats on selling the house. I'm sure that felt great. Congrats to both authors on their great covers.

  11. Congratulations ladies. Beautiful covers both, you girls are gonna make me read'em cause the more I see them the more I want to know the story behind them. Great job.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  12. Congratulations ladies. Beautiful covers both, you girls are gonna make me read'em cause the more I see them the more I want to know the story behind them. Great job.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  13. Congratulations, Lynda, on the sale of your home. That can be a stressful time. Good luck with your house hunting. These books are delicious! Love the art as well as the plots. All the luck with these launches, ladies!

    1. Thanks, Victoria. It is a hugely stressful time. And now we've found a place too. Next stage is actually moving.

  14. Hi Lynda! I do hope you find a great house in Queensland. I love Brisbane and its surroundings. I've been to Cairns and Port Douglas too. Love the weather, the sea and the trees around these places. My next visit is to Bundaberg and its surrounding areas. I have two author friends living there.

    Congrats to Crystal on her awesome cover!

    1. Brisbane is hot but Cairns and Port Douglas are too hot for me. You'll enjoy Bundaberg. It's a little different.

  15. Congrats on selling your house; a relief I'm sure.
    These covers are both really nice, but I think Motley Education speaks to me more.

  16. Congratulations on the sale of your home.

    Fantastic covers! Well done to both you!

  17. AWESOME! So glad you sold your house!! Yippee!!! Have fun looking for a new one, and good luck there. Congrats to Sheri and Crystal for their eye-catching covers!

    1. Thanks, Carol! And yes, we found a new place!! So exciting! So fast! Eeek!

  18. Love seeing Timeless everywhere! I shared it on my blog too:)

  19. Congratulations on the fab cover to Crystal!

  20. Congratulations on selling the house! That's awesome. Thank you for sharing my cover. I really appreciate it. Love Crystal's cover.

  21. Great news, Lyn! You'll have to acclimatize. I'm pretty over our hot weather. Thinking of moving to Alaska myself, lol!
    Great covers. I shared Crystal's last week. Both covers are so beautiful!

    1. I hope the acclimatizing happens fast because I'll be moving pretty much straight into their summer. Maybe I'll be lucky and the ice age will happen! ;)

  22. I combined their cover reveals last week too! And here I was thinking I was so clever...

    1. We are both clever... ;)
      Well, I'm only clever sometimes. I almost put the milk in the cupboard again recently.

  23. Thanks Jen. It is very exciting and nerve-wracking all at once. An adventure is the right way to put it.

  24. I have not been on here in so long so this is news! Moving! I do feel for you as change is hard but you will get through it. It always takes me about three months to feel at home any place new so hang in there! Will pray for you!


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