
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

IWSG 2016 Writing Contest Announced

I got my first review for Cling to God on Goodreads! Check it out here. I'm so thrilled. Also, if you haven't already, and would like to, then please mark my devotional to-read in preparation for the release on October 18th. Eek! Thanks again to everyone who helped me with my cover reveal. Most recently my two favourite Carols posted the cover on their blogs: Carol Riggs and Carol Kilgore. Thanks so much! Please visit them and say hi from me.
And one more thing re my book and then I'll stop nattering your virtual ears off about it, but I just had to share. It's the freakiest thing in the world to see your book cover on a t-shirt, mug and playing cards, but here it is!! So, if you are in the USA, you can pick them up here.
The IWSG: sign up here
September’s question: How do you find the time to write in your busy day? 
That's a difficult one to answer at the moment. I'm in the middle of selling house and moving interstate, plus doing final checks and edits on my book, plus getting ready for launch day, plus reading an author's book for review, plus... plus... there's so much going on at the moment that I haven't had any time to write. All my other projects are currently on hold. That happens sometimes. It's ok. It's part of life. I guess I'm still gathering ideas, my creativity is still percolating away, so that's a part of writing isn't it?

Announcing the 2016 IWSG Anthology Contest!

Eligibility: Any member of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group is encouraged to enter – blogging or Facebook member. The story must be previously unpublished. Entry is free. 

Word count: 5000-6000 

Genre: Fantasy  

Theme: Hero Lost. It could be about a hero turned villain, a villain's redemption, a hero's lack of confidence, a hero's lack of smarts, etc. It can be about any kind of hero including superheroes, mythological heroes, unexpected or unlikely heroes, or a whole new kind of hero. This theme has plenty of scope and we’re open to pretty much anything along these lines. No erotica, R-rated language, or graphic violence. 

Deadline: November 1st 2016 

How to enter: Send your polished, formatted, previously unpublished story to admin @ before the deadline passes. Please include your contact details and if you are part of the Blogging or Facebook IWSG group. 

Judging: The IWSG admins will create a shortlist of the best stories. The shortlist will then be sent to our official judges. 

Prizes: The winning stories will be edited and published by Freedom Fox Press next year in the IWSG anthology. Authors will receive royalties on books sold, both print and eBook. The top story will have the honor of giving the anthology its title.

We’re excited to see the creativity and enthusiasm that’s such a part of this group put into action. So don your creative caps and start writing. And spread the word! 

Our amazing judges this year:
Richard Harland finished his first novel in 1993 and resigned a university lectureship to become a full-time writer. With seventeen fantasy, SF and horror novels published since, he went international with his steampunk fantasies, Worldshaker, Liberator and Song of the Slums. He has won six Aurealis Awards and the A. Bertram Chandler Award in Australia, the Tam Tam Je Bouquine Award in France. Writing Tips 

Ion Newcombe is the editor and publisher of AntipodeanSF, Australia's longest running online speculative fiction magazine, regularly issued since January 1998. His qualifications and employment range from horticulture through electronics into literature and communications. 

Elizabeth S. Craig writes cozy mystery series for Penguin Random House, Midnight Ink, and independently. She curates links on Twitter as @elizabethscraig that are later shared in the free search engine 

Laura Maisano has an MA in Technical writing and is a Senior Editor at Anaiah Press for their YA/NA Christian Fiction. She’s excited to release her debut YA Urban Fantasy SCHISM, and she’s finishing up the sequel UNITY. 

Russell C. Connor has been writing horror since the age of 5, and has been in the self-publishing industry for a decade. He has published 8 novels and 4 novellas in both paperback and eBook, including the Box Office of Terror Trilogy and "Whitney," an epic horror novel about hurricane survivors fighting a washed-ashore sea monster. He also designs books for clients and assists them with self-publishing endeavors. 

Dawn Frederick is the founder of Red Sofa Literary, previously of Sebastian Literary Agency, and she brings a broad knowledge of the book business to the table—with multiple years of experience as a bookseller in the independent, chain, and specialty stores; sales, marketing, & book development at a YA publisher, a published nonfiction author, and an agent associate literary agent at Sebastian Literary Agency. 

Michelle L. Johnson is a literary agent, the founder of Inklings Literary Agency and has a business administration background in addition to a lifetime of working with books (sales, editing, and writing) and authors (marketing, promoting, event planning), and also has been a script/story consultant for an independent film. 

Lynn Tincher, Author, Public Speaker, and Executive Producer, born just outside of Louisville, Kentucky in the beautiful city of La Grange. She has written four books, with the fifth one currently in the making. Her first book, Afterthoughts was optioned for movie production by Kilted Pictures and Dancing Forward Productions in Los Angeles. It is currently in pre-production with plans to shoot in Louisville, Kentucky very soon.

So, how do you find the time to write? Are you going to enter the contest? 


  1. Your first review - awesome!
    I know, that was so cool to get word of our covers on t-shirts and stuff. I wanted those playing cards for myself and now I can get them.
    And looking forward to this year's entries.

    1. Ha, I want the playing cards as well. A set of yours, a set of Lexa's, and a set of mine!

  2. I'm happy that you're happy about the t-shirt, mug, and cards. There was such a great reaction to the playing cards giveaways, I knew I had to make items like that available to all of my authors.

    Now to read your first review!

  3. Wishing you lots of fun with all your WIPs, Lynda. Good luck with the move. I hope life gives you a little respite throughout the month. Take care.

    1. Yeah, I'm not expecting much respite this month, but the well wishes are much appreciated.

  4. Hi Lynda - congratulations on the review ... now I'm sure more will follow. Also those marketing ideas are clever aren't they ...

    Good luck with the Anthology entry too .. cheers Hilary

  5. Yes, you're right that sometimes there just isn't time to write. Good luck with your move!

    1. And those times make me cry a little. Nah, it's all good, but I'm certainly itching to write again.

  6. I love the tee shirt and wish I was in the U.S. I will probably order one and have them send it to my girlfriend in Alabama and then she can send it to me.
    All the best with your launch. I am looking forward to it, Lynda.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat Garcia

  7. I am going to try to do both! It's so nice to get a good review.

  8. Congrats on the book and on your first review! :)

  9. The T-shirt, I know! I saw that and was like "That's so cool!" Super stoked about your review! Yay! This book publishing thing is happening.

  10. Great review, Lynda! I want to know where to go to get those playing cards...

    1. Thanks, Bish. You can get the playing cards from here: and then scroll down.

  11. Always nice when you get a review indeed, especially the first one. Sure neat to see it on t-shirts too.

    1. Yep, that first one is special, and when it's such a good review, it makes it ultra special.

  12. I love your cover! And I'm happy to share in your pre-release bash. All good wishes :)

  13. I'm amazed at all you accomplish in the middle of a move. I sure couldn't during mine. When your book is released, contact me about promoting it on my blog.

    1. The move kind of came as a surprise after I got the ball rolling on the book. Now everything is happening all at once. It's been a crazy year.

      And thank you so much for the offer. I will definitely take you up on that. Expect an email soon!

  14. Well you may be finding it hard to get some writing accomplished, but at least you're doing things writing related. That's something. Don't lose any of your manuscripts during the move!

    1. Eek, don't jinx me! ;)
      But it's ok, I have many backups of all my manuscripts, even the horrible ones.

  15. Did your house sell, Lynda? We almost had an offer. The day it was supposed to happen, the couple backed out. Moving to a remote lake is a huge lifestyle change; not for everyone. Best of luck on your move. Happy IWSG Wednesday.

    1. Nope, no sale yet. We are still in the middle of the open house thing where you have to make the place look like it's not lived in, while living in it, lol. Hopefully you'll sell soon too.

  16. I didn't enter last year's IWSG writing contest so I definitely plan to this year. Especially with a fantasy theme. Congrats Lynda on getting your first review and having your book on clothes and so on. That's awesome. Finding time to write can vary from day to day, moment to moment. The difference between the one who writes and the one who doesn't is that the former found time no matter what. Which is what a true writer has to do.

    1. Thanks for your encouraging words, Sheena-kay. And best wishes for your entry to the writing contest.

  17. Lots to read about here today, Lynda. Another congrats on your new book. I'm sure it will continue to be reviewed well.

    1. Yeah, there was a lot to squeeze in. It all came in at once and I couldn't hold back--much like my life at the moment, lol.

  18. That's good that you're level-headed and reasonable about the break. I hate it when things throw me off my writing schedule, it makes me very grumpy.

    Good luck on the move and all the other projects and congrats on the book!

    IWSG September

  19. Congratulations on your first review, Lynda. That's awesome! Best of luck :)

    co-host IWSG

  20. Hi, Lynda,

    Congrats on your first review! ALL the best with you launch next month!

    1. Eeek! It is only next month. I have kept thinking of it as "October", but October is next month... waaaaaaaaa!
      I'm not panicked. ;)

  21. Hi Lyn! SO cool to see one's own book image on merchandise--definitely. :o) Your "two favourite Carols." You're funny and sweet. I'm excited to snag a copy of your book next month!

    1. Thanks so much, Carol--for your continued support and encouragement and friendship.

  22. Congrats on your first review! Exciting times, Lyn!
    These days, merchandising is such an integral part of business. The t-shirts/mugs/playing cards is an awesome idea!
    Happy IWSG Day!

  23. Lynda I love to host your cover in my Author Spotlight, if you need someone more hosting, just let me know.

    Marked on Goodreads. Cool merchandise. It looks nice.

    Happy IWSG
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

    1. Aw, Juneta, you are so lovely. Thank you so much. I'll definitely take you up on the offer of the Author Spotlight. Expect an email from me soon :)

  24. You are right. It is so very strange! Thanks, Jen

  25. Percolation is perfect in the busy moments!
    I would love to have you by my blog sometime! or see my 5 Reasons page for more ideas.
    Happy percolating!

  26. Percolating definitely counts as writing time - and it's time well spent. Real life does have to come first!! Good luck with it all :)

    1. Thanks, Jemi. It's amazing how many ideas are flooding in during this percolating time too. Yay.

  27. Yay for the great GR review (I "liked" it.) I'm sure this is the first of many positive reviews to come. I love Diane's ideas about merchandising our books. She's one clever lady. Huge congrats on your book, Lynda! It'll be a great success!

    1. Thanks so much, Lexa. Wishing you much success for your book too. As I said, I do love your cover.

  28. Hi Lyn! I'm feeling for you, selling and relocating. But it's a win for Brissie! Can't wait to see you up here...just when I move back up to the Sunshine Coast full time.

    Freaky seeing your book on a T-shirt, but how exciting! I'm looking forward to its release and have marked it To Read.

    1. You moving to the Sunshine Coast now that I'm moving to Brissy is so funny! And slightly typical!
      Thanks so much for your support, Denise.

  29. The cover is great. Hope you enjoy Brisbane.

  30. couldn't you give us a smaller photo of the shirt? :)

  31. First review, yeah! Congrats. It might be weird to you your book on a tee, but how cool is that!

  32. I think it's neat to see book covers on merchandise. Congrats!

  33. Congrats on getting your book out there, Lynda:) As for finding time to write...I'm still looking for that answer myself:)

    1. Yep, it's a hard one. I've been enjoying a lot of the answers given throughout the IWSG group, though. It comes down to making the time.

  34. I don't have any ideas of the contest, but maybe one will strike me. I feel bad for putting my writing on the back burner, but sometimes it has to be done.

    1. I feel the same, but, like you, came to the conclusion that putting writing on the back burner has to be done sometimes. At least it's only for a short while.

  35. I will definitely rush over and add the devotional to my TBR list. I'm so glad it's going so well! Now that the kids are back in school, finding time to write in peace should be easier. I'm afraid other than that I won't be much help on the subject. I've been struggling with this for about six months. Health issues, parents aging, kids... Life keeps getting in the way. But life is good. :)

    1. Being able to say, 'life is good,' is awesome. Thanks so much for the TBRing, Sheri.

  36. Added your book to my Goodreads. Looking forward to seeing more from you regarding the launch. Congrats, and hope the move goes well!


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