
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

On Not Giving Up #IWSG

Happy 2016 everyone!! At last I can announce the winners of the IWSG 2015 writing contest! But I won't. Instead I'll direct you to the IWSG website for that info. Big cheers and congratulations to everyone who took part. It was especially difficult to pick the winners because of the high standard. 

On a different note, I'd like to introduce you to Anna Simpson, a wonderful inspiration and a writer who didn't give up. Her new release is White Light, a cozy mystery. Take it away, Anna.

Thanks, Lyn, for welcoming me onto your blog.

Today is a twofer. It’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group day and my blog tour stop. So I thought I’d put them together and explain something that may not look too obvious.

I’ve been really, really lucky. Mostly because I find people like Lyn online that are not just intelligent, and creative, but supportive. She is a perfect example of why we are drawn here every month.

Don’t blush Lyn. It’s all true.

When I wrote White Light I wasn’t sure it would get published. In fact, I was pretty sure it wouldn’t. I was lucky enough to get some great beta readers in and thanks to them I managed to improve the work. But then I let it sit.

It sat for a long time before I got the nerve up to submit it. As you might have guessed I was rejected at first. I did get some kind words along the way but they still added up to the same thing—No.

It hurt, but I didn’t give up. Because giving up is more scary than trying again. I revised White Light again and again, looking for mistakes. You know the ones I mean: Plot holes. Typos. Abandoned subplots. Then found #pitmad and found a publisher. It was like magic. All my insecurities left for a bit.

The whole process was an education. It still is, truth be told, and so worth doing again. What stage is your work at? Ready to submit? How do you keep going when it gets tough?

How to find Anna: Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads
How to find White Light: AmazonAll Romance Books, Kobo, Goodreads

This post was written for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. We post on the first Wednesday of every month. To join us, or learn more about the group, click HERE.


  1. Congratulations, Anna.
    Supportive people make all the difference.
    Sometimes we keep going because we're too naive to know we can't.

    1. And that is the right way to do things. hehehe

  2. Congrats, Anna. Without support we would bend and break like twigs.

    Happy 2016!

  3. Hi Lyn! Hi Anna! Congrats Anna on your new release and the clever way you incorporated IWSG this week. I love people who don't believe in giving up. There'll always be lots of things to trip us up, but we need to believe in ourselves and push forward.

    Thanks Lyn for the link. Checked out the winners. How exciting! Many of my blogger friends there!

    Hope all goes well. HNY! See you in Feb!

    Denise :-)

    1. I try... to be clever, I mean. Thanks, Denise. :-)

  4. Congrats indeed. Very true, we just have to keep on a trucking and trying

  5. Quitting is always more frightening than continuing, even if it doesn't feel like it at the time. Quitting means a definite no. Continuing means a possible yes.

  6. Happy New Year to you all! Perseverence is one difficult skill that we all need to learn and practice. Congratulations Anna and thank you for battling through the gremlins. Wishing you every success throughout the year.

  7. Congratulations Anna! All the best to you in 2016! Persistence and perseverance are key to this writing gig. Hard to tame at times, but key.

    1. We all need to hang on to them. It gets us through the rough patches.

  8. I love your line that giving up is scarier than trying again. So true and something I need to remind myself of quite often lately!
    Congratulations, Anna!

  9. Congratulations Anna! Giving up is definitely more scary than trying again. That's one of the things that helps keep me going when I feel discouraged.

  10. The weird part is it doesn't get easier. It actually gets scarier. I've been published 3x, so you'd think I'd be an old hand at this. NOPE. Thanks for the encouragement, Anna!

    1. Good to know. I won't plan on getting comfortable then. :-)

  11. Congrats, Anna. We all need support in our lives.

    1. Lucky for us, we can find it here at the IWSG :-)

  12. I jumped onto the query train last year and my first letter got a request for a full. I was so excited, but then I never heard from that agent again. So after a few more rejects I pulled back and thought about what might be holding the novel back. You never really know what makes an agent say no, but I decided to edit one more time. I'm almost done and I dread querying, but I'll do it anyway.

    1. You must and keep going at it until you're accepted. :-)

  13. I have a book coming out in June but the submitting was tough. I wrote and rewrote and rerewrote. Then got rejected. A lot. Then I found a publisher and whoo hoo! Congrats to you as well!

    Also, I'm trying to let all my bloggy friends know I've moved. The new blog is at

    1. Congrats. I suggest putting your url on with every comment until they all find you. I use a link because it makes me easier to find when I comment.

      Anna from elements of emaginette

  14. Love hearing about people not giving up! Thanks for sharing. Now that I've drafted a few novels, I don't give in to self-doubt as much when it's ready for the edit stage. I know I can do it! And it will be all shiny;)

    1. Finishing a first draft can be a boost for sure. Don't stop now. :-)

  15. Congratulations, Anna. I'm very slow about finishing projects, the editing/revising part, but determined. Your words help to spur me on. Thanks!

    1. My book took a long time, mostly because I had a lot to learn and incorporate. If I can do it so can you. :-)

  16. Congrats on sticking with it, Anna, and on finally finding a publisher! Yay! Wishing you much success with your new book! :)

  17. It's all about that jump, eh? Way to go, Anna!

    (Lynda, thank you for your hours of reading on behalf of the contest. Hope things are going well with all your unique projects!)

    1. Hey Crystal, your story was brilliant. It really stood out.

      And yep, projects are coming along. I actually finished one long-term project a couple days ago. Now I have to work out when to release it.... eeek!

    2. Oooh!!! Exciting times. Can I help promote? What do you need?

    3. aw, you're wonderful. I'll let you know once I sort some things out. I really appreciate the offer.

  18. I haven't checked out the website yet to see the winner, but I'm finding posts about writers whose stories have been included. Hurray! Very exciting.

  19. Congrats to the winners! And whoa...I just noticed you've got _Between Two Fires_ on your just earned major good karma points:) I owe you. Big time. Thanks!

  20. Anna you're my hero. Congrats. Great post. Thanks Lyn for hosting. I always enjoy your blog.

    Happy New Year
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  21. Anna you're my hero. Congrats. Great post. Thanks Lyn for hosting. I always enjoy your blog.

    Happy New Year
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  22. I'm not ready to publish yet. Still working on the story and revisions to make it more publish-ready. But hopefully it will be ready by the end of 2016.

  23. Sending our work out to be judged by others takes a lot of courage but it is the way to move forward. Congrats, Anna.

  24. Congrats. Giving is just that and I don't want my journey to end so onwards!

  25. Happy 2016 Lynda! Hope you have a great year.

    Congrats on the new release, Anna.

  26. Inspiring story! I guess it shows that it just takes one person to believe in it. Glad you didn't give up.

  27. Hi, Lynda, Hi, Anna,

    Happy New Year, Ladies...

    Good for you, Anna. I believe if we believe in our story, the right publisher WILL come along eventually. At least I hope for that. My blog is named, In Time... because I truly believe all good things will happen, In Time...

    All the best with your new book and CONGRATS!

  28. Letting things simmer is so important for me - as are those beta readers & crit buddies! I've got a couple of stories almost ready to get out and about there - just waiting on life to cooperate :)
    Congrats on the book!

    1. They are a blessing that's for sure. Good Luck!

  29. I am impressed with all the winners too.

    Hi Ana; thanks for the encouragement. Just gotta keep putting it out there and learning from the experiences.

    1. I truly believe that is the way to success. You'll do it. :-)

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. That is definitely the key - don't give up! Good job, Anna.

    Happy new year Lynda and Anna. :)

  32. congrats to Anna, we won't be sipping tea at her place for sure!

  33. Hi Lyn (with one 'n'...I remembered)
    Hi Anna.
    Congrats once again, Anna!
    I've invested too much to give I'm really enjoying my writing, the good and the I have wonderful friends (like you guys) to cheer me along.
    Happy 2016 ladies!
    ...and Happy Writing!

    January Co-host.

    1. So many bonuses, and all because we love to write. :-)

  34. Congrats on WHITE LIGHT, Anna! Best wishes for your book, and it's fun to hear your story. :)

  35. Good for you, Anna, on not giving up. Thanks, Lynda, for sharing Anna's story with us. Happy New Year, ladies!

  36. VERY important words. "Giving up is more scary then trying again." I am going to stick those on a wall. Thank you!

    1. I live by them. It took a while to work it out. ;-)

  37. Hi Anna, and Lynda. Anna, I am really happy you stuck to your work and you made it work. I'm in the same process with my original manuscript as well. I took some time off, then researched the heck out of plot and holes and I finally think I have a real structure this go around. In any case, I know that giving up is not in my vocabulary either, and it does my heart good to see you succeed. Lynda, thanks for being such a big part of the ground and encouraging people to go after their dreams. Cheers to an awesome 2016.

  38. Congrats, Anna! And, I agree - Lynda is a huge encouragement to every writer! Thank you, Lynda. :)

  39. Congratulations, Anna! I am so glad you kept plugging. I couldn't happier for your success.

    1. Thank you. You're forever generous with your praise.

  40. Many congratulations, Anna! All the luck with your new cozy. They are the type of mystery I like to read. I'll go check it out. I'm taking a mini workshop to develop a synopsis of my memoir about attending college as a mother of five. Hopefully this will offer guidance to themes and the manuscript as a whole. I'm hoping to begin submission in 2016. All the best to everyone here. Thanks, Anna and Lynda, for the insight.

    1. My fingers are crossed for you. Another reason to look forward to in 2016. :-)

  41. Happy new year, Lynda and Anna.

    You're right - giving up won't get us anywhere.

    1. Happy New Year. We are starting it off right. :-)

  42. I've learned so much from the writing and publishing process. I'm still learning. I can't not keep going. I'm persistent and want to see results.

  43. Happy New Year Lynda :)
    The moment I saw the title, I knew I am going to read something inspirational and I did. Especially, when you are going through something difficult in your life, things like this lift you up.

    Congrats Anna for your book. I will try to get a copy.

    Thank you Lynda for sharing the post :)

  44. Wow thanks for the inspiration Lynda and Anna. Good luck. I know how self doubt can wreck the writer's confidence. Thanks for the boost.

  45. It is the plan, Lynda, and we all need to remember it no matter how difficult it seems to be. All the best in 2016, my dear.


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