
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Cruising Past Insecurities #IWSG

Insecurities have a tendency to crop up and hang around like weeds, breeding more weeds, making writing difficult. The best way to deal with those insecurities is to take a break. Walk away for a short time, remove the pressure, and just live a little.

I recently came back from said break where I went on a cruise to the South Pacific islands. Best break ever!

To avoid rubbing it in (because that would be bad), I'll post two photos that pretty much sum up the bliss. If I were to rub it in, I'd tell you all about the glorious weather we had, the scrumptious food we ate, the many and varied cocktails we drank... so I won't do that. I will tell you that I spent a lot of the time relaxing and reading through the story entries for the IWSG Contest, which are now with the official judges. Wow, there are some remarkable stories. We have a bunch of talented writers in the IWSG. Glad it's not up to me to pick the winners.
Right now I feel so refreshed that there 's no room for insecurities. Thus unto the breach I charge!!

How do you feel after a break? What are some of your favourite break types?

This post was written for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. We post on the first Wednesday of every month. To join us, or learn more about the group, click HERE.



  1. OMG!!!! I'm sooo jealous! Gorgeous pictures and I agree about taking a break!!!

  2. Awesome photo!
    I need to share with you admins the judge votes so far. Five have responded!

  3. Gorgeous pic Lyn! Is that the Isle of Pines? I really must do that cruise although I loved going solo to New Caledonia and visiting the islands independently. Yes, hard to feel stressed so near the ocean, or in your case, on the ocean. :-)

  4. I'd feel insecure if I was to appear in trunks on a cruise

    1. I hear ya. I'm ghostly white and am not a fan of being out in the sun, but I love cruises because there's plenty of shade to still enjoy the outdoors without burning to a crisp. Besides, there are so many different body shapes on cruises that no one cares what anyone looks like.

    2. I, however, don't hear ya. Tell me more, Dazzling Dezzmeister!

    3. He won't tell you because it's a secret...

  5. What a fab place. We should all visit and wipe away our insecurities too :) Fab pics, Lynda! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Think how awesome that would be--all of us writers getting together, relaxing, wiping away those insecurities.

  6. Replies
    1. Yep! I did not change the colour of the pics. It's truly spectacular when the sun is shining.

  7. You and I are in completely didfferent zones right now. I'm envious. Walking away isn't working for me, though I agree, it's usually the remedy. Good for you, Lynda! :)

    1. I hope you find what does work for you. Sometimes a simple change is enough and other times it's getting bullheaded and writing despite the insecurities.

  8. Hi Lynda - I'd feel in need of another break after that! So pleased you had such a fantastic time - looks just wonderful and I know Denise's holiday in New Caledonia was such fun. Looking forward to seeing the results for the short stories ... and yes I agree there are some wonderful authors in the IWSG - cheers Hilary

  9. Cruises are so wonderful! I thought I'd be bored, but there's so much to do on the ship. Plus there's the offshore trips.

    And nothing makes you feel super-skinny like going on a cruise. LOL

    1. hahahahahahah ahahahahahah ahahahahaha... yeah, super-skinny... hahahahahah ahahahah ahahahaa. Sigh.

  10. Wow, that would sure be a nice way for anyone to make insecurities go away haha

    1. Now I just have to find a cheaper, less time intensive way of dealing with insecurities ;)

  11. That sounds wonderful! Love the the pics, too. Good to hear you're feeling recharged and ready to go. :)

  12. The pictures look like heaven. I don't hate you. I live in a beautiful place for the winter, and I'm working too. And sweating. But loving every minute. So glad you got a break, Lynda. Yes, weren't those entries awesome.

    1. Loving every minute makes a huge difference to wherever we are and whatever we're doing.

  13. Those are amazing photos! I don't hate you for it, though I might stare at your pictures for a little while to help me forget how cold it is outside where I live. Reading stories while on break is a good way to enjoy the time. Thanks for all you do for IWSG!

  14. So glad you had an awesome trip. That's so important to take a break sometimes and do something fantastic like you did.

  15. We take a trip once a year down to Boca Raton where we spend the weekend just relaxing, hitting the beach and spending time as a family. That's the best it gets right now. Of course, give me a couple hours with a good book and I'm totally refreshed.

  16. Island time in the Bahama's lol. Sometimes just a change of room where I am writing, or take a drive in the car with the top down. I also agree with Crystal sometimes all it takes is a good book or movie,

    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

    1. I agree, sometimes it just takes a small change, a break in the routine. But I'll take any excuse to go on a cruise ;)

  17. Island time in the Bahama's lol. Sometimes just a change of room where I am writing, or take a drive in the car with the top down. I also agree with Crystal sometimes all it takes is a good book or movie,

    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  18. You definitely sound refreshed. Maybe I should do something like that, although for me a trip to England would be the ticket.

  19. I am happy you got such a lovely break. Good for you! I like going to the movies in general but especially to get out of the house and also not overdose on writing.

  20. After A really great break, I feel sort of euphoric, or the peaceful state after a really great workout. Working out is probably the easiest escape for me. But I do so love to travel. It looks like you had an amazing time. 😊

  21. Taking a break is refreshing. And such a beautiful setting for it. Yep, jealous :)

  22. Love the new banner, very nice. Glad to hear you had a nice time. My mother went on a cruise years ago and said it was the best holiday ever. :-)

    Anna from Elements of Writing

    1. Cruising isn't for everyone. If you want to go somewhere specific, see the sights etc then it's no good, but if you want to just sit back and enjoy the journey, then it's a major win.

  23. Wow, fantastic photos! Hope you had a great time. :)

  24. Beautiful pictures. I forget my worries during most trips. I love beach getaways because they're relaxing. Getting involved in the sights of a big city is also distracting.

  25. Now that looks stunning. That's the sort of break I would welcome! Time to switch off from everything is sometimes exactly what we need. I don't envy the judges but I do envy you for getting to read through the entries. Sounds like this will be one fantastic book.

  26. I'm almost jealous. Not completely because I'll be heading for Arizona for the holidays. My best breaks are when my grandkiddies visit. They make me relax and laugh.

  27. Glad you enjoyed your break. Though you tried not to rub it in our faces (still you managed to make me envious of the food, cocktails and the rest and relaxation). Sigh, wish I can also take a break.

    1. Sometimes we have to force ourselves to take a break. And the breaks don't have to be big events either. Just getting away from the computer is often enough.

  28. Ah, what lovely photos!!! Looks SO relaxing, all those calm horizontals. :) I take breaks, mini breaks mostly...where I read, catch up on housework, go on vacation (usually visiting relatives, which isn't relaxing but it's still a brain break from writing), etc. How cool you got to read all those awesome entries! :o)

    1. Mini breaks are great too! (even doing the housework). It was very cool I got to read all the entries.

  29. I'm sooooo glad you didn't rub it in! I do agree about taking a break though.

  30. That looks like a wonderful getaway. *stares at the falling snow outside window*

    I'm glad you're refreshed and secure!

    1. I haven't seen a lot of snow in my lifetime, so visiting the snow would make another great break too.

  31. Your trip sounds fabulous. Unfortunately, breaks don't work for me the same way. Recently, I took a break too. I went for 2 weeks to visit my mother in Israel. It was a rather sedentary visit, filled with quiet pleasure, but afterwards, it took me almost a month to get back to writing. I seem to need my groove, the writing momentum, to write anything. But I started sleeping better after the trip. Maybe I needed a break from writing after all.

    1. Yes, getting back into the rhythm of writing does sometimes takes some extra effort after an extended break. Better sleep patterns makes it worth it, though.

  32. I like it! What's that whooshing sound? It's the sound of insecurities flying by.

  33. Welcome back! Looks like an idyllic vacation. :-)

    1. It's so gorgeous. You have to see it to believe the colours.

  34. Lyn, looks like you had a blast!
    And yes...reading all those amazing entries was something else...especially for my "speculative-fiction-challenged-brain" Hahahahahaha!
    A real education. I enjoyed EVERY story. So many different interpretations.

    1. I was wondering how the non-spec fic admins went with it. ;)

  35. Looks like a lovely vacation! So glad you were able to get away and relax. :)

  36. You're so funny! The pics are stunning and I'm glad you had such a great time. Good luck on charging into the breach! :)

  37. I had a great break in October. I was so relaxed, it took me a few weeks to get back in the swing of things. Glad yours was awesome, too. Your scenery was perfect!

  38. I'm a firm believer in those kinds of breaks. And go ahead and regale us with stories of those umbrella drinks and warm sand between the toes. I love to live vicariously.

    1. The water was the perfect temperature, the sand was soft and white, and the drinks were awesome.

  39. To avoid rubbing it in... Really? ;)

    I'm happy for you. I'm sure deep down (deep deep DEEEEP down) Dezzy is too. Except when you make him wear trunks.

    1. Woo!! Blogger is letting me make comments at last!!!!!!!!!!

      Hi Blue!

    2. I may have pulled some strings...
      Not likely... ;)

      Happy New Year, Lynda!

    3. did everything unravel when you pulled those strings? ;)

      Happy New Year, Blue!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Yes, Lynda, I'd love to plop right into your beautiful photos of the South Pacific islands. Lucky you! I agree wholeheartedly with the need to step away and breathe. I like to breathe in the mountains, in a forest, or like you, on the beach of an island...preferably without a cell phone or e-mail. Glad you're rested, and I still love the little robot at the top of your blog.

    1. Oh yes, I love forests to, especially rainforests. So green and lush. And I'm thrilled you love little TP, the robot.

  41. I'm sure each island could serve as inspiration for a different world or different dimension, depending on what you write.

  42. I just got back from a break down the coast camping with the family. Now I think I need a holiday ;-D Doing all of that 'nothing' was seriously fun, yet amazingly tiring.

    1. That 'whole lot of nothing' takes work!! And one gets used to that kind of work.... ;)

  43. Wow, that would be a dream a vacation for me! Alas, I think with a baby and toddler in tow, I may have to wait a while.


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