
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

An Introduction for the New Year #IWSG

I hope everyone had a brilliant break over Christmas and the New Year. Mine was super relaxing and fun. Everything I needed.

At the IWSG, we thought we’d start the New Year with a small introduction. So here goes:

As some of you know, last year saw a few changes in my life. I’ve taken on even more. Not only do I call myself a writer, but I’m also a game developer for the IOS platform, a 3D animator, a 2D artist, a narrative designer, an administrator for the IWSG, a photographer, a fully-fledged geek, a composer, a crazy person.

I write sci-fi short stories and sci-fi and fantasy novels for young adults. I’m also an editor because it appears I’m far better at spotting flaws in other people’s work than in my own. Which is common and also why every writer needs an editor, no matter how much they cringe at the red pen.

Above all, I’m a Christian. I’ve even written a daily devotional and hope to self-publish it this year—as soon as I find the time to work out how.

So that’s me in a … well, nutshells are too cramped, so let’s call it a treasure chest encrusted with shinies. Because I like things that sparkle.

How about you? Tell me a little about yourself. Have you also taken on a lot more than you ever imagined you could handle? How did you manage it?

Note: As a consequence of taking on so much, I’ve decided something has to give. Last year I tried to do absolutely everything and it didn’t work. So, I’ll be officially stepping back a little more from blogging and will only be posting once a month on IWSG day (the first Wednesday of every month). Occasionally I’ll need to post more, but that will be special circumstances only. I hope everyone will understand. 

Photo: I took this pic on Mare in the South Pacific. It's the epitome of relaxation.


  1. I had no idea you were into graphic design. I think that nutshells some of that right? If in wrong smack me. I might like it ;). I'm a weirdo too in the best way.

    1. While I do some graphic design, it doesn't cover all of the type of art I do. And being weird is good :)

  2. Nice to "meet" you. Nutshells are too small. I like the idea of being in a treasure chest and seeing myself a found treasure. I may have to steal that description.

  3. Sounds like you lead an exciting life, Lyn!
    Composer? As in music? Or some other art form?
    Happy IWSG Day, Lyn!
    Writer In Transit

    1. Yep, the composer side of it is new for me. We need music for our games, so I'm writing music now too. Today's technology makes it sooooo much easier!

  4. One day a month sounds good.
    Crazy geek person - that's why you are uber-awesome, Lynda. You really could be my twin sister.
    And yes, you are amazing at spotting mistakes! You did wonders with the IWSG book. And with my Dragon book.

    1. Ha, thanks, Alex. High praises. And more thank happy to help out with your story--such a great story too.

  5. Happy New Year!

    It's impossible to do everything, isn't it? A while ago I was trying to do too many things and not doing any of them well. I've since cut out a few things and believe I'm actually now more productive.

    1. Yep, I'm finding that too: doing less means we get to do more.

  6. Awesome how much you're doing that you enjoy. And yes, life comes first so no problem with the once a month blogging. We understand.

  7. The last 10 years have been more than I can handle.

    That's amazing you do game development.

  8. You are busy!! But that sounds wonderful. I love your photo. The water sparkles!

    1. It was such an awesome beach!!!! I so want to go back there one day.

  9. Lovely pic! And I think I need to add "crazy person" to my bio as well. :)

  10. A composer? Say what, say what???

    1. Yep, yep. It's a new thing. A place I never thought I'd venture, but here I am venturing... Our games need music, so I went forth and started writing music. Technology makes it so much easier though. It also helps that I learned to play the piano and read music years ago.

    2. Why does he sound surprised, Lynda? Doesn't he know you can do eveything? Dezz, really....

  11. Your other artistic pursuits sound fascinating. I am amazed by animation.

    Thank you for your involvement over the years in this group. I look forward to reading your monthly updates.

  12. You have taken on a lot! Best of luck with all your new endeavors. And, yep, blogging seems to be the first cargo to go over the side when the ship is taking on water. Hmmm, is that the right metaphor??? All I know is I'm swamped and don't have much time for blogging anymore either. But I still have to check in on all my friends and see how they're doing. ;)

    1. Sometimes it feels like an apt metaphor ;)
      And yes, I hope not to lose contact with anyone.

  13. Having too much on the go beats having none at all, always something to do

    1. I always feel far more satisfied in life when I'm busy getting things done or simply basking in creativity.

  14. You have a lot on your plate. So, it comes as no big surprise that you will be blogging less. As long as we see you around the blogosphere sometimes (even once a month is okay). Game Developer sounds cool!!

  15. Happy New Year, Lynda!! I forgot to write a short introduction about myself on my post. I've also decided to cut back on blogging. Maybe 1 post a week, more if needed. We all need to set priorities so we don't drive ourselves over the edge, which I tend to do.

  16. We, the members of the Insanity club... ;)

    I love it. I'm still aiming to blog once a week, but it's totally going to die down once the baby gets here. You have to do what works for your season of life. How is the game development stuff going? I still can't express how awesome I think that is.

    I've been cutting back in prep for the baby. In fact, I have only two aspirations for this upcoming year: finish my current book and be positive. (That last one will probably be difficult considering the impending sleep deprivation.) I might join you on the monthly blogging trail after the baby arrives. I've done it before and it was a very comfortable pace.

    1. Yep, once the baby comes, you'll need to grab as much free time as possible, because there won't be a lot of it ;)
      (I'm super excited for you, my insanity club member and friend).

    2. You know what, next month I'm making badges. We deserve them. They may even be cheese shaped. ;)

    3. Okay, that's it. Provided the pregnancy brain doesn't rob me of the ambition/memory, it's a done deal.

  17. Excellent post, Lynda. I'm so glad to know you. I'm 61 and I'm not sure who I am, but I do know I'm happy to be here. Happy New Year!

    1. Being happy to be here is one of the best things to be. Happy New Year!

  18. In answer to your question about taking on more than I ever thought possible, I fling my hand across my eyes and moan, Yes!" Then I ask why? Here's to that game developing. That sounds so interesting to me. I'd love to know more as you go through the process.

    1. I haven't yet reached the 'why!' stage because everything I've taken on is everything I really, really want to do. It's just a matter of time and prioritizing. Must..take...deep...breaths!

      I'll be happy to share about the game development process. It's currently driving me crazy--crazier--so it's a good topic to share ;)

    2. Hehe, thanks for your enthusiasm. It's encouraging.

  19. I'm really intrigued by your daily devotional. I wrote a daily journal entry for years, but stopped a few years ago. Life just got ... well, you know. I've thought of revisiting those past journals to see what I could compile. You might have just inspired me to do so.

    I really enjoyed this post, mostly because you've stated it with such ease. Here's to loads of blessings sent your way throughout 2015!

    1. I encourage you to give it a go. I do recommend self-publishing it, though. It's next to impossible to get that kind of thing traditionally published unless you have a massive platform or some other kind of related authority to back you up. I know because I've tried.

  20. You really do have a lot going on. It's difficult to find something to cut back on.

  21. Wow, you do sound as if your life is crazy busy right now. Mine has got a lot more hectic this year, due to trying to blog everyday among other things. Good luck with all you plans for 2015 and your daily devotionals. I used to love reading daily devotionals but haven't done it for a while. :)

    1. Anyone who can blog every day impresses me. I used to, a few years ago, but it was far too demanding. Best wishes to you for the New Year.

  22. Hello again! I'll admit it was hard for me to move past the beautiful beach picture. I'm currently battling flu germs. Everyone loves to share those! And I may be losing...and it's to drop to -2F tonight.

    1. yikes!! You need to come visit Australia. We've had sweaty hot days for weeks now! I'd love to be cold again (minus the flu virus). Hope you get better soon.

  23. As long as you use your extra time to keep writing, all is good. Well, I suppose you could use that time for game development too. You have an active schedule. I wish you luck in hitting all your goals.

    1. I do a little writing and game development each day. I'll admit, it requires discipline, though, to stay focused!!

  24. Hi Lynda :) I'm in the process or remaking me, so not sure entirely who I am, or who I'll be in the coming year. Donch'a just love a mystery, lol.

    1. ha, I love your positivity while standing on uncertain ground. I've been there...more than once. Best wishes to you, Dolorah.

  25. Nice to meet you, Lyn. Hope things are getting better on the home front. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  26. I love your description 'treasure chest with shinies' - I love shinies too :) You're not the first blogger I've read this year that said they're reducing their blogging. I think that makes absolute sense, better to do it once a month and want to blog, than it become a mill around your neck x

    1. Yep, if we force ourselves into doing something that becomes chore-like, then yes, it can become a horrible weight and distraction. I plan not to reach that stage.

  27. Wow, so many gifts, you are doing so well. Me? I just hope that my husband will be reasonably well in 2015 so that I can complete my children's books, fingers crossed for us both, but mainly for him.

    1. My prayers for both of you..and special hugs for you... because hugs are good for finishing children's books.

  28. I totally get it. I'm going to be doing something similar, but probably in stages. I'm marking my calendar for you on IWSG week :)

    1. Aw, thanks, Carol
      ..I really need to get me a new calendar! eeek!

  29. A daily devotional too. I hope you publish that and will be happy to host you. best wishes for a healthy and prosperous new Year!

    1. Wow, thanks so much, Stephen. I've already done the cover for it (the advantage of being a graphic designer AND a photographer). All this support is really making me want to push for time toward the project.

  30. Congratulations on your success. I also love the description of 'your shinies'. I have written most of my life, but this if my first time to strive to write for publication. I find all the fears hinder me, even as I work them out another crops up. I think the wall that is my biggest obstacle is the pressure I put on myself subconsciously and pops up at the oddest times. I am also job hunting for a non writing position, until one day, if I get lucky. I love hearing stories about others successes. I am not really a blogger, but a story teller, so I find the blogging part hard sometimes. I made the decision to stop worrying about the publications end, the marketing etc and strive for prolificness instead, even if I am the only one who ever really sees the stories. I am taking the pressure off myself this year and whatever will be will be, Que Sera Sera... Wishing you much success and prosperity for this year.
    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

    1. We do put a lot of pressure on ourselves. I honestly don't think blogging is necessary for any author. I only do it because I love the people I've met here and I enjoy sharing some of the things I've learned along the way. Your plan to take the pressure off and just keep writing is a good one.

  31. AMAZING... you do so much Lynda! I am impressed. I am an INSANE overachiever too and I certainly don't blog/post as much as I used to. SO, of course, we ALL understand! Life is FULL and we need to live it the way it makes us happy!

    ALL the best this coming year!

  32. Wow, you are super busy. I hope that your year goes smoothly without being too overwhelmed.

  33. Sparkly things are always good. Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate! Hope everything goes smoothly this year for you.

    1. Thanks, Sarah. Hopefully I haven't taken on too much. Best wishes for you this year too.

  34. Lynda, you are quite busy! So glad that your holidays were relaxing and fun. Have a wonderful 2015!

  35. I come back to the blogging world to find out you will post once a month...IT will be worth the wait! ;-)

  36. Yep, everyone needs that person with a red pen. So cool that editing is one of your gifts, Lynda!

  37. It was nice learning more about you, Lynda. You certainly did have a year full of changes. Great changes! I'm impressed by all that you do.

    P.S. The picture is gorgeous!

    1. Great changes is awesome. May the greatness continue for you, Chrys.

  38. What a nice intro. I had heard about your game designing, but you are also doing so many other things! Good for you, and yeah... it gets overwhelming. My own ISWG intro mentioned how I always take on more than I can handle. One of my self-improvement projects at the moment is the art of saying no. Happy New Year!

    1. It's important to be able to say no. It's not always easy, though.

  39. Ahhh, lovely South Pacific photo. I'd like to be there! Looks so WARM. (We're winter here in the US, as you know LOL) Best continued wishes for your gaming project, and you definitely are great about spotting things in manuscripts! Composer, really? as in songs? That's something new I didn't know about you. :)

    1. Wish I could box up some warmth and send some your way, coz Oz is mighty hot at the moment. And yes, composer as in music. I don't write lyrics though. Not yet, at least.

  40. I am keeping an eye for that devotional, Lynnie.

    1. Ha. Keeping an eye 'out.' I'd actually like to keep both eyes, for a number of tasks.

    2. yarp, having both eyes is helpful for many tasks ;)

  41. Can you please contact me with your editing rates? I'll be needing an editor soon ;-) Have a lovely weekend.

  42. Treasure chest encrusted with shinies -- I like that. Wow, are you busy. Best of luck with everything in the new year!

  43. Ack! What a bummer. I had a nice comment all written out and went to post it and hadn't signed into my google account (I cleared my history yesterday). When I did, it erased the comment.

    Anyway, it was along the lines of how wonderful you I've aspired to live up to your example over these years of knowing you. Stuff like that.

    I cut down my blogging to once/month several months ago, mainly out of depression, but it helped to clear the plate awhile and regroup. I hope to blog twice/month this year, but have placed my novel as priority #1, and with the other stuff (life, an upcoming short story comp, etc.), we'll see how that pans out. It's TOUGH doing it all. ;)

    Have a splendiferous year, and thanks for your support at WU!


    1. live up to my example? Ha, I'm touched and flattered, but it's more like the other way around :)

      It's important to put your novel first over blogging. Best wishes to you. I know, without doubt, you will find the success you seek if you don't give up. You have an amazing talent.

  44. Happy New Year. Love your intro. You do do quite a bit. I understand needing to step back a bit from blogging to pursue other things. I wish you the best of blessings in the year and years to come.

  45. What a glorious picture! No wonder you're relaxed and happy. I love that you're so full of creativity and do so many things. Have a great week! :)

  46. Life gets crazy, so it's good to step back and focus on what's important. We've got another baby on the way, and I'm editing my books for publication next year, so I'm living in the middle of crazy town. But it's all good. I wouldn't want it any other way:)

    1. Congrats!!! Best wishes on editing too and for your exciting publication journey.

  47. Yes, doing too much is so detrimental to health - and I've got to figure out where to cut back as well. Hope 2015 is filled with joys and more treasures for you!

    1. I hope you find the right place to cut back so 2015 is an awesome year.

  48. I am in the middle of dealing with the onslaught of life and my writing dreams….but thx for the post it helps.

    1. Glad to hear it, Jeff. Best wishes to you for dealing with the onslaught.

  49. Yowza!! You are extremely busy, Lynda!!

    I'd love to do less, but just can't make myself. I just finished the town's NYE drop. No meetings for that for a few months. Hooray! I'm now working on the curricula or curriculums-whichever you prefer- for two outdoor education days for my daughters' schools. I take a science theme, write seven different outdoor ed. activities for each on that theme, then schedule volunteers, buses, teachers and 180 kids one day and 140 kids the other to go through them. There's lots more to it, but that's it in a jewel encrusted treasure box.
    Plus I'm on the submission circuit at the moment, earning my thick skin and trying to find the time to write another book. Plus momming and work(preschool teacher) and being a good crit partner, plus a bunch of other misc. stuff. (Church, volunteering too much, etc.) So, yeah, not enough hours in a day to get it all done. Ok, so that was a bit more than a little about myself. whoops.
    Good luck finding the time to self publish your devotional book. Very worthwhile!

    1. You win!! You are definitely busier than me. Yikes! Best of luck with your submissions...and everything else going on.

  50. Hi Lyn! Yes you are one crazy cat! It will make a difference only blogging once a month as blogging does take up so much time. I haven't blogged over the holidays until yesterday. So much more writing time, and swim time, and coffee time!!!

    I'm with you with the editing. I've turned into a voracious line editor for others. So much easier picking faults in other's work as you know. So blind to our own. Oh, I could get philosophical here...

    Good luck with the self publishing. The thought of it makes me cringe.

    May you find satisfaction and oodles of success in everything you do in 2015.

    Denise (basking up on the Sunshine Coast at Peregian Beach). Do I really have to go back to Brisbane to teach? :-)

    1. Ah, swim time...Sydney has been so hot lately so swim time is super important ;)

      Thanks for the self-pub luck. It's only for this one book, but it's still daunting. And may you find those oodles too this year!

  51. I hear you about stepping back from blogging. I do this now and then because I can get sidetracked.

    Haven't we all at some point taken on more than we cold deal with. I do it all the time. :)

    Happy 2015. See you in Feb.

  52. Wow, that is a lot! I read recently that we work best when we have 3 major goals for a year. For me it is to continue writing about God in my blog, and a couple of others around Christian coaching. And deepen relationships with my family and grandkids. And do well at my day job!

    1. I like your goals. Best wishes to you for achieving those goals this year.

  53. Your photograph is most definitely the epitome of relaxation, Lynda. You and your followers are indeed extremely busy. I still don't know how you all manage. For me, it's enough to try and blog twice a month; once on my Adventures in Writing blog and once on my Camping with Kids blog. Aside from finishing my revisions on my memoir about attending college as a mother of five, I want to step up my YA adventure short story submissions. I'm still plodding along this social media tightrope, hoping to increase my visibility and thereby find a publisher for my college memoir. I wish you all the luck, Lynda. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Best of luck with your submissions and finishing your revisions, Victoria. And thanks :)


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