
Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Wishes

David, my brother, asked me to pass on his thanks for everyone's support with his efforts to raise money for prostate cancer. My 'Making a Difference' post has the details about his efforts. He still has a long way to go, so if you could share this link,, or consider donating a small amount, that would be awesome. Again, thank you so very much.

Also the health concerns I had a couple of months ago are now officially over after I was given the all clear. Yay! Thank you for your prayers and well wishes. 

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year. The IWSG Team has also passed on their Christmas wishes over at our website.

I will return for the first IWSG posting in the New Year, Wednesday 7th January.

What will you be doing over Christmas? (pop on over to the IWSG site to find out what I'll be doing)


  1. Will Tweet about it again.
    Awesome news about your health! There is power in prayer.
    Have a Blessed Christmas, Lynda. Appreciate all your hard work with the IWSG site and critiquing Dragon for me. You rock!

    1. Any time, Alex. And yes, prayer is mighty powerful :) Have an awesome Christmas.

  2. Great news on the "all clear" - yeh!

    We're looking forward to a quiet and relaxing Christmas.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!

  3. I'm so glad to hear you're in good health. I'll take a look at the IWSG blog.

    Have a happy holiday week and happy New Year.

  4. So happy your health concerns have cleared up - that's a great early Christmas gift!
    Enjoy a wonderful Christmas & all the best in 2015!

  5. glad to hear you are all fine when it comes to health!

  6. Lynda, I'm so glad you got the all clear on your health. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  7. Merry christmas and good to hear the health stuff is through and all is grand at your zoo

  8. Yay! Glad to hear you're in the clear. Merry Christmas!

  9. HI, Lynda,

    Such a blessing to have a clean bill of health.SO happy to hear all is well with you! Wishing your brother the best with his cancer. I'll had him to my list of prayers... We have all been touched by the big C in one way or another.

    Wishing you and you family the MERRIEST, HAPPIEST, and HEALTHIEST of new years!

    I just came from your IWSG post... left my Christmas plans there....


    1. Thanks, Michael. Thankfully, Dave doesn't have cancer. He's just raising money for cancer research and he seems to be doing a really good job. I appreciate your prayers, and I'm sure he does too.

  10. Enjoy your holiday, Lynda.
    Happy to know you're a-okay.
    Tell your brother to keep up the good work!

  11. Hi Lynda .. have a peaceful and blessed Christmas time - and once again good luck to your brother ... wonderful he's out there helping others ... also so good to know you're in rude health once again - a relief I'm sure ..

    Cheers and have a great Christmas season .. Hilary

  12. Lynda - I missed your brother's post. I will check it out. My dad was diagnosed last Christmas and recently found out the cancer is on the move. It's still contained within the prostate, though, so he's considering his options. I think he's leaning toward having the surgery, just scared about the possible bodily repercussions. YAY! for your personal health concerns being over. So thankful for you. Have a wonderful Christmas holiday. Looking forward to reconnecting in the new year!

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. It's great the cancer is contained, though. My prayers are with him.

  13. Great news on the health front! So glad. Have a wonderful Christmas. See you in 2015. I'm thinking of a lot of time lazing and reading. Sounds good to me.

    1. yep, a wonderful way to spend the time (I have a huge grin just thinking about it).

  14. Thank you everyone for the Christmas wishes and the support. You are all so awesome!!

  15. Glad your health concerns are over, Lynda. Hope 2015 is a wonderful year for you in every way.
    Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to you.

  16. I'm happy that you are feeling better. Merry Christmas.

  17. Shall be looking for your posting, a very Happy Christmas to you and thos you love.

  18. Merry Christmas to you! I'm glad you are healthy!!

  19. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a happy prosperous New Year!

  20. Wonderful news, Lynda! I'm so glad you are well. Merry Christmas to you, too. I hope the new year brings much success and happiness to you.

  21. I'm glad to hear the news about your health, and best of luck to your brother in his quest. As for what I'm doing over the holidays, I've been having a relatively subdued holiday in New York (across the North American continent from my permanent residence in Northern California) and I definitely needed the rest.

    1. subdued holidays are a win in my books. Enjoy that relaxation!

  22. It's a good thing I came back to check, because sure enough, my post didn't save. That's been happening to me a lot lately. I can only surmise it's because I'm using my tired old laptop. Left my iMac at home in Canada. Can't remember what I wrote. Probably something about how proud you must be of your brother. Very happy you're doing well, Lynda. Happy New Year.

    1. It must be so frustrating for you, Joylene. I think I would go crazy if I had to deal with unreliable technology. Hugs!!

  23. Well done to your brother for his efforts and congrats on getting the all clear! Hope things get even better in 2015.

  24. What a lovely pic, and that's good news about your brother's efforts. I'm wishing you and your family a wonderful 2015!

  25. So glad to read your health concerns are a thing of the past. And best wishes to your brother, I will share his link.
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have an even better New Year.

    1. Thanks so much, Julie, for sharing the link. I really appreciate it.
      Happy New Year!

  26. Hope next year brings better news and happiness for you and yours.

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  27. Great news! I'm happy to hear you're in good health!

    We're having a quiet, restful break, enjoying having the family together. :) Best wishes for 2015!

  28. Happy New Year's Eve. Wishing you all the best.

  29. Two for the price of one: Merry Belated X-mas and I wish you a Happy New Year, Lynda! May your wishes come true :))

  30. Hi Lynda! Just stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year. I may may have already stopped by but I don't remember on account of the um... milk I drank. ;)

    1. Merry Christmas to you too,.. and you did stop by but I've been in holiday mode and hadn't checked my moderated comments. Oopsies... I'll also blame the milk. ;)

    2. Don't worry about it. Not one bit :) I hope you had a wonderful time.

  31. Hope you had a spectacular holiday, Lyn, and best wishes for a most productive year. :)

    1. It's been WONDERFUL! Very relaxing and fun and full of everything I enjoy. Best wishes to you too, Mike, for this New Year.

  32. Glad the health scare is over, Lynda. Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year!


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