
Monday, November 3, 2014

Cake and Writing Confidence

Today I'm over at the IWSG website with a post about Finding the Confidence to Write what You Love. I'd love to see you over there.

Today is also Holly Sinclair's Foodie Blog Hop. There's so much I could write about food but managed to narrow it down to wedding cake.
My hubby and I got married in 1999. It was a small wedding with only 50 guests. We did as much as we could ourselves: the invitations, the order of service, the bombonieres. We weren't up for making our own cake, but when we walked into bakeries or patisseries and mentioned we were interested in a wedding cake, eyes lit up. We couldn't believe the prices. All I wanted was chocolate mud cake. How much could a mud cake cost? Put the word wedding in front of it and the price sky-rocketed. So we built one ourselves. Keeping 'wedding' from our vocabulary, we bought one large cake and one smaller one. We then went to the local craft shop and bought some ribbon and gold roses. Ta-da! A wedding cake! I think it cost us $45 total rather than $800. Best tasting wedding cake ever!

Thank you to everyone for the prayers and hugs last week. I'm still going through medical issues. It's a waiting game now, so continued prayer would be awesome.

Don't forget it's the Insecure Writer's Support Group day on Wednesday. Yikes it's November already! If you'd like to be a part of an awesome, supportive group and haven't signed up yet, click here.

And don't forget to visit me over at the IWSG website.

What's your dream wedding cake? What's the best cake you've ever tasted? 


  1. Aren't you clever? I don't get why wedding cakes are so expensive. It's just another cake. Bet that cake really surprised your guests.

    1. I'm pretty sure some of our older relatives had issues over the cake but there was no way I was going traditional!

  2. Beautiful cake! That's crazy how expensive it would have been. Enjoying seeing everyone's food picks.

    1. I know that decorating those beautiful traditional wedding cakes takes a lot of time, but we simply couldn't afford it. Plus it's harder to do for a mud cake (apparently).

  3. That's awesome! Well done :)
    Sending best wishes your way!!!!

  4. Your cake turned out beautiful. We went to the Justice of the Peace to be married, but since our parents flew in for the event, I still wanted a cake. I managed to find a simple, two-tiered wedding cake for about $40.

    1. oh my gosh, a $40 two tier wedding cake!! How utterly awesome!

  5. Good for you! But now I want cake.... :)

    Sending good thoughts your way....

  6. You are a smart girl to make your own wedding cake. Look at what you have done Lyn, on my fasting day, you have tempted me with chocolate mud cake :(

    1. Oops. I've done the same to myself. While I'm not fasting, I'm still dieting... sigh ;)

  7. Well done on the cake. And I'll be thinking about you and hoping all is well. ((hugs))

  8. Anyway to save money is grand indeed. Hopefully the medical issues subside soon

  9. Now, wasn't that a wonderfully practical thing to do!
    Sending you positive energy! Too many bloggers are ill these days... kinda makes you wonder if someone is trying to eradicate us....

    1. I think you might be onto something!! We shall NOT be eradicated!! We are too strong! ;)

    2. yep, and if me falls first, you is all doomed :)

    3. Ha, we're safe! Because you would never fall. You're far too strong for that!

  10. beautiful cake! Hope it tasted as good as it looked.

  11. Hi Lynda .. sounds like a wonderful wedding just as you wanted it .. and the idea of the chocolate mud cakes sounds delicious ... I've had lunch - so need to survive the day til this memory fades.

    I hope things will improve for you - with thoughts .. Hilary

  12. Great idea on saving money and still getting exactly what you wanted. Thinking about you and the waiting.

  13. Oh would I love to have a bite of that luscious cake, Lynda. Very clever of you to put it together. You are always in my prayers, my dear.

  14. So smart! And that cake looks fantastic. A mud wedding cake, awesome. Thanks for participating in the hop.

  15. The price can be crazy, can't it?

    The best I had was pink (strawberry or cherry, I forget now) with white frosting. The cake was fluffy and moist. The frosting was light, whipped, and had a few sugar sprinkles to give just a tiny crunch that really made it a great mouth experience.

  16. Sounds like a winning wedding cake! Also, hope that you feel better soon:)

  17. Let them keep their $800. The cake looked great. Great choice for the foodie hop Lynda and best of luck with your health.

  18. Of *course* it had to be chocolate ...

  19. Oh wow on the wedding cake! I wish I had done that with my daughter's wedding. Her cake cost more than her gown! It's awful! Hope you are doing ok!

  20. That is a beautiful wedding cake! I've never had mud cake. Will have to look for a recipe.

    1. mud cakes are super rich, but best eaten with even more richness in the form of hot fudge poured over the top. ;)

  21. Youre wedding day sounds just like mine. Fifty guests.... not an $800 wedding cake and lots of fun!

    How's life, Lynda?

    1. I love the small weddings. If you aren't into extravagance, then there's no need for it. It's all about fun and celebration with your closest friends and relatives.

      And life is ok... there are a few questions hanging in the air at the moment, but I'm trying not to think about those. They are out of my control anyway.

  22. Sending love and light, and a virtual chocolate cake!!!!!

    1. virtual chocolate cake is the best kind when one is dieting (which I am). Thanks, Catherine.

  23. What a clever thing to do for your wedding cake! Now I'm off to read your article. :)

  24. The only trouble with wedding cake is that they look too good to cut into and they get brought out when you're too full to enjoy a piece. Always tastes better next day! Great job on yours. Looks so professional.

    I hope those on-going medical issues are sorting out Lyn. Not a fun time for sure.

    Denise :)

    1. Most wedding cakes are works of art in their own right! I'm glad you like the look of my cake. I was super pleased with the way it turned out. Thanks, Denise.

  25. What a wonderful idea! It is lovely, and such a creative solution to an expensive problem. :)

  26. What a wonderful idea for a beautiful cake and to save money. I'll check out the link.

  27. When I saw the title, I thought it would be a post about how eating cake helps to boost writing confidence.....LOL
    Building your own wedding cake? Smart move.
    Great post over at the IWSG site, Lynda!

    1. I'm pretty sure eating cake helps with most things... except dieting ;)

  28. Awesome. That's the way to do a wedding cake. My brother's was actually made of rice krispie treats, but covered in frosting. Brilliant, right?

    I'm headed over to read your post, but take care, woman. You know you're not far from my thoughts or prayers.

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

  29. That was really smart to save money on a wedding cake. We had a small wedding of about 50 people, too. I, unfortunately, had a migraine at my wedding and couldn't eat the supposedly delicious cake.

    By the way, I read your previous post and I'll be praying for you.

    1. Thanks so much for the prayers, Shelley.
      Shame you had a migraine and couldn't enjoy your cake!

  30. Love the cake. it looks very professional and I bet it tasted great--sweeter and more satisfying. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

    1. exactly right! I think it was the best choc mud cake I've ever had.

  31. what an awesome cake! we had a mud cake too - it wasn't overly costly and I checked the size because we had around 140 at our wedding... she assured me she had the right size cake... but we ran out .. hubby is still sad he didn't get any cake on his wedding day ... 17 year ago LOL


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